Autumn Anime "Jutsu Kaisen" Episode 9 Synopsis & Advance Scene Cuts Revealed! Tatehito Nanami and Torajo get into a...
From the TV anime "Jujutsu Kaisen," the synopsis and advance scene cuts for episode 9 "Juvenile Fish and Reverse Punishment" have been released.
Jujutsu Kaisen" is a manga by Akutami Geshitsu that began serialization in the 14th issue of "Weekly Shonen Jump" in 2018, with a total circulation of over 10 million copies. The story begins when Yuji Toradori, a high school student with exceptional physical abilities, eats the "Finger of Ryomen-Susuna," a special curse, to save his seniors from a monster, and the curse is placed on his soul.
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The synopsis and advance scene cuts of the 9th episode of the TV anime, which will be aired sequentially from November 27th (Fri.), have been released.
The synopsis and preceding scene cuts are as follows.
Episode 9 "Juvenile Fish and Reverse Punishment
Jumpei Yoshino skipped high school to go to a movie theater andsawhis classmate who bullied himdead withhis face deformed.
Yoshino chases after the "murderer" and calls out to him.
Later, Torajo andNanami Kento, a first-class ex-salaried sorcerer,enter the movie theater where the incident took place,and encounter two cursed spirits.
Film Information
TV animation "Jujutsu Kaisen
<Broadcast Information
MBS/TBS 28 stations nationwide network "Super Animeism" slot: Every Friday from 1:25 am
<Staff> Original story: "Jujutsu Kaisen
Original story: "Jujutsu Kaisen" by Akutomi Shimoga (serialized in Shueisha's "Weekly Shonen Jump")
Director : Atsushi Park
Series Composition/Screenplay : Koji Seko
Character Design: Teishi Hiramatsu
Music: Hiroaki Tsutsumi, Junmasa Terui, Arisa Okezama
Production: MAPPA
Opening Theme: Eve "Mawari Kitan" (TOY'S FACTORY)
Yujin Torajo: Junya Enoki
Megumi Fushiguro: Yuma Uchida
Kugisaki-no-Rose: Asami Seto
Gumaki Thorn : Koki Uchiyama
Panda: Tomokazu Seki
Kenjin Nanami: Kenjiro Tsuda
Gojo Satoru: Nakamura Yuichi
Double Sided Shukusina: Junichi Suwabe
A boy fights - in search of a "righteous death".
Harshness, regret, humiliation.
Negative emotions that human beings generate become curses and lurk in our daily lives.
Curses are the source of misfortune that spreads throughout the world, and in the worst case, they lead people to death.
And curses can only be exorcised by curses.
One day, in order to save his friends from being attacked by a "curse", he bites a special curse called "Double Sided Tsuina Finger", and the curse takes possession of his soul. The curse is called 'Double Sided Tsuina Finger'.
Torajo, who now shares his body with 'Double-Sided Tsuina', the curse, was admitted to the 'Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Martial Arts', a specialized institution against curses, under the guidance of Gojo Satoru, the strongest master of the art of witchcraft... ....
The story of a boy who became a curse in order to exorcise it begins to spin a magnificent tale with no turning back...
© Akutami Shimoga/Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee
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