Exclusive Report! Hiroko Kasahara talks about her thoughts on singing and her enthusiasm for the live performance! Interview with Hiroko Kasahara just before "Hiroko Kasahara Christmas Live 2017
Voice actress Hiroko Kasahara will hold her solo live "Hiroko Kasahara Christmas Live 2017" on December 24 (Sun.), 2017 at Shibuya TAKE OFF7.
Exactly one year ago, Ms. Kasahara started her live activities at the same venue with her backing band "Aishtels☆Special," and she will once again hold a Christmas live with the same members for two performances, day and night.
This time, we asked him about his enthusiasm for the Christmas live, looking back on his live activities over the past year.
A year guided by the god of song
─ ─ This live concert will mark the first anniversary of the "Ishtels☆Special. First of all, could you look back on the past year?
Hiroko Kasahara (Kasahara): It has already been a year! It has been a year full of substance, and I realized once again that I have so many songs. I feel like I want to sing all the songs that I have received from now on, so although it is too early to say, I definitely want to sing many songs at live concerts next year.
─ You have been self-producing your live performances for the past year. How does it feel to plan and realize your own projects?
Kasahara I feel that I am creating a good form that can be enjoyed by both those who enjoy Hiroko Kasahara's songs and those who know her from her plays. (Self-production projects) have been a learning experience for me, and have led me to discover what I want to do next. It is at my own pace, but I am finding more and more things I want to do.
─ How do you feel about working with a fixed group of band members each time?
Kasahara I am the type of person who takes time to get to know people well, so it tends to take time to build something up from there. However, I felt very comfortable with "Ishitels☆Special" from the very first moment. I don't think such encounters happen very often.
I think that kind of atmosphere is conveyed to the audience at the concert, and this encounter is the driving force for me to want to do live performances. I hope that my power plus the power of "Aishtels☆Special" will make it a bigger power.
After the turning point of my life, I once again feel that I am blessed with really good encounters. I am sure that the god of song is saying to me, "You have such good songs, so sing more of them" (laughs).
─ ─ Personally, I was surprised to see Kasahara-san singing "HELLO, VIFAM" at the last concert.
Kasahara: "VIFAM!" (laughs), but I was happy that my wish to say it with you all came true. There was also a "VIFAM" reunion this year, so I feel that something is connected somewhere after all.
You'll understand if you come! What's inside the fun live show: ......?
─ ─ After all these experiences, this Christmas live concert will be held twice a day and twice a night, won't it?
Kasahara Yes, after the concert in June, I was hoping to do it again this year on Christmas, and to have a Christmas party-like event before the concert, and I am grateful to be able to take on this challenge. We want to make it a bit like a festival, so we are going to try something new.
─ ─ It might be a waste if you don't go both day and night.
Kasahara I'm sorry it turned out that way (laughs). I'm sure there will be people who have cleared their Christmas Eve schedule for the concert, and I'm sure there will be people who will come from far away, so I hope they will enjoy the concert to the fullest, and that it will be a kind of a closing event for the year.
We will also have a special Christmas present section this year, so I am sure that those who come will be delighted.
Saito-san (bandmaster of "Ishtels☆Special") has given me a lot of ideas for this show, so it is really a special live performance that I couldn't have done by myself. This time, there are rare songs that we will sing live for the first time.
─ How does it feel to sing a song that is being performed live for the first time?
Kasahara When I sing new songs, I realize how much I love singing. Of course I love singing new songs that I have sung before, but singing new songs that I have breathed new life into is a real adrenaline rush.
I think that live performances are precious because they are truly live and only happen once. I like what is created in that moment. I am very happy to be able to sing these songs every year.
─ ─ Lastly, please tell us about the highlights of this live performance.
Kasahara There is one thing I would like to say, but it is better not to: ......, so please come! (laughs) It will be a fun live show for sure. (It will be a fun show, I'm sure.) Thankfully, the experience of doing live shows has stayed with me, and I feel like I'm making the most of it.
It's like meat that has been laid down to mature, like ...... matured meat (laughs). I think you will be able to taste it with such a good feeling.
─ ─ Thank you very much. I am looking forward to it!
[Live concert information
■Hiroko Kasahara Christmas Live 2017
...Date and Time: December 24, 2017 (Sun.)
Afternoon Session Opening Party - Memories of Roses - Doors open 12:00 Concert begins 12:30
Evening Session: Christmas Special Live - Purple Roses on Christmas Eve - Doors open 17:30 Concert begins 18:00
Ticket Price: Daytime Sold Out
Ticket Price: Day Ticket: Sold out Night Ticket: Advance 4,500 yen (tax included) Day Ticket: 5,000 yen (tax included)
Ticket URL:#
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