GEO Corporation's top 10 new game software weekly sales ranking has been announced. Here is a summary of the top 10 titles that ranked first this week.
GEO Corporation, a subsidiary of GEO Holdings, Inc.
The top-ranked title for the second week in a row was a popular title!
And PS4 new releases for March and Switch classic titles dominated the ranking!
Here are the GEO New Game Software Weekly Sales Ranking Top 10, all in one place!
Weekly New Game Software Sales Ranking
April 2 - April 8
Rank / Trend / Previous Week's Rank / Title / Maker / Model / Release Date
01. /→/1 / Far Cry 5 / Ubisoft / PS4 / March 29, 2018
02. /up / 4 / Kirby Star Arise / Nintendo / Nintendo DS / March 16, 2018
03. /↑/ 6/ March the Giant 2/ Koei Tecmo Games/PS4/March 15, 2018
04. /↓ / 2 / Super Robot Wars X / Namco Bandai Entertainment / PS4 / March 29, 2018
05. /→ / 5 / Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom / Level-5 / PS4 / March 23, 2018
06. /↑ / 8 / Splatoon 2 / Nintendo / Nintendo DS / July 21, 2017
07. /↑/9 / Mario Kart 8 / Deluxe / Nintendo / Nintendo DSwitch / April 28, 2017
08. /↓/ 3/ Super Robot Wars X/ Bandai Namco Entertainment/PSVita/March 29, 2018
09. /↑/ 17/ Hokuto Ga Gotoku/SEGA Games/PS4/March 8, 2018
10. /up / 16 / Rainbow Six Siege / Advanced Edition / Ubisoft / PS4 / March 1, 2018
These are the Top 10 GEO New Game Software Weekly Sales Rankings.
Were there any titles you were interested in or have already purchased?
If you have not played any of these titles, please pick them up and try them for yourself.
The following is a buyer's comment from the GEO Media Products Department.
Buyer Comments
PS4 "Far Cry 5" ranked No. 1 for the second week in a row. The fact that we were able to place more orders amid a shortage of products is paying off.
The previous week saw fewer new releases, resulting in a calm ranking. As a result, the March new releases for PS4 and classic Switch titles dominated the ranking.
(GEO Corporation, Media Products Department, Media Products 2 Section, Buyer: Takashi Muto)
*This ranking is based on new game software sales at approximately 1,200 GEO stores from April 2 to April 8, 2018, the first week of April.
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