Dengekibunko 25th Anniversary Summer Fair" will be held in June! Special events for the 25th anniversary of Dengekibunko and the 10th anniversary of Dengekibunko MAGAZINE are being developed one after another!
Dengekibunko, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary since its first publication, and Dengekibunko MAGAZINE, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary, are currently developing a special project and will hold a "Dengekibunko 25th Anniversary Summer Waiting Fair" in June.
KADOKAWA Inc.'s entertainment novel label Dengekibunko will celebrate its 25th anniversary this year since its first issue in 1993.
To commemorate the anniversary, a one-year event will be held from April 2018 to March 2019 under the theme of "Always be a Challenger. Dengekibunko Magazine, the most powerful entertainment magazine for Dengekibunko fans, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary since its first issue in 2008, is also holding a variety of special events to commemorate its 10th anniversary.
This time, information on the "Dengekibunko 25th Anniversary Summer Fair" to be held in June and the pre-registration campaign for "Engage Princess," a game commemorating Dengekibunko's 25th anniversary, have been announced.
For more details, please visit the official Dengekibunko 25th Anniversary website.
Event Information
Dengeki Bunko 25th Anniversary Special Event
◆Bookstore Fair
In addition to the annual "Summer Super Appreciation Fair," special seasonal fairs will be held throughout the year to commemorate the 25th anniversary. Newly illustrations featuring a total of 25 Dengekibunko heroines, from masterpieces to the latest works, will liven up the 25th anniversary fair. For details, please visit the official website of the 25th anniversary of Dengekibunko.
<June Fair: Dengekibunko 25th Anniversary Summer Fair
Date】 Scheduled to be held sequentially from around June 9.
When you purchase a Dengekibunko title with a "Waiting in Summer Fair" label or a Dengekibunko title with a "Fair" sticker at participating bookstores, you will receive a postcard featuring newly illustrated Dengekibunko heroines to blow away the rainy season blues.
The postcard lineup includes
Accel World" Kuroyukihime ・"Ilya's Sky, UFO's Summer" Kana Irino ・"Toradora! Taiga Osaka ・"Hataraku Maou-sama! Emi Yusa *This event will be held at bookstores participating in the fair. The target stores will be announced later on the official website of the 25th anniversary of Dengeki Bunko.
The start date and distribution method of the gifts may differ depending on the store.
The distribution of gifts will end as soon as all the gifts are distributed.
<Upcoming fairs
Summer Super Appreciation Fair" to be held from around August.
Winter Hot and Warm Fair" to be held from around winter
Koisuru Yomiuri Fair" to be held in early spring 2019
◆Popular and new works on novel submission sites
Popular Dengeki Bunko authors are currently serializing their new works on novel submission sites, includingKakuyom( # ), a novel submissionsite operated by KADOKAWA. Look out for future lineups, including revival serializations of masterpieces. In addition, a contest sponsored by the Dengekibunko editorial department is also being held.
The lineup currently on view is as follows
Ilya's Sky, UFO's Summer," "Minoru Kawakami is Doing Something Freestyle," "86 - Eighty-Six," "Did You Think Your Netoge Wife Wasn't a Girl? Rust Eater Bisco," etc.
◆Dengeki Bunko x niconicoPre-registration campaign for"Engage Princess", a game commemorating the 25th anniversary of Dengeki Bunkois underway!
Dengeki Bunko and niconico have teamed up to release "Engage Princess," a romantic comedy RPG with original story and main story by Tsukasa Fushimi and main character design and illustrations by Hiro Kanzaki. On the official website, in addition to the main visual of "Engage Princess," the story of the work, details of the five main characters, and the voice actors responsible for them have been revealed. The second PV is also on view.
As can be seen from the fact that the authors and illustrators of "Eromanga-sensei" and "Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai," this game is being developed with the full cooperation of the Dengeki Bunko editorial department, and the scenario and illustrations are being created by the gorgeous creators who are active in Dengeki Bunko in addition to the above two. The scenario and illustrations in the game will be created by the two above-mentioned creators, as well as other creators, vocalo Ps, and artists who are active on niconico.
◆Dengeki Bunko 25th Anniversary Commemorative Goods
Special goods commemorating the 25th anniversary of Dengeki Bunko will be produced and sold. A special figure of Asuna, the heroine of "Sword Art Online" and a bed sheet with a new illustration of "Eromanga-sensei" are currently available for pre-order at Dengeki-ya.
In addition, a special drum set in collaboration with the drum manufacturer Canopus is alsoinproduction.In addition, various other commemorative goods are being planned, so be sure to check them out.
SAO" Asuna figure image
◆Media Mix
In terms of media mix development, "Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online" TV anime is currently airing and "Sword Art Online: Arisiation" and "Seishun Butauyaku wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume Mai ni" TV anime are scheduled to start airing from October. In addition, TV anime production of popular titles such as "To Aru Majutsu no Index", production of the third OVA series of "Strike the Blood", and OVA production of "Eromanga Sensei" have also been decided.
Dengeki Bunko Magazine 10th Anniversary Special Project
The super-luxurious writing team has gathered! 10 series of newly written popular works!
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Dengekibunko Magazine, a team of luxury writers has gathered to create a series of 10 newly written popular works. Ten newly written stories of popular Dengekibunko titles on the theme of "Birthday" will be published in two issues, Vol.61 (on sale now) and Vol.62 (on sale on June 9).
Two consecutive issues! Gorgeous reader giveaway!
Dengekibunko MAGAZINE Vol.61 (on sale now) and Vol.62 (on sale June 9) will feature two consecutive issues of Dengekibunko MAGAZINE, each of which will feature a special reader gift to mark the 10th anniversary of Dengekibunko MAGAZINE. The gifts include an original reproduction of a painting signed by the author, a script signed by the cast, and more.
◆Competition of up-and-coming Dengeki Bunko authors! Newly written competition project "Deadline Girls
Up-and-coming authors of Dengekibunko will compete to write a short story on the theme of "Deadline" in "Dengekibunko Magazine" Vol. 62 (on sale June 9).
Professional illustrations will be provided for the stories submitted by readers! Readers' Submission Project
A project in which works submitted by readers to "Kakuyom" will be professionally illustrated and published in "Dengekibunko Magazine". Details of the application will be announced on the official Dengekibunko page of "Kakuyom" and in "Dengekibunko Magazine Vol. 62" (on sale June 9).
◆Special supplement unique to the 10th anniversary
Dengekibunko MAGAZINE Vol.61" and "Dengekibunko MAGAZINE Vol.62" will feature a "Dengekibunko Clear Bookmark" as a supplement. In addition, "Dengekibunko MAGAZINE Vol. 63" (scheduled for release on August 10) will include a "copyrighted illustration book" featuring anime illustrations that have adorned Dengekibunko MAGAZINE to date.
Image of "Dengekibunko Clear Bookmark
New "Dengekibunko MAGAZINE" electronic edition
In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Dengekibunko MAGAZINE,the electronic version of Dengekibunko MAGAZINE has been available since"DengekibunkoMAGAZINE Vol.61". BOOK WALKER offers a collection of pinup illustrations as a purchase bonus.
For details on the electronic version of "Dengekibunko MAGAZINE," please check each e-book store.
The price differs between the paper version and the electronic version.
Some articles and clear bookmarks are not included in the electronic version.
*The paper version and e-book stores other than BOOK WALKER do not include the pinup illustration collection.
The release date differs between the electronic version and the paper version. The electronic version will be distributed around the 25th of even-numbered months.
(C)2018 Tsukasa Fushimi / Straight Edge (C)KADOKAWA CORPORATION 2018 (C)2018 DWANGO Co.
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