White Cat" Gameplay Diary: White Cat Project: Weapon Enhancement!

Did you know that in addition to character development, there is also weapon enhancement training in "White Cat Project"? I thought that if I drew a strong character, I would be invincible in any quest, but I realized that I could not bring out my true strength unless I properly strengthened my weapons as well.

When it comes to weapons, go to a blacksmith.

Apart from character development, leave it to the blacksmith to develop your weapons.

First, strengthen and raise the weapon level!

What you need to raise the weapon level is gold. Once you get it, first raise its level and equip it to your character.

Evolve your weapons to raise their status!

When you level up your weapon, a message will appear asking you if you want to evolve it. will appear.

Evolution uses runes and gold, so be sure to collect enough of them!

It is easy to evolve after the second level because it automatically raises the level.

The final form was the 4th level.

The status has increased dramatically!

Weapon Synthesis" for further enhancement

Weapons have their own skills, which can be enhanced by "Weapon Synthesis".

The material for weapon synthesis is an axe, which is rarely obtained as a reward from quests.
I had no idea what to do with this axe, and it was putting a lot of pressure on my arsenal.
You can use weapons that drop from other quests or less rare weapons obtained from gachas as materials, but they are not nearly as good as the experience you can gain from this axe.

Can I learn my favorite skills by changing skills?

You can change the skills a weapon has by spending gold, but you can't change it to anything you like.
If you only have one skill, you can protect it and not change it, so you don't lose your favorite skill.
As long as you have gold, you can change skills, so you can keep going until you get a skill you like, but it takes a lot of patience because there are so many skills.

Strengthen your weapons to make your quest easier!

After I discovered skill synthesis, I realized that it is more important to make weapons that suit your quests than to keep using your particular weapons. I need to get weapons as well instead of just pulling character gachas!
