Outerwear and umbrellas for all 13 characters of "Blade of the Oni no Ruin" are now available!

Bringing Anime to Fashion! SuperGroupies, which is based on the concept of "bringing anime to fashion!

The 26 items (13 characters in total) include blousons that are easy to use regardless of the season, and umbrellas that are packed with charm in their detailed patterns.

Examples of products

Blouson modeled after Anjuro Purgatory
This blouson is designed in the image of the "flame pillar" Kyoujuro Kogoku, whose design looks like a burning flame and makes the subject burn with passion. The red and yellow colors stand out even in the dark black.

blouson modeled after "mekko kuru kantojirou

This blouson is a bold rearrangement of the pattern on the kimono of the Japanese warrior, Kojo Kanjiro. The indispensable hair ornament is on the drawcord of the blouson. The vivid green color on a black base gives a sense of strength.

Zenitsu Wagatsuma Model Umbrella
A long umbrella with a bright, lightning-blue color that catches our attention even at night. The wide band that holds the umbrella together is decorated with the figure of Chuntaro.

modeled by camelbacked camelbacked camel

Shinobu Butterfly Model

Mamiri Muroji Model

All lineup】】
■竈⾨炭治郎 モデル ■竈⾨禰⾖⼦ モデル ■我妻善逸 モデル ■嘴平伊之助 モデル ■Giyu Tomioka モデル ■胡蝶しのぶ モデル ■煉獄杏寿郎 モデル ■宇髄天元 モデル ■⽢露寺蜜璃 モデル ■時透無⼀郎 モデル ■悲鳴嶼⾏冥 モデル ■伊⿊⼩芭内 モデル ■不死川実弥 モデル

Basic Information
Reservations accepted until April 26, 2021 (Monday) 12:00
Delivery schedule
Outerwear: Late July, 2021
Umbrellas: Mid-September 2021
Price: Outerwear: 17,000 yen each, Umbrellas: around mid-September 2021
Outerwear: 17,380 yen each (tax included)
Umbrellas: 7,480 yen each (tax included)
Available at: SuperGroupies

For more details, check out the special page of this item.

The correct spelling of "禰" is "ネ" + "爾". The correct spelling of "煉" is "oHan_SoHan_2F55↩"+"東".

<What is SuperGroupies?

SuperGroupies is a group of Japanese fashion designers and artists who are dedicated to bringing anime, games, and fashion to the fashion world. SuperGroupies is a brand that proposes fashion styles in collaboration with anime and video games under the concept of "Bringing Anime to Fashion!

© Yoseharu Gouge / Shueisha, Aniplex, ufotable