IOSYS Akiba Alleyway Store is undergoing renovation work.

The Iosys Akiba Alley Alley Store is closed from Monday, January 29 to Thursday, February 8 for renewal work.

According to the POP posted in the storefront, "IOSYS Akiba Alley Renewal", "1/29 (Mon.) - 2/8 (Thu.)
The store will be closed from 1/29 (Mon.) to 2/8 (Thu.)," "This dirty store is out of style, I'm going home and doing poo-stay," and "The new store will be open from 2/9, expect some crazy sales! I'll go back home and do pu-stay.

A reopening sale is scheduled from 2/9 (Fri.) to 2/12 (Mon.), and "warranty support will be provided at neighboring stores" during the closure.

The new store will open on Friday, February 9.