Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory" Episode 1: The ending is so intriguing that you can't take your eyes off the rest of the story!
It has finally begun! The TV anime "Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory".
The TV anime series "Fullmetal" has finally entered its fourth season.
Looking back, it has been 12 years since the last one. Those who were in junior high or high school back then are now in their twenties. I'm almost in my 40's myself (I cry).
The original work itself was completed 7 years ago, and perhaps that's why I don't remember much about the main story. While I was happy to see the TV anime adaptation, I have to admit that I took a step back from when I was following the story in real time. Therefore, my enthusiasm in watching the first episode was more like a "wise man mode" than a "full-frontal naked standby". However, when I finished watching the episode, I was so anxious about the next episode that I felt that I would definitely continue watching!
This work is a serious version. It is a serious version of the second season of "Full Metal Panic? There is probably no comedic color like "Fumofu," and the atmosphere is tense from the very first episode.
Especially in Avant, the breakup of the Testarossa siblings is more clear.
Until now, they had been at odds with each other due to their positions in their organizations, but in the end they were loosely connected as brother and sister, but even that seems to have been severed in this scene.
What is also impressive is that the elder brother Leonard tried to change his relationship with the younger sister Teresa through dialogue, while the younger sister, who tended to avoid conflict as much as possible, refused, threatening him with force. Furthermore, I was surprised to learn that the place where they had such an exchange was, in fact, a precipice.
Speaking of a precipice, a precipice is a standard location for the final scene of two-hour dramas (suspense), and most of them end with the culprit being cornered, but in this Fullmeta, it was impressive that it was used as a parting of ways nuance. The use of such a scene in the title backdrop of the first episode seems to indicate that the story is in its final stages.
As we move from Part A to Part B, the story becomes even more disturbing.
Amalgam, which has so far failed to produce results against the hostile organization Mithril, finally shows its serious attitude. It declares that it will use all its resources to crush Mithril, Chidori Kaname, one of the Whispereds who bring the over-technology that Amalgam is after, and Sousuke Sagara, a mercenary sent by Mithril to protect Chidori and the main character of this work.
The situation changes suddenly when Leonard, an amalgamated executive, brother of Teresa Testarossa and a whispard, visits Chidori Kaname as well.
Sagara decides to protect Chidori and contacts Mithril to move her to a safer location, but at the same time, Mithril is raided and cannot be reached. Sagara, who is protecting Chidori, once again faces a dangerous situation. The seriousness of the amalgam finally takes shape.
Although there is no flashy action and the humanoid weapon "Arm Slave" does not play an active role in Parts A and B, there are developments that seem to change the environment surrounding both Chidori and Sagara. In one scene, Chidori and Sagara are coming home from school holding hands, and their relationship seems to be gradually progressing. On the other hand, Sagara is still trying to get back into the camp he won in the previous "Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid"! The Second Raid," is in jeopardy, and we can't take our eyes off what kind of choice will be forced on him.
What kind of developments await us in the second episode, which will be aired sequentially starting today?
I will be watching it in real time today.
(Editorial Department, Rookie #1)
(c)Syoji Gato, Shiki Doji/KADOKAWA/FMP!4
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