[Steam] Today is Labor Day! Let's work in the game today! Featuring Work Simulation PC Games
How are you doing, Akiba Research Institute readers? There are two holidays in November, and one of them is November 23rd, "Kinro-Koso no Hi (Thanksgiving Day for Labor)". One of them is "Kinro Kanko no Hi," or Labor Thanksgiving Day, on November 23rd, which was established to "celebrate labor, celebrate production, and give thanks for each other's hard work.
- Table of Contents
- Time-stealing management simulation "Startup Company
- YouTuber experience simulation "Youtubers Life
- Lobotomy Corporation | Monster Management Simulation
- Be careful not to work too hard, even in a game!
Aim for a huge IT company! Time-stealing management simulation "Startup Company
- Startup Company " (Hovgaard Games)
- Genre: Simulation
- Release date: April 11, 2020
- Price: 1,320 yen (as of November 14, 2020)
- Copyright: (C) 2020 Hovgaard Games
On a personal note, before becoming a writer, I worked for a company for about 10 years. Now that I am no longer working for a company, I have a new appreciation for how difficult it was to come to work at a certain time every morning, work a certain number of hours, and sometimes work overtime to make it through a five-day workweek. The game "Startup Company" introduced here is set in such a "company" environment.
Startup Company" is a business simulation game in which you take on the role of a company's CEO to create and grow the company. The companies you manage are so-called IT companies that deal with SNS and video sharing services. These are all services that people today use on a daily basis as part of their lives, so the subject matter is familiar to them. So, let me introduce you to the first part of the game that I actually played.
The game begins with the creation of an office. The city where the game takes place has two main districts, downtown and uptown, and I followed the navigator's instructions and rented an office with a monthly rent of $3,000 in a corner of downtown.
Incidentally, the next actions to be targeted are displayed as "milestones" in the upper right corner of the screen, so there is no need to lose track of what to do, and the game is designed to be easy and secure to play.
Once you have decided on an office, the next thing to do is hiring. This is the job of the CEO, the player's alter ego. So, in order to put the CEO to work, we buy a desk, set it up in the office, and seat him. Employees will not work unless they are seated at their desks (!)." This is an important point of this work, so keep this in mind.
First, headhunt one designer and one developer each. However, these two people are quite peculiar. In order to hire someone, we need to offer them a monthly salary and a contract fee. We would of course be very grateful if we could hire them at the lowest possible cost, but the other side sometimes made a counteroffer of a fairly high price, and negotiations were difficult. In the end, we ended up signing a contract with a monthly salary of $4,000 plus a contract fee of $1,000 after exchanging ideas with several candidates.
Once the hired designer and developer were seated at their desks, our company finally started its business.
We would like to make a lot of money by getting users to use our services, but even so, we do not yet have any services to offer. So, first, we start to create a landing page (the first page that visitors see) to launch our website, which will be the cornerstone of our service. Adding a landing page to a company's website is easy enough, but it is necessary to upgrade the page as soon as possible because user satisfaction is low without it.
So, we quickly get the designer and developer to do the work.
The method is simple: just click on an employee and instruct them to do the work you want them to do. Then, over time, they will create "components. Simply put, a "component" is like an item that represents an accomplished task. The system is designed to consume these components to add new features and upgrade functionality to develop their services.
Incidentally, upgrading a landing page requires one "UI component" and one "backend component" created by the developer, and one "blueprint component" and one "graphics component" created by the designer. The fact that multiple departments are tasked with completing a single project is a common sight in real companies, but the author found it interesting that this was represented so realistically in the game.
Now, as the game progresses, a "lead developer" is hired to further develop the service.
This lead developer is able to create "modules," which require various components produced by the designers and developers. Conversely, if the work of the designers and developers is stalled, the lead developer cannot get started. There is also the reality that progress in one department affects other departments, which is unique to the company.
An additional point of reality is that employees have a variety of requests, such as "installation of coffee makers" and "small retirement plans. Fulfilling these requests adds an extra bonus to the work speed, but to do so requires "survey points," which are earned through the labor of the surveyors.
I used to drink a lot of coffee in the office when I was an office worker, so I would love to install a coffee maker for them as soon as possible, but it takes time to accumulate survey points, so I can't fulfill their requests immediately, which is frustrating. It is hard work to create a good working environment, and I feel as if I understand the feelings of the management a little.
The more you play with Startup Company, the more you can do and want to do. If you have ever been addicted to classic management simulation games such as "SimCity" or "Theme Park," you are sure to be addicted to this title as well. Whether you work for a company or not, we invite you to take on the role of CEO and show off your management skills.
YouTuber experience simulation "Youtubers Life
- Youtubers Life " (U-Play Online)
- Genre: Simulation
- Released: May 18, 2016
- Price: 2,680 yen (as of November 14, 2020)
- Copyright: (C) 2016 U-Play Online
YouTubers (YouTubers) are now a staple of the top ranking of jobs elementary school students want to have in the future. The catchphrase "live by what you love" has been used, but even if it is what you love to do, it is not an easy job, as you have to think up new video projects day and night, shoot and edit them, publish them, and even do promotional activities (......). As a viewer, I think it is truly amazing that people are making a living from video distribution.
Youtubers Life" is a unique simulation game that allows you to experience such a job as a YouTuber.
The game begins with the creation of your avatar. Starting with the selection of gender, numerous parts such as eyes, mouth, hairstyle, clothes, glasses, etc. are provided, making the game quite authentic.
Next, you choose a "personality". This is an element like a person's natural characteristics, such as "superstar" or "rich. I went with my gut here and chose "Parisian". I have a feeling that it will be easier to gain fame, popularity, etc. Next, select the genre of videos you want to distribute on your channel. We chose "Gaming," "Music," "Cooking," and "Fashion," four of the most popular genres often seen on video sites. Finally, enter your player name and video channel name to start the game. The fact that you also have to decide on a channel name is unique to YouTuber simulations.
So, having made my debut as a distributor in the world of "Youtubers Life," I was immediately asked to record a live game video as a tutorial.
In this part of the recording, you select your reactions during the video using cards.
For example, you can make a "formal greeting" right after the recording starts, or you can make a "funny comment" for a laugh in the time before the game starts. Each reaction card has a score written on it, so you can earn points by taking good reactions to make a funny video.
The recording was successfully completed! This is not the end of the video ....... After this, comes the editing part. The filmed scenes will appear like pieces of a puzzle, so we will arrange them so that the front and back are properly connected. Finally, to finish, effects such as "adding titles" and "soft focus" are added to raise the video's evaluation score, and the video is finally complete! When the work is finished, the evaluation of the video will be displayed. The main character's experience will also increase, but if the video is not very good, you can stop making the video without uploading it. This attitude of not publishing videos that you are not satisfied with is somewhat professional. ......
Once you decide to publish your video, it will not be published ...... to the channel in the clear.
From here, you will be responsible for rendering and uploading the data. The work itself is automatic, but you will have to wait a few hours in-game, and when those are done, the video will finally be published. It is very realistic. ......
So, we use this waiting time to eat and sleep. It is easy to get caught up in the game play or video streaming and forget to eat or sleep, but be careful not to let your hunger or sleepiness gauge get out of hand, as this will interfere with your work. But be careful not to let your hunger and sleep gauges get the best of you, as this will affect your work.
Another essential capital for continuing to work as a video distributor is money. It takes a lot of money to become a popular video distributor, such as buying new game software for live broadcasts and upgrading peripheral equipment such as cameras and microphones. So, to earn money, go out to work in between video productions. Of course, I would like to make a living by streaming videos alone if I could, but I am just starting out as a YouTuber, and the reality of having to work and produce videos at the same time makes me realize how hard it is to "make a living doing what you love. I am the author.
As I produce videos, work to earn money, and use that money to enhance my distribution environment and repeat the process on ......, the number of viewers and channel subscribers grows and grows, and the number of positive comments also increases. Reactions to what you send out, whether in real life or in a game, are always gratifying. Moreover, once the number of subscribers exceeds a certain level, you can start earning money every time your videos are viewed. This is the first step toward your dream of making a living from video distribution!
As I was working feverishly to increase the number of viewers, my mother suddenly came into my room and got angry with me. She said that she had received a call from the school telling her that she had missed too many classes. Yes, the player is actually a student and lives at home! And the author had hardly been going to school, even though he went to his part-time job. ......
But don't worry. After some progress in the game, you can move out. By leaving your parents' house, you can do so without your mother getting mad at you, i.e., without going to school (!). I can devote myself to video streaming. Furthermore, the communication environment will be better, which has the added benefit of reducing video upload time! On the other hand, you will also have to pay rent and buy meals that your mother used to prepare for you with your own money. The author found this mixture of anxiety and excitement when stepping into a new environment interesting beyond the framework of a YouTuber simulation.
So, this is a rough introduction to the early stages of the game. But to be honest, this is not all there is to it. To become a popular YouTuber, there are many things to do. You have to go out to parties to make new friends, promote your videos on SNS, get video production requests from companies to make money, ask your friends out on dates to deepen your relationship, etc. To be honest, no matter how much time you have, it will never be enough.
Youtubers Life" takes a seemingly difficult subject, YouTubing, and puts it into a game, making it a challenging and rewarding experience. It is a title that should be played not only by those who like simulation games, but also by those who are interested in the job of a video distributor.
3. a cheerful and fun place to work, despite the risk of death The "Youtubers Life" is a game about a young man and his wife. Lobotomy Corporation | Monster Management Simulation
- Lobotomy Corporation | Monster Management Simulation " (ProjectMoon)
- Genre: Simulation
- Released: April 9, 2018
- Price: 2,570 yen (as of November 14, 2020)
- Copyright: (c) 2018 ProjectMoon
Have you ever heard of the "SCP Foundation?" It is one of the shared worlds where multiple authors create in the same worldview, and the "SCP Foundation" is a fictional organization that appears in that worldview.
The SCP Foundation's purpose is to secure, house, and protect "objects" with unusual characteristics, such as sculptures that attack when you look away and stairs that do not reach the lowest level no matter how far down you go. Many records and reports of their activities are posted on the Web, and I was hooked by their mysterious and eerie worldview, reading them in my spare time. Lobotomy Corporation | Monster Management Simulation" is a simulation game that is said to have been inspired by the SCP Foundation.
Lobotomy Corporation" is a management simulation game in which you work as a manager of a company called Lobotomy Corporation, which houses "certain things". This may sound like a simulation game similar to those in which you take care of animals in a zoo or maintain attractions in an amusement park. But the work of "Lobotomy Corporation" is much more specific, strange, and demanding than those. The Lobotomy Corporation manages a group of unknown monsters called "Abnormality!
The player's job at Lobotomy is to collect the energy produced by the Abnormality. When the collected energy reaches the target amount, the player can end one day and move on to the next day. The player's objective is to progress through the days in this way, but what happens when the game is over? The game is over when you die. Abnormality is an abnormal existence that transcends human knowledge. If not handled properly, their danger can easily lead to a situation that is irreversible.
But don't worry. You, the player, are not in direct contact with the Abnormality. Since the player is only a caretaker, the only action he/she basically performs is to give instructions to the employees working at the Lobotomy Company. The staff members follow the player's instructions and head for the abnormalities' rooms to collect energy by performing tasks, sometimes even fighting against escaped abnormalities that go on the rampage. Incidentally, there are four types of tasks: "Instinct," "Insight," "Attachment," and "Repression," and each Abnormality has its own likes and dislikes.
At the end of each day, the player must choose one of the three randomly selected abnormals to be housed the next day. Therefore, as the day progresses, the number of abnormals to be cared for increases, and the danger level of the job is rising rapidly. Moreover, the data about the abnormality that you meet for the first time cannot be confirmed in the game at all.
Important information such as the names of the abnormalities, their tendencies to like or dislike the work, what kind of damage they can do to the staff, and whether they have a chance of escaping from the holding room, can only be seen after the work is completed and they are released, leaving you completely clueless at first. The thrill of fearlessly coming into contact with an unknown entity, the Abnormality, is a unique and uniquely interesting aspect of this work's worldview.
The greatest appeal of this work is, above all, the existence of dangerous abnormals.
The abnormals are diverse, including those based on fairy tales, human- and machine-types, and those with an indescribable appearance. Just like the psychology that makes us want to read more and more spooky stories and ghost stories even though they are scary, playing this game will make you want to come into contact with more and more abnormalities that you would rather not be in contact with. So, from now on, let me pick up a few of the many abnormals and introduce them to you.
First is the "match girl.
As you can imagine from the name, this abnormality is based on the motif of the fairy tale "Match Girl. She has a disturbing appearance, with a lit match penetrating her pitch-black body. After several unsuccessful attempts, the Match Girl escapes from the housing room and proceeds toward one of the staff members. When she encounters that worker, she explodes, causing serious damage to the other workers in the vicinity. The fact that this abnormality is based on a fairy tale that everyone is familiar with makes it even more eerie.
Next up is the "Welch Earth with an Empty Lid.
This is a single vending machine and two shrimp-headed figures (!). This abnormality consists of a They serve soda from the vending machine to staff members who have finished their work. If the work is not successful, the staff member who drank the soda falls asleep, and then a large wave and a shrimp fishing boat appear in the housing room! The staff member is taken away to the shrimp fishery and is treated as instantly dead or missing. Horrifying .......
Incidentally, the "Welch Earth with an open lid" is based on an Internet urban legend from South Korea, where the development studio for this work is located. It is my favorite abnormality in the sense that I can see foreign urban legends that I am not often exposed to.
The "Old Lady," who looks like just an old lady sitting in an easy chair
Cute-chan," a dog-shaped abnormality with a cute face
The "Fairy Festival," an abnormality of fairies that heals the staff working on the project (but actually there is something behind the act)
Abnormality "1.76 MHz," which has no figure but only a sandstorm-like noise
The abnormality is a variety of abnormality, and they are all mysterious. Since no two abnormals are the same, the first step is to understand how to properly manage each one.
There are also plenty of RPG-like elements, such as training elements to strengthen the staff by extracting weapons and armor from the abnormalities, and battles with ferocious abnormalities called "ordeals. Lobotomy Corporation" also has an aspect of a game of death due to its high difficulty level that causes instant death, and is full of charms that go beyond the framework of a simple management simulation.
As for me, I would like you to witness all the abnormalities that I could not introduce here, so if you are attracted by this strange worldview, please join "Lobotomy Corporation". Don't worry, although your life may be in danger, it is a cheerful and fun place to work!
Please note that this film contains violent and grotesque descriptions, so if this is not your cup of tea, please be careful.
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