In commemoration of the screening of "Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation Stargazer," two lucky winners will receive a cheki autographed by Ayane Sakura, Suzuko Mimori, and Mikako Izawa!
To commemorate the theatrical screening of "Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation Stargazer," we are giving away autographed checkers signed by Ayane Sakura (Toka), Suzuko Mimori (Gumi) and Mikako Izawa (Arisaka Akizakura) to two lucky winners!
⇒Click here to read the interview article.
Completed through crowdfunding! Interview with Ayane Sakura, Suzuko Mimori and Mikako Izawa for "Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation Stargazer" Screening Commemoration
A checkerboard autographed by Ayane Sakura, Suzuko Mimori, and Mikako Izawa
<Entry requirements
Application period: November 27, 2020 (Fri.) - December 4, 2020 (Fri.) 23:59
Number of winners: 2
Announcement of winners: Prizes will be shipped to winners.
Prizes will be sent out sequentially.
How to apply: Use the dedicated application form below.
<Please note the following
Registration (free of charge) is required to enter the contest.
Only one entry per person is allowed.
We will not be able to respond to any inquiries regarding the results of the drawing or shipping status.
The winning prize or rights may not be transferred or resold to a third party. Group employees and related parties are not eligible to participate.
Prizes must be shipped within Japan.
We will take the utmost care in packaging the prizes, but please note that we will not accept returns or exchanges in the event that the prizes are damaged due to an accident during transportation.
Please note that the prize will be invalidated in the following cases
Multiple winners at the same address or in the same household
If you have entered the contest using an unauthorized account (e.g., multiple accounts by the same person)
If a prize cannot be delivered due to the winner's address, change of address, long-term absence, etc.
Prizes cannot be delivered due to incomplete contact or delivery address information.
Prize winners do not contact us by the prize delivery address notification deadline.
If there is any fraudulent activity related to the application.
If the prize is confirmed to have been transferred or resold to a third party, you may not be able to apply for the prize in the future.
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