D3P releases a new game countdown site "Tanoshii item sagasashi" for Switch!

D3 Publisher released today, June 11 (Mon.), a new game countdown site for Nintendo Switch, "Tanoshii tamashii item wo sagashi" (Happy Item Searching).

Tanoshii tanashii item sagashi" is a countdown site for new games for Nintendo Switch. By finding and clicking on the specified item somewhere in the illustration, you will be able to get a hint of the new game.

The site will be updated around noon every day until June 15 (Fri.), when the teaser site will be opened to the public. The items to be found and the hints to be revealed will change every day, so why don't you enjoy searching for items while trying to guess the new game title?

Countdown site for new games for Nintendo Switch "Tanoshii item sagashi" (Japanese only)
Site URL: ##

The site's URL is: ##: "Tanashii item wo sagashii" (Find the designated item hidden somewhere in this illustration, and the contents of the new game will be revealed little by little! The more the countdown progresses, the more the illustrations will change!