Let's play around with big size robot toys at the end of the year! Voice actor Taiyuki gives an in-depth review of Transformers Earthrise ER-10 Scorponok! Part 1 [Taiyuki's Toys and Games Part 1
Voice actor Yasuyuki, who loves robots more than any other voice actor in the industry, has started a new series of articles in which he plays with the latest toy toys and hobbies that interest him!
In this first installment, we take a look at the latest item in the "Transformers Earthrise" lineup, the ER-10 Skol Ponok, which has been attracting a lot of attention for its shockingly large size!
In addition to transforming into three forms (robot mode, defense base mode, and scorpion battleship mode), the headmasters can be combined and boarded, making it a blockbuster that has a lot of play value.
In this two-part series, we will introduce you to the appeal of this title!
Part 1: Transformers Earthrise ER-10 Scorponok (Part 1)
From the first installment of the Toilet Reviews series, a big item out of the blue!
It's Scorponok from Takara Tomy's Transformers Earthrise War for Cybertron series!
Fans of the Japanese anime version of "Transformers" may be tempted to call him "Megazarak," but this time he has been commercialized under the name "Skolponok" from the overseas version. In the past few years, large characters such as "Omega Supreme" have been actively remade and new stories have been drawn for the animated films, so both old and new Transformers fans have become very excited about the new developments in the series. I would love to appear in an animated dub myself - (as an aside, I had a small part in "Prime" and "Adventure").
Now, since this is a large item, I have to take a lot of pictures, so let's get started with the review!
Front illustration of the package. The front illustration depicts Scorponok grabbing the commander and going on a rampage.
On the back is a picture of each mode and the number of transformation steps, 87 in total. The number of steps totals 87, and since the number of images would exceed 100 if I were to introduce each one individually, I will introduce them in this article in some abbreviated form while referring to the instruction manual.
When you take it out of the package, it is stored like this. Please be careful not to forget to take out the parts, as they are also contained in the cardboard boards at the feet and ceiling.
First up is the smallest robot, the Titan Master. This robot is the Head Master of Transformers Legends. There does not appear to be a unique name for this form.
The neck and shoulders are ball-jointed and slightly movable. Its height is approximately 3.5 cm!
As is familiar with Head Master, it can be transformed into head mode by bending its knees at the opposite joints and tilting its upper body forward. And ......
to this transtector.
Head on the Titan Master mentioned earlier!
This is Scorponok's medium-sized robot form. In old Japanese anime, this form was called "Scorponok.
It also benefits from deformation, and its knees bend at the reverse joints, so it can be made to stand in an S-stroke position.
On its back, it carries the face of the giant robot form, but this is hidden by a cover.
The face's silver and red eyes are pre-painted. The face has a nostalgic look.
It is also an excellent action figure. The shoulders are just under 90° horizontally, and the arm can be raised right above the shoulder with the shoulder rotation axis. The elbows are double-jointed, and the wrists can also be snapped with the benefit of deformation.
The head rotation is shared with the small robot's head joints, and can swing left or right until it hits the square block on the shoulder.
The waist is provided with a rotation axis, even though it is never used in deformation. The ankles can be tilted inward and the knee joints can be bent forward and backward 90 degrees. The range of motion is such that the figure can be called an action figure.
The orange parts on the back are connected in this position when transforming into head mode, and are shown in the package photo as is, and this combination is also cool.
In addition, the included cannon can be attached to the shoulder joints.
The cannon can also be held in both hands. The included effect parts are used to produce a random firing performance.
The size of Scorponok is completely different from the size of the Titan Master, but this product has been sculpted in a way that is quite respectful to the original product.
The details of the body, the purple panels on the arms, and the heels have all been rearranged, but the features from the original product have been incorporated. It's love.
Now, let's transform it into head mode!
The elbows are bent 180° and the wrists are retracted. The front panel of the body is unfolded and the arms are placed inside the body.
Swing the entire leg forward and bend the knee 90° to the opposite joint to form a block.
The head mode is completed by changing the front and rear vertical orientation, sliding the rear panel upward and collapsing the purple panel!
Next, let's take a look at the giant transtector!
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