Anime adaptation announced! PRISM☆LIVE! ~Live report of "2nd STAGE~Ready for Dream" arrived!
PRISM☆LIVE! 2nd STAGE~2nd STAGE~Ready for Dream" was held on July 1 (Sun.) at Yamano Hall in Yoyogi, Tokyo.
The thought-based rhythm action game "Re:Stage! Prism Step", which tells the story of junior high school girls chasing their dreams. .
Its 2nd live, "Re:Stage! PRISM☆LIVE! 2nd STAGE~2nd STAGE~Ready for Dream" was held at Yoyogi Yamano Hall on July 1 (Sun.).
Here is the official report from the event.
Official Report】 ※Titles omitted
PRISM☆LIVE! 2nd STAGE~2nd STAGE~Ready for Dream" was held at Yoyogi Yamano Hall on July 1 (Sun.).
This time, in addition to KiRaRe, Ortansia, and Stella Maris, who appeared in the 1st live, Trois Anges and Tetrarchia made their first appearance. A total of 18 performers from 5 units gave an impressive performance that lasted for about 3 hours and 40 minutes.
First, KiRaRe appeared on stage. They sang "Oath Sensation," their first live performance, and the audience's voltage suddenly reached a maximum.
Colorful penlights were waved vigorously in time to the song, changing the mood of the entire venue to one of joy. The highlight of the show was the cute new red and white costumes! This is what the members of KiRaRe are wearing on the jacket of "Oath Sensation". The silhouette of the tulle that extends from the waist and flutters as they move was impressive.
Next, Ortansia appeared on stage and performed "Dream a gate" to the light of pink penlights.
gate" to the light of pink penlights. The word "friend" alone does not do justice to the special bond between the two, and the audience was thrilled by the stage they were able to create.
Tetrarchia followed with a passionate rendition of "Fearless Girl. The audience was also very excited as Tetrarchia sang "Fearless Girl" with her hair in disarray. to which the audience responded with loud cheers.
Trois Anges charmed the audience with her ballet-like graceful dance in "Troimelai in the Shadow of the Moon. The large white ribbons on their heads shone through the light, giving the stage a divine atmosphere, as if real angels had descended.
Stella Maris thenperformed"Brilliant Wings" forthe first time live.The rock sound of Stella Maris brought the entire audience together in excitement.
Each unit performed one song at a time, each expressing a different view of the world. From this point on, the live show proceeded with MC with each unit's colorful voice.
After the MC, they sang "Winter Jewels. The girls performed the dance moves in changing formations with ease, showing the effort they had put in for this performance.
The MC for Ortansia was a combination of Ozawa-san and Hanamori-san, who were just as perfect as Murasaki and Yokka.
Ms. Hanamori, who is a firm believer, and Ms. Ozawa, who occasionally delivered tongue-in-cheek remarks, were like a comic duo, to which Ms. Hanamori replied, "I wonder what it means to be an idol...? to which Hanamori replied, "I wonder what an idol is..." This drew laughter from the audience. This drew laughter from the audience. The live part, however, was a different story, as the duo sang "crave" in a calm and relaxed manner. This song is a favorite of the two, and the emotional and sad lyrics struck a chord with the audience.
Stella Maris made an homage to the cast announcement video from two years ago during the MC, and the audience responded with joy. Takahashi, Suwa, and Tanaka, who gently watched over them, were in good balance, communicating with the audience in a lighthearted manner as they proceeded with their MC. The gap between the three, who were so cute in their talk, and the three who were so powerful in their live performance, was impressive. During "Koi wa Fusion," they performed a dance that was full of cuteness, drawing hearts with their fingertips and making heart marks with their thumbs and index fingers. The performance was not only cool, but also cute, which is the reason why they are champions.
Trois Anges confessed that the three of them had gone to Shinbashi to eat conveyor-belt sushi during the pamphlet photo shoot. The three Trois Anges were relaxed, saying, "I laughed when I imagined the three of us actually going to a conveyor belt sushi restaurant.
Tetrarchia greeted the audience one by one as her character, but Ms. Sato had a cute accident, saying, "I forgot what I was going to say..." "That's okay! I forgot what I was going to say..." "That's okay! The members' voices of "That's okay!" showed a glimpse of their mutual trust. The members then showed off the fact that they all wore character-colored hair extensions. When a member asked, "Cute? The audience answered in unison, "Cute! The audience responded in unison with a loud "kawaii! After the intense call-and-response practice, they sang "Stay Together" again with great intensity.
From there, the six songs continued nonstop, with Ortansia performing a symmetrical and breathtaking dance to "FlowerS ~like a flower blooming next to you~" and Kae and Kasumi performing a cute dance with their characteristic hand movements to "Ku Lulilabye". Stella Maris sang the up-tempo "Secret Dream" with a groove and enthusiasm, and for a change, Mizuha & Mii sang about a complicated maiden's heart in "Kirai Kirai CЯY", while Trois Anges sang the lyrics of "STORIA", which is a single story, with emotion. Maina & Sayu's "GROWING! by Maina & Sayu, we could see their microphone performance using a stand microphone.
The audience was then taken to the announcement corner, where Mr. Tsubakimoto, producer of Re:Stage, and Tetrarchia appeared on stage to announce exciting new information.
Re:Stage! Prism Step" "approximately" 1 year anniversary project, "Update Marathon" and the release of LINE Creator's Stamps. What kind of tour will be held?
While there was some concern as to how the pairing would take place, the second half of the tour finally began here.
It was announced that Coral, Kanade, Ruka, Nakisaki, Hekioto, and Tenba had been selected as members of a one-night-only special unit decided by fan voting. The six, who coincidentally also happen to be members of Stella Maris and Trois Anges, sang a stylish jazz-arranged version of "Kimi ni Tsuru Angel Yell". It was a precious experience that could only be seen here.
From this point on, the performance went nonstop for a whopping 15 songs.
After "Boundary Line," in which Tetrarchia stirred up the audience to her heart's content while pumping her fist in the air, Stella Maris showed off her champion's style with "Stage of Star. KiRaRe changed into their unit costumes and performed "Do it! Party!", while Ortansia spread out to both ends of the stage with "Dear My Friend", appealing to the audience. Stella Maris drew the audience into the world of "Realize" with her overwhelming singing ability. Trois Anges sang "Cresc. Heart" with the voice of an angel.
KiRaRe performed "Natsu no Yakusoku (Summer's Promise)," which reminded the audience of the arrival of summer, perfect for this time of year. Tetrarchia's "Shine on Me! The audience clapped their hands in response to the sharp dance moves of Tetrarchia's "Shine on Me! The audience was also moved by the cute dancing of Ortansia's "*Heart Confusion*" as they clasped each other's hands. the audience cheered loudly once again. During the "La La La La" part, the penlights were waving from side to side, creating a fantastic scene. From this point on, the group went into the last spurt at once. In "Time and Space" by Stella Maris, Coral, the youngest member of the group, took the center and gave a magnificent performance. Trois Anges followed with an emotional rendition of "Sinfonia," and Tetrarchia showed off their impressive headbanging with "Canary.
The lyrics "Canary! you could feel the sense of unity of the audience. The audience cheered for Ortansia's "Purple Rays" as soon as the intro music started, and the two members of Ortansia seemed to respond to the cheers with high tension and joy. showed how the members were singing the lyrics in a very life-size way.
Each unit has a completely different view of the world, and one of the highlights of Re:Stage's live performances is that the atmosphere changes dramatically with each song. The audience was also in high spirits, shaking their penlights, jumping up and down, and sometimes calling and responding loudly to the songs. 15 songs of the live made the audience feel that Re:Stage's live was not only created by the idols on stage, but also by the audience together.
After the live performances by each unit, Mr. Tsubakimoto appeared on stage again to make an announcement. The announcement was that KiRaRa's 5th single "367 Days (Sanroku Nanana Days)" would be released on August 22. The audience was excited by this alone, but at this point Tsubakimoto asked the audience to watch a video, the contents of which were unknown to the KiRaRe members, which looked back on the three-year history of Re:stage, which celebrates its fourth anniversary this year.
The six members of KiRaRe, along with the audience, watched intently as the group gradually increased its members since its formation in 2015 and continued to hold live performances and events. At the end of the video, the words "Anime Adaptation! on the screen.
At that moment, the audience let out the loudest cheer of the day, and the six members of KiRaRe hugged each other's shoulders, sharing their joy with tears streaming down their faces.
The six members were so surprised and happy that they could not stop crying, but they wiped their tears with towels they had brought from offstage, and then changed their minds to sing the new song "367Days. As they sang the lyrics of the song, the audience was moved to tears by the link between the six KiRaRe members who had given up on their dreams, but had worked hard to make their dreams come true again, and the girls who had made the anime come true. The song "367Days" sang straightforwardly about the joy of having reached the future they had dreamed of. It is precisely because of these girls that they were able to bring Re:Stage to such a big stage.
All the units appeared on stage for a regrettable curtain call. The members confessed that they had been crying in the backstage when they learned of the decision to make an anime, and I could sense that their hearts were united.
When all 18 members left the stage, the audience shouted "Encore! instead of "Encore! instead of "Encore! In response, KiRaRe appeared on stage again and performed "Kirei Future Sign. The last song was KiRaRe's first single "Startin' My Re:STAGE! The last song was "Startin' My Re:STAGE!
It was a heartfelt stage performance that made the audience feel the meaning of singing this song, which can be said to be the origin of Re:STAGE, with all the members.
PRISM☆LIVE! ~The live showed the underlying power of Re:Stage, which is sure to grow even more exciting in the future as it celebrates its 4th anniversary, goes on a nationwide live vs. live tour, and is slated to be adapted into an anime series. The idols of Re:Stage will continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the future.
Live information】
■Re:Stage! ~PRISM☆LIVE! ~2nd STAGE~ Ready for Dream
Amane Makino as Maina Shikimiya
Played by Sayu Tsukisaka / Akari Kito
Maazumi Tazawa / Mizuha Ichikishima
Played by Meimu Tachibana
Played by Kasumi Honjo / Yuka Iwahashi
Played by Mii Hasegawa/Yuki Kurami
Played by Arie Ozawa
Played by Yuka Izumura/Yumiri Hanamori
Stella Maris
played by Hekinon Shikimiya / Minami Takahashi
Playing the role of Ruka Ichijo / Ayaka Suwa
Played by Aimi Tanaka
Trois Anges
Played by Natsumi Hioka
Playing the role of Kanade Hofu / Rika Abe
Playing the role of Nakisaki Himura / Juri Nagatsuma
Played by Natsumi Yamada
Playing the role of Haku Nishidate / Miki Sato
Tomoha Takayanagi plays the role of Akari Minamikazuno
Playing the role of Genbai Johoku / Mochimi Nishida
<Set List
1: Oath Sensation/KiRaRe
2:Dream a gate/Ortansia
3: Fearless Girl/Tetrarchia
4: Moonlight Troimelai/Trois Anges
5: Brilliant Wings/Stella Maris
8: Love is Fusion/Stella Maris
9: ANGEL LAMP / Trois Anges
10:Stay Together/Tetrarchia
11:FlowerS~like a flower blooming next to you~/Ortansia
12: Koo Lulilaby/Kae & Kasumi(KiRaRe)
13: Secret Dream/Stella Maris
14: Kirai Kirai CЯY / Mizuha & Mii(KiRaRe)
15: STORIA/Trois Anges
16:GROWING! /Maina & Sayu(KiRaRe)
17: Kimi ni Tsuru Angel Yell (JAZZ arranged cover)/Stella Maris & Trois Anges
18: Boundary Line/Tetrarchia
19: Stage of Star/Stella Maris
20: Do it! /KiRaRe
21: Dear My Friend/Ortansia
22: Realize/Stella Maris
23: Cresc. Heart/Trois Anges
24: Summer Promise/KiRaRe
25:Shine on Me! /Tetrarchia
26: *Heart Confusion*/Ortansia
27: Kimi ni Tsuru Angel Yell/KiRaRe
28: Time and Space/Stella Maris
29: Sinfonia/Trois Anges
30: Canary/Tetrarchia
31: Purple Rays/Ortansia
32: Remember! /KiRaRe
33: 367Days/KiRaRe
34(Encore): Yearning Future Sign/KiRaRe
35(Encore): Startin' My Re:STAGE! /All singers
Product information】
■KiRaRe 5th single "367Days
Release date: August 22 (Wed.)
Limited First Edition
Price: 1,852 yen (excluding tax)
<First pressing bonus
367Days" Music Video DVD
Re:Stage! Prism Step" Limited ☆4 card download code
Normal Edition
Price: 1,204 yen (excluding tax)
<Special bonus for the standard disc
Re:Stage! Prism Step" limited ☆4 card download code
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