Proverb" and "Bat" have both become capsule toys! Wacky Kaizan's latest gacha exploration No. 17
Here's a gacha for you!
This month, our capsule toy concierge, Wacky Kaiyama, will be back with his latest gacha exploration column, in which he will help you select the best gacha for your needs.
The other day, the TV program "Tokoro-san! (NHK), where I had the pleasure of co-starring with the king of fun, Mr. George Tokoro, whom I adore. We gave him a "Monkey Bike" gacha as a gift, which we have featured in this series before.
So, let me introduce you to another coveted item.
Today's Proverb" Epoch Publishing Co.
A cool new item from Epoch, a company that has recently been taking up Japanese culture in particular (?). Epoch Inc. has come out with a cool new item!
A 3D version of a "proverb" that everyone knows! You may know the meaning, but have you ever imagined the visual? This is truly a historical product.
There are 7 kinds in total. Let's start with this year's zodiac sign, the dog.
Dogs and Sticks (brown) and (white) - If a dog walks, it will hit a stick.
Two versions of Akita dogs, one brown and the other white.
The brown dog is a pole-like guardrail with a bang on it! The white dog is Dawn on a piece of pole!
Run-run-run, run-run, run-run...bouncing their feet, wagging their tails, and at the height of their fun, an unexpected event occurred! The dog is hit by a stick! The expression on the bent dog's face is brilliant. What kind of situation is this? I can't help but fantasize about it.
Frog in the well" - a frog in the well does not know the ocean.
It means to live in a small world and not to know the big world. This is too big a frog to know the narrow world inside a well! The frog looks like it's in pain because it's stuck in the well. His legs are flailing and he's struggling. It's more comical than pitiful when it gets this far. I can't help but burst out laughing. The mini-book even shows the ugly face of the frog stuck in the bottom of the well.
Cats and koban" -- koban for cats!
The power of this expression is tremendous. There are many cat figures, but never one that is sealed in a koban! This idea is very difficult to come up with. The tortoiseshell cat with a big head is also a good idea! Cats like to be in tight spaces, but they wouldn't fit in this gap, would they? As the saying goes, this is a "meaningless thing.
... "A monkey and a twig" -- even a monkey falls from a tree.
The blank expression on his face as he desperately grips the twig with his left hand makes us imagine that he must have lost his voice due to the shock and severe pain of falling from quite a high place. Also, looking over his back, he is giving off a melancholy "what I did ......" look. I think the meaning of the proverb is something like that.
A pigeon hit by a peashooter.
It's exactly what it looks like! And to the vital point! It's like a pigeon saying, "Ugh! The pigeon is saying, "Ugh! The pigeon's beak is half-open and it is leaning forward slightly, which shows the degree of impact of the peashooter.
People are thinking creatures, and I can feel the enthusiasm with which the developers have focused their wisdom. It is extremely difficult to come up with one's own answer to a question based on the lessons learned from one's predecessors. Life is a study, and it is endless.
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