You Still Don't Know Gumma" Episode 8 Thoughts: "I Love the Sea (for No Reason!)" in a Sea-less Prefecture

The short anime "You Still Don't Know Gunma " (omagun) started this April.
Based on a comic serialized on the web comic distribution site "Kurage Bunch," it is a comedy in which "Gunma" (Gunma Prefecture/people in Gunma Prefecture), which is often disparaged on the Internet, is deformed with exaggerated action scenes with a lot of tension.

This work is so local that only the local commercial TV station, Gunma Television (Gunma Television), broadcasts it, which is a crying shame. However, it is also available on Animax and GYAO! The author, a native of Gunma, delves into the details of such a super-local work with love.

The subtitle of the latest episode, episode 8, is "The Sea. Why did this work, which has featured so many of Gumma's unusual specialties, choose a subtitle like "The Sea," which could be found anywhere? Moreover, there is no sea in Gumma Prefecture. As mentioned in the work, Gumma is one of only eight "sea-less prefectures" among the 47 prefectures in Japan, so what in the world does "sea" mean?

However, the aim of the story hit me as soon as I started watching the film. Kangetsu is asked by his mother to go to a field day and take video on behalf of the parents of his cousin Minoru, an elementary school student. On the day of the field day, he recalls his memories of Minoru while visiting the elementary school. In fact, he is a genuine Gunma native, but unlike his friend Todoroki and others, he thinks he is quite decent. However, when he remembers the unusual excitement he experienced when he visited the sea in Ciba Prefecture, where Kamizuki used to live, he begins to reconsider his feelings.

Yes, the people of Gumma Prefecture have a very strong yearning for the sea because it is a sea-less prefecture. Of course, the story is deformed, but I remember that when I was a child, I was quite excited to go swimming in the sea once a year. When I returned home after three days and two nights at the seaside, I cried uncontrollably. Even after I became a high school student, I could not hold back my longing for the sea, and once, during spring vacation, a few high school boys and I took a train to the sea in Kamakura and fell into a coma (black history: ......). Currently, the JR Takasaki Line ( see Episode 1) and the JR Tokaido Line are connected by a mutual transit line called the Shonan Shinjuku Line, but the Shonan Shinjuku Line heading for Kamakura is always crowded in early spring, probably because a large number of people from Gumma Prefecture who have such feelings for Kamakura begin to move to the city. I personally believe that this is because a large number of people from Gumma Prefecture with such thoughts in their hearts start to move to Kamakura.

And don't forget. Every elementary school in Gumma has a summer event called "Rinkai Gakko" (seaside school). This was probably created as an educational initiative to give children in Gunma, a "sea-less prefecture," a chance to experience the sea, but it was also a way to give children in Niigata Prefecture and other prefectures (for some reason, Niigata, not Kanto or neighboring prefectures!) It is a kind of hands-on school trip where elementary school students go to a seaside training facility for about three days and two nights. Naturally, during the daytime they mainly enjoyed swimming, and at night they enjoyed recreational activities such as campfires, etc. I remember that I, for example, was so excited by the fun that I reached the maximum tension and danced folk dances around in a very high state of excitement (black history! (This is black history. ......).

(Black history: ) So, I think that the out-of-this-world tension of the real story is quite understandable, or rather, it is such a common reaction that all Gumma residents would nod their heads and say, "Well, that's just the way it is. What is funny is the following line in the monologue of the fruit.

The sea-less prefecture is...! They have a strong yearning for sashimi! (omission) They think they'll be happy if we give them sashimi! No matter what kind of inn you stay in deep in the mountains! Sashimi for dinner!

That's a strange thing to say. It's a very strange thing to say, Minoru!

I mean, Minoru's CV is Yui Ogura. I was surprised by her high-tension performance! Also, I didn't know she was from Gumma!

(I didn't know she was from Gumma!)