PC game distribution platform Steam ( # ) is currently running its summer sale "Transcending the Galaxy SUMMER SALE" until July 6.
今回のセールでは、人気のバトルロイヤルゲーム 「Player Unknown's Battlegrounds(PUBG)」 (3,300円 ⇒ 2,211円 -33% )や、サバイバルホラーゲーム 「Dead by Daylight Deluxe Edition」 (2,980円 ⇒ 1, 192 yen -60% ) and "Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Edition" (4,100 yen ⇒ 1,886 yen -54% ), as well as domestic titles such as "Dark Souls III - The Fire Fades Edition" (5,832 yen ⇒ 1, 749 yen -70%), "Dark Souls III - The Fire Fades Edition" (5,832 yen ⇒ 1, 749 yen -70%), and "Dark Souls II - The Fire Fades" (5,832 yen ⇒ 1,749 yen -70%). 749 yen -70% ) and "Nioh Complete Edition" (6,264 yen ⇒ 3,758 yen -40% ), as well as "FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION" (8,424 yen ⇒ 4,212 yen -50% ), "Ni no KuniII: Revenant Kingdom" (8,640 yen ⇒ 5,184 yen -40% ).
Other titles on sale include a variety of classic titles and indie titles, so be sure to check them out.