The balance between the transformation gimmick and proportions is excellent! I made the "Super Mini-Pla Dag-On "Fire Dag-On"" that even the fans will be satisfied with! Taiyuki's Weekend Plastic Modeling Vol. 25
When you are a working adult, you tend to have a lot of plastic models piled up in your busy life. ...... In this series, Yasuyuki Tai, a voice actor who loves robots and plastic models, takes on the challenge of building plastic models on your behalf!
The concept is "even busy working people can make it this far on their weekends off. There are only two rules: bare bones assembly and a production period of one to two days! If you read this series, you will surely find the plastic model you want to build.
So, "Weekend Plastic Model Making by Voice Actor Taiyuki! Weekend Plastic Model! Let's start the 25th issue!
Vol. 25 Super Mini-Plastic Yusha Directive Dag-On "Fire Dag-On
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the "Yuusha Series," and many companies have been releasing kits of their Yuusha robots!
This time, we will review "Fire Dag-On"from Bandai Candy Division's Super Mini-Pla "Dag-On"! All three types of Dag-Fire and Fire Dag-On can be completed when all three are assembled together.
The packages differ only in numbering, etc., but otherwise have exactly the same design.
Each package contains multiple colors of runners, painted parts, instructions, stickers, and gum.
Since there are a large number of mecha to introduce this time, we will start assembling them right away!
Here they are! When everything is assembled and completed, it will look like what you see.
Fire Ladder, Fire Rescue, Small Fire Stratos, Fire Stratos (Dag Fire), Fire Jumbo, Style Focused Head, Fire Sword, and 3 patterns for each side of the wrist.
Let's start with the Fire Stratos.
If you have ever touched toys of the time, you will notice that the size of the Fire Stratos when held in the hand is close to that of the original product. At most, it is one size smaller. The tires are dummies and cannot be rolled.
The black parts around the front, white tires, and red patlamp are painted parts. Some black parts and windows are reproduced with stickers.
The light under the bumper is also reproduced with stickers. Thank you for your attention to detail.
The rear part is a little more complicated than the front part because it has a collection of parts that are deployed during transformation.
The bottom of the body looks like this. The deformation mechanism is reminiscent of the toys of the time. And it is also close to the cartoon!
This is another Fire Stratos. This is the other Fire Stratos, a super small vehicle that is stored in the main body when it combines with the Fire Dag-On.
The back side is molded to a reasonable degree, and the coloring is also well reproduced with stickers.
Compared to the variable dugout fire, this is the size difference! The size difference is about the size of a real car and a radio-controlled car. Don't lose your mini Fire Stratos!
Next is the Fire Rescue. The arrangement is a bit cute, as it matches the size of the car when combined. The rear of the vehicle also has a hollow space due to the merging of the two vehicles. But the atmosphere is still very good, isn't it?
The fire ladder is also arranged in the same cute way. Both the rescue and rudder have stickers on the front and sides.
Looking into the bottom, you can see the wrists are stored. The fist has a small wrist for deformation pre-installed.
Moreover, the storage into the fire jumbo is also reproduced. The way the hatch unfolds has been rearranged, but this is a nice gimmick.
If the hatch is sloped, you can reproduce the departure scene like this.
Now that we have introduced the individual mechanisms, let's take a look at the Fire Stratos transformations!
Fire "Fusion Combination!
The front is deployed.
As an arrangement for the Super Mini-Pla version, the red toe and black heel parts are deployed for grounding.
And here is another gimmick added in Super Miniplas. The back part of the shoulder is folded.
The arms deform close to the depiction in the anime. The sides of the vehicle's body flip up.
Unfold the shoulders and raise the arms further up (so that they are inside the shoulders).
Finally, slide the rear patrol lights up.
The head is raised in tandem, completing the transformation!
Flame "Dagh!
Doug Fire is now complete. The gold shoulder and chest parts, head, and some other parts are pre-painted. In addition, the color scheme is reproduced using stickers. Be careful with the white line stickers.
The figure is both movable and well styled. Looking at the back of the figure, for some reason it reminds me of the toys of the time and makes me nostalgic.
The head has a ball joint connection, so it can move with a gripping motion.
The shoulders boast a considerable range of motion, thanks to the movable parts of the deformation.
The elbows can be bent more than 90 degrees, even though the movement is not related to the deformation, and a roll axis is provided with the second arm. The wrists are ball jointed.
The fireblaster can be stored in the forearms and can be transformed without being removed. Of course, it can also be taken out. I wonder how such a gimmick can be done with such a small size. ......
The torso can be rotated at the joint. The front armor can be raised upward, so the legs are easily movable. The knees are movable, which is also used in the transformation, so they can be bent 180 degrees like this.
The toes and heels are also movable.
The arms, head, torso, and legs are all movable, allowing for bold poses like this.
Two fireblasters are included and can be stored in both arms.
The movable toes allow the figure to stand on its own in this pose.
Standing on her knees is also possible without difficulty. Try to find a cool pose.
The Dag Fire alone is complete enough to play with, but the real work begins here!
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