The long-awaited PV from the TV anime "Chuenchu Kankeiroku Tonegawa" has been released...!

The long-awaited PV of the TV anime "Chuenchu Kankeiroku Tonegawa," which is scheduled to begin airing on July 3, 2018 (Tuesday) on NTV's AnichU slot, has been unveiled on the official website.

The "Interim Managerial Record Tonegawa" is a spin-off of Nobuyuki Fukumoto's "Gambling Revelation Kaiji" featuring Yukio Tonegawa, the number two of Teiai group, who is one of the characters in the story and Kaiji's arch-enemy. Nobuyuki Fukumoto collaborated on the project, Tenharu Hagiwara wrote the original story, and Tomoki Miyoshi and Tomohiro Hashimoto are in charge of the manga. Despite being created as a spin-off, the work has become a very popular series, ranking first in "This Manga is Amazing! 2017 Otoko Hen" and selling over 2 million copies (including e-books) in total. The production will be handled by Madhouse, well-known for the TV anime series "Gyakkyo Muyo Kaiji".
⇒2018 summer anime

Tomoyuki Morikawa has been announced as Yukio Tonegawa, the number 2 of the Teiai group, and the 10 membersofthe black-clad cast have been announced. In addition, it was revealed that Jihide Kawahira will narrate the show, and that the opening theme will be "Dashing and Running" by "Gesu no Kyokumi-Otome. It was also announced that the opening themewould be "Dashing and Running Tonegawa-kun" (Warner Music Japan) by " Gesu no Kyokumi Otome " and the ending theme would be "Oki Letter" (SPEEDSTAR RECORDS) by Takehara Pistol.

And now, the PV has finally been released.
The PV depicts not only Tonegawa, but also Chairman Hyodo and the black uniforms, and is truly an overwhelming and heart-rending video for the start of the broadcast in July, so be sure to check it out.

Interim Kankeiroku Tonegawa" PV

Work Information】 ※Titles omitted
TV anime "Chuenchu Kankeiroku Tonegawa

Cooperation: Nobuyuki Fukumoto
Original Story: Tenharu Hagiwara
Manga: Tomoki Miyoshi, Tomohiro Hashimoto "Chushin Kankeiroku Tonegawa" (serialized in Kodansha's "Comic DAYS")

Director: Keiichiro Kawaguchi
Series Composition: Mitsuki Hirota
Character Design / Chief Animation Director: Haruhito Takada
Color Designer:Harue Ohno
Editing: Mariko Tsukatsune
Sound Director: Kisuke Koizumi
Sound Production: HALF H.P. STUDIO

Opening Theme: Gesu no Kyokumi-Otome. Dashing and Running Tonegawa-kun" (Warner Music Japan)
Ending theme: Takehara Pistol "Oki Letter" (SPEEDSTAR RECORDS)

Music: Takahiro Yamada

Animation Production: Madhouse

Yukio Tonegawa (Tonegawa): Tomoyuki Morikawa

Kenji Yamazaki: Wataru Hatano
Saemon Saburo Jiro: Shimazaki Nobunaga
Ebiya: Taku Yashiro
Toshimasa Kawasaki: Koutaro Nishiyama
Gonda: Rikiya Koyama
Nakata: Daiki Hamano
Koji Doshita: Takuya Eguchi
Keiichi Ogino: Akira Ishida
Junichi Hagio: Kengo Kawanishi
Kikuchi: Takaya Aoyagi
Nagata: Sawashiro Chiharu
Yaotome Naka: Takuatsu Terashima
Saeko Nishiguchi: Reina Maeda

Yoshihiro Kurosaki: Atsushi Miyauchi
Yuji Endo: Kenjiro Tsuda
Seiya Ichijo: Daisuke Namikawa
Masayan: Akio Otsuka

Kazutaka Hyodo: Masatane Tsugayama
Kaiji Ito (Kaiji): Masato Hagiwara

Narration: Jihide Kawahira

and others

<Broadcast Information
Broadcasting on Tuesdays at 25:59 on Nippon Television Network Corporation's AnichU slot, etc., starting July 3 (Tue.), 2018 for a "two-cour" period.
(*Broadcasting time is subject to change without notice.)

(C) Nobuyuki Fukumoto, Tenharu Hagiwara, Tomoki Miyoshi, Tomohiro Hashimoto / Kodansha, Teiai Group Publicity Department

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