Nakazato: (LINE POKON) I can't do it - it's hard - this is tough.
Editor A:....... (*Smart phone is out of order.)
Nakazato: Nemu yo!
HaruURARA (on her phone): I'll definitely keep my promise to my trainer! Let's get a lot of clothes together!
Nakazato:......Ganbatte .......
The endless HaruUrara is starting.
Conquering Arimakinen with Haru Urala is an endlessly difficult goal, but other than that, it's more of a beginner-friendly version of Umamusume. The goals are limited to a few fans in the beginning and short to mile dirt races that Harulara is suited for after the middle stage, so as long as her status is above a certain level, she won't have too much trouble. Therefore, the key to success is how to win the race while saving energy, and how to prepare for the Arimakinen, which is a completely different vector from the Arimakinen.
After much trial and error, we decided to go with a run strategy for all target races except Arimakinen. We will use our high basic stats and dirt performance to push hard and run away, and try to spend all the stored skill points just before the Arimakinen as much as possible. If you acquire "tricks" for each skill or the special status "sharp" on the way, you can save the points you spend and get skills efficiently.
In the ▲ training mode, Harulara has the tenacity to come back from a seemingly exhausted state in the middle of the race. This may be due to its high aptitude for dirt and the many slopes in the last straight line.
And as I repeated the lap, I was able to materialize a little more about this mission.
Winning the Arimakinen with Haru Urala" means "to raise Haru Urala to a turf factor of C or better (preferably B) and a long-distance factor of B or better (preferably A) by the time she reaches the Arimakinen in her third year." Probably. Because I couldn't run hundreds of times with less than that, haha.
By the way, in the case of a combination of parents' Uma Musume with turf 7-9 and long distance 7-9, the aptitudes at the start are,
Turf: G Long distance: G → Turf: D Long distance: D (at the start of training)
The result will be as follows.
The first year of "Uma Musume" is the first year of the "Uma Musume" program. In "Uma Musume", the factors are inherited in April of the second year and in April of the third year, and if you are "lucky", the aptitude for turf and long distance will increase at that time. It is only around B that they are treated as having an aptitude in game terms. In other words, to meet the aptitude requirements for both turf and long distance,
Turf: D→C→B
Long distance: D→C→B
and a total of four factor growths must occur with two inheritances. This is a very strict probability. Even if both parents are long-distance (or turf) ☆9, and the total number of ☆18, the starting status will only be C. Therefore, we have decided that the DD distribution is the best for the current situation, but we would like to keep turf E and long distance C starting status as a strong option, for example, with parents totaling turf 6 and long distance 12, which would give a slope.
Basic aptitude of ▲☆3 Harurara
▲☆9 class parent horse's factor power has brought her up to this level.
▲As a low-probability long-distance or turf factor is drawn in the factor inheritance once a year...
Finally, it reached "C". In the actual race, we want aptitude B.
Now, last time I wrote that long distance Uma Musume would be rented, but I underestimated this challenge.
Renting three times a day is very hard to keep up with, so I prepared my own long-distance factor Umamusume. The factor bloodlines are Gold Ship, who is [turf 2, turf 3, turf 3], and Oguri Cap, who is [long distance 3, long distance 3, long distance 3]. Their chemistry is good. In addition, I also tried Teemu Operao, who is [Turf 2, Long Distance 3, Turf 3] from time to time.
The Support Deck consists of SSR [Sunset is the color of longing] Special Week and SR [0500, on time] Eishin Flash, who has excellent motivational and recovery abilities. Based on around four speed-attribute cards, do we emphasize acceleration by including power-attribute [Lord of Vodka] Vodka, etc.? We will try two patterns, either by including [A Grain of Peace] Super Creek of the Stamina attribute and aiming for the gold skill "Maestro of the Arc".
I chose "Maestro of Arc" among the recovery skills because Arimakinen is a technical course with many corners.
▲Gold Ship Okaasan. Quite a turf lover.
▲Oguri Cap Dad. Hardly a good match.
A fully convex and excellent SR outperforms an ordinary SSR. Eishin Flash.
▲ Super Creek is worth a piece just for "Maestro of the Arc".
By the time we started, we had put a lot of effort into preparing Umamusume with solid long distance and turf factors, but that was just to finally get to the starting line. From here, another mind-boggling round of laps awaits.
However, it was not in vain that we had prepared a minimum fighting environment. Haru Urala began to compete reasonably well in the Arimakinen.
The first Arimakinen Challenge that she had a good response to was a challenge on turf D, long distance C, with a result of 9th place. Although she didn't make the board (up to 5th place), Haru Urala ran as fast as she could over the 2,500 meters and was cheered on with a look of accomplishment while the other losing Uma Musume were nodding and crying.
The losing event, which in normal play would not even be a contest and Ulala would just come home in dead last, had turned into a fair and honest defeat, where she gave it her all in terms of ability and strategy. The ninth place I took for the first time and the sight of Harulara responding to the cheers with her chest out were more emotional than any victory.
Editor A: Isn't that a great story? (My phone is fixed.)
Nakazato: The days of fighting were not in vain! How about closing by saying, "Please look forward to Dr. HaruUrara's next race.
Editor A: No.
Nakazato: That's right.
I tried dozens of times with similar specs to increase the sample,
Turf D long distance C: 9th place
Turf D Long Distance D Foreshadowing: 13th place
Turf D long distance C: 6th place
Turf C long distance B: 4th place
Turf C long distance B: 3rd place
This is how it looked like. If the long distance is B or higher, you will see a bulletin board placement. On the other hand, if only the turf was extended, it did not affect the results that much.
I think that if the turf is C-B long distance B, or turf D-C long distance A, it is possible to win the Arimakinen. This is my current feeling. When I failed the friendship training with power +80 and success rate of 16% at the sea training camp in the third year with turf C long distance B, my voice was like "Ugggghh...... Uggg ......". The failure caused my tension to drop from high to normal, and as a result, my power stats did not reach S. I was so excited that I had to go back to the camp and try again. Haru Urala's Arimakinen result that time was ...... the third best! If only that training had been successful, or even ...... ughhhh.
Editor A: I thought taiyaki stories would be tough for 2021.
Nakazato: No, no, no, it's because it's 2025 that I wouldn't be surprised if it was revived tomorrow.
To be honest, my heart was broken, but the real work of endless rounds comes after the heart is broken. It is important to prepare two parent Uma Musume for the Arimakinen challenge (without renting them). To be honest, if the first time you inherit a factor, you may want to retry at that point, but you can't give up if you are relying on three rentals a day.
And I must have done at least 100 laps while praying for the growth of the long-distance and turf factors in training.
It is an exaggeration to say that God came down here ......, but there were times when the pieces of the training were snapped into place. The monthly training went well and Ulala is hardly ever out of shape. In the races, the escape strategy worked well, and they marched to first place every time. This was the only time he was able to succeed to the factor in the first year, but we continued to carefully nurture him. If we can catch the growth of the turf and long-distance factors, he is on pace to win the Arimakinen, and the factors sometimes clump together, so it is worth watching until the results of the factor inheritance in the second year. And in the second year of factor inheritance: ......
▲ long distance up! D to C
▲Long distance up! C to B
Long distance up! B to A
The long-distance factor has increased to A by a landslide!
Three steps up in long-distance factor with only one factor inheritance! This makes me shiver, to be honest. I had been going around without sleeping, and it is more common for a factor not to go up even a single level. At that time, I was praying inwardly that "Anshin Sasaharishi will not appear this time. The Anshin Sasabushi is an event with a strong gambling element; if you succeed, your power will increase significantly, but if you fail, your condition will drop to a very low level. If you take such a gamble in this competitive lap, your heart will be crushed before you see any results.
If you hold your breath and continue to train, the pull of friendship training is good from there as well. Haru Urala goes undefeated all the way to the G1 races, the Februrary Stakes and the JBC Sprint. Then, after a holy night talk with her trainer, she goes to the Arimakinen in her best ever and in perfect condition. With a turf D and a long-distance A, he should have a good shot at victory in terms of status.
With the deadline for the manuscript just around the corner, this will be his last chance. The finish was better than his best third-place finish, and whether he wins or loses, he has been trained with no regrets.
Now, let's go with Aiba to the top of the championship.......
I was excited at this time. I was thrilled at this time!
▲......? He's at the back of the pack, being guarded by a mob of horse girls.
After the race was over, he started to show his skill in a furious manner.
The result was neither a victory nor a defeat.
Nakazato: Why? Here! Mobuko blocks him and he sinks into the crowd of horses! (8th place)
Editor A: Ah...the most disappointing patina.
Nakazato: Why, ...... why, ...... why?
Completely now, the Arimakinen conquered? I thought I was going to die because I was on the line to Mr. Editor A with the tension of Perhaps it's because he often lacks turf aptitude, but even after this, there are quite a few cases in which he falters in the last part of the race at the beginning even though he seems to have a good finish, and settles for 5th or 6th place after showing a great knobble in the middle part of the race. On the other hand, even when I tried to run away in the Arimakinen, I could not reach the real runaway horse, Seiunsky, in the early stages of the race and was continuously beaten by monsters such as Special Week and Glass Wonder at the last corner.
The times when I felt I had the best competition in run training were the laps where I drew turf E and long distance A (EC to EA). I felt that he was a bit of a training failure in terms of status and could not win a normal race, so I made a very peaky skill selection of Nakayama Racecourse ◎, Fushuse ◎, and Running Tips ◎, and he got off to an outstanding start. He was in a dead heat with Seiun Sky until the last 1,000 meters, which gave me hope that this might be ......? It gave me hope that this might be the case.
The ▲ effect is unknown, but I'd like to dream about something for the ▲/◎.
▲ started out great. Still, Seiunsky has never given up the lead.
The hard-working boy on the right is our boy.
▲"Glass Wonder" from behind, "Special Week" on the outside, the end.
In the end, we were not able to win the Arimakinen before the final deadline of Golden Week. I couldn't give up, so I even tried to play the gacha, but after that, I entered a mode where I couldn't draw any factors during training, and I was completely out of luck.
However, I did everything I could until the very last minute before the deadline, and the lack of results made me feel a little satisfied, thinking that this might be the world that Haru Urala saw when she ran through 113 races with zero wins.
This time, as planned for the three times in total, we will come to an end, but hopefully, we will try again someday. I hope to try again someday, and when I do, I would like to show Haru Urala the goal of the Arimakinen without anyone else in sight.
Continue to Someday?
(Text by Kiri Nakazato)