Can "Uma Musume" Haru Ulala win the Arima Kinen? The Legend of Chun-Li: I'll Go See Uma Musume That's Better Than Me, Part 2 "U-La-La-Lan, U-La-La-Lan, Three Hours on the Train".
After this, the editor in charge's phone breaks.
Editor A: (LINE POKON) Actually, I also tried the Arimakinen Challenge with Haru Urala. (I finished training just before the Arimakinen.
Nakazato:If I had been able to win the Arimakinen, this short series would have been over. Haru Ulala is for beginners, but at the same time, it is one of the end contents at the moment, so the difficulty level is high. I think you can usually make it to the URA final clear if you try hard enough.
Now, I started a project to conquer Arimakinen with "Uma Musume" HaruUrara from last time. I was surprised that the name of the project and the name of the horse girl came out of my mouth so easily, but it wasn't that I was particularly fond of Harulara or that she was my favorite character.
⇒I was surprised that I could come up with a name for my project!
The "Uma Musume" Challenge! The Legend of Chun-Li: I'm going to meet the Uma Musume who is better than me! HaruUrala, I will not be able to return until I win the Arima Kinen!
I was curious about this one, probably because I was so impressed with Haru Ulala in the race music video that was first shown to me as a reference for this work.
In a dream race in which many beautiful Uma Musume participate, the number of the horse running last is displayed alone on the data screen that shows the entire race. She was so far back that the camera couldn't even see her, but I knew intuitively that she was Haru Urala. The perspective of ......, where there is a narrative in the fact that there is one person who is out of place in the dream race but still runs hard, is interesting in itself, and I thought I could trust the creator of this work.
Editor A: Thank you for the poem from the first hand.
Nakazato: (unmoved) I think it takes a lot of courage and sense to spotlight a loser in content where winning and losing are central.
Editor A: In the beginning, there was a comic serial called "Haruurara Ganbaran! in the early stages of the comic series, right?
Nakazato: HaruURARA was the first comic to focus on the first stage of comic development. I think the idea of depicting the sorrows of the defeated was in the works from the very beginning.
And when I was writing a diary mainly about Harulara, I didn't want to think that I would suddenly win the URA finals with all the SSR support I had paid for. I didn't like the thought of having to win the URA finals with a lineup of SSR supports that I had paid for, so I decided to play the first game in a restricted manner. I purposely limited the supports to R cards that had not yet been trained. I didn't inherit most of the factors that could be used.
Editor A: Weak is the new game.
Nakazato: Well, that's the way we usually do it in a play diary.
When you play the game under conditions that are as close to the default values as possible, you realize once again that it is a really well-designed game.
My real first play was with Silence Suzuka, and I had a good idea that I would be able to win to some extent if I hit the speed limit with an SSR runaway horse girl. So I was able to win there rather quickly. I think everyone probably thinks that way. In the early environment, there were many people playing with escape and advance, and after a certain amount of information was distributed, all the people were playing Bakushin Bakushin Bakushin with Sakura Bakushin-O, which was easy to raise! After a certain amount of information was distributed, all the people were playing Bakushin Bakushin Bakushin!
Nakazato:For our generation, "Bakushin" means "Galactic Whirlwind.
Editor A: Do you know what J9 is?
Nakazato:Yamato Bakushin of "Bikkuriman" is also hard to throw away. I heard that a certain video game maker won a fortune with Bikkuriman a while ago.
But HaruUrara is designed to be a big star, and there are 25 turns before the first mission deadline after its debut, so quite a bit of leeway is taken out of the schedule. When you have plenty of time, you can do trial and error. Even if you get hurt in a turf race or forget to take a rest and your horse girl gets sick, you can still manage to recover and progress.
I also lost my first race in the first round because I was trained with a poor deck, but if I lost my first race, the actual commentator would say "Hang in there, HaruURARA! When the player loses his first game, the play-by-play announcer will be all in favor of Haruwurara. This is a truly heartbreaking scene. I think it's a fun game to play, and if possible, I'd like to do some trial and error myself before looking at the correct answers.

Game-wise, I have been winning and losing since my debut game. It's not nearly as hard as the actual Haru Urala herself or the people involved, who have been losing all along, but it's still hard to see the horsegirl in charge of the game feeling down and listless. However, she did win a few races in the open, which is a good start even by Haru Urala's standards (?). However, she has made a good start with some wins in the open races. As a prelude to the Arimakinen, we also ran her in the Hopeful Stakes, a middle-distance G1 race held at the same Nakayama racecourse at the end of the year (......). The result was, of course, the worst of the bunch. It seemed to foreshadow the spectacle of the Arimakinen from the following year onward, and I felt I had learned the height and severity of the mountain.
In the end, the first Haru Urala training ended in exhaustion in the G1 race, the Februrary Stakes.
Although she had only completed less than 10 races, the real-life Haru Urala ran 113 races to 0 wins until the end. It must have been 113 races, too, with the goal of winning every time, while taking care to keep her going without getting injured. How was she able to work so hard, given her character of being easily bored? I wanted to know, so I went to see her.
Editor A: What?
Nakazato: Uma Musume is a content where you can go and meet your guess.
Harulara was called the star of the losing team in Kochi horse racing, but after retiring, she had some twists and turns and is now living a leisurely life at "Maasa Farm" in Oyado, Chiba Prefecture. Take the Keiyo Line from Shinkiba Station, which is rather familiar to otaku, and change to the Sotobo Line at Joso Ichinomiya Station. It is farther than the planet Usamin. From the station, the map says it is 3 km away, and I thought about walking, but the country road is full of mountains, forests, and tunnels, so I gave up on the way and took a cab.
Nakazato: Do you know that there is a haru-urara at the ranch we are going to now?
Driver: Yes, of course. I picked up another customer this weekend.
Nakazato:We were so full on the weekend that we couldn't get a reservation for the tour at all.
Driver: About 15 years ago, Harulara was at a place called "Blueberry Hill" in Katsuura. I was in that area at that time.
May I stop you from developing a story that is bothering you before you get off the train? It seems that horses have history and people have history, but it seems that Harulara and "Uma Musume" are also contributing to the local economy.
In the mountains in April, wild birds, including Japanese nightingales, are singing furiously, and the wind carries the scent of forest and compost. Beyond the ridges is a pasture for cattle, and one wonders if this is the third village in "Shin Evangelion"? It is an idyllic scene that makes me think, "Is this the third village in Shin Evangelion? And there, among the stables where several horses were grazing, was Haru Urala. At the entrance, a goat was giving me the "Mutsugoro Animal Kingdom" vibe, and a dog barked furiously at me from the kennel in the back.
Haru Urala is 25 years old, but she is very energetic. She seemed a little unenthusiastic with the 100% male clientele, but her eyes lit up as soon as she saw the bucket of carrots. Maasa Farm sells buckets of carrots for 500 yen, so Harurara can raise her spirits as much as she wants. During the tour, the geeks were talking about how "it's better than the mess in the game" and charging all kinds of money for carrots and souvenir messes.
Now, I've usually enjyoed, but the reason I came so far away was to find out why Harurara was able to work so hard. I would like to interview Haru Ulala herself directly.
Nakazato : Ulala, or rather, Woo-chan. How were you able to work so hard?
Haru Ulala : Well, I think Ulala's guts were rather high!
Nakazato: That's meta. How do you think you yourself could have won the Arimakinen?
Harularia: I'd like to have turf aptitude and long-distance aptitude.
Nakazato: You are so clever, Urara!
Now, let's start carefully selecting factors!
As you play "Uma Musume" to some extent, you will realize that this game is a very well-designed game of factors. In "Uma Musume," the two horses are "two horsegirls who have inherited a factor through fate." In other words, the characteristics inherited from the father and mother are called "factors. Maasa Farm also had a colt by Hsiamazon, who had a strong and erotic-looking body, and I thought this was inherited factor .......
Long distance: G (lowest) Turf: G (no aptitude)
As shown above, Haru Urala's basic aptitude is hopeless for Arimakinen, but we can improve her aptitude value by adding factors inherited from her parents. Usually, we are happy or sad about the number of stars for major factors such as "speed" and "stamina," but what is important this time is the factors for "long distance" and "turf," which are next to those factors. Ideally, we thought it would be best to combine a family with "Long-distance Factor 9," in which the father has Long-distance Factor 3 and the paternal grandparents also have Long-distance Factor 3, with a family with Turf Factor 9, in which the mother has Turf Factor 3 and the maternal grandparents also have Turf Factor 3.
As for the long-distance Factor 9 horsema-maiden, I was fortunate enough to be able to borrow one from a friend in the game, so it will be my immediate mission to create my own horsema-maiden with a turf factor of 8 to 9. To be honest, I was prepared for a long journey. ......
I was prepared for a long journey, but I found a new horse, Gold Ship, who came back with a turf 2 (☆☆☆☆) factor in the first round of the ...... round. The first time I went to the beach, I was in the middle of the ocean, and I was in the middle of the ocean, and I was in the middle of the ocean, and I was in the middle of the ocean. I would have liked to say one more star anyway, but it is very difficult to get the desired 3 Stars, and even this would be too much. Since there is a limit of three times a day for rentals, I wanted to turn as many attempts as possible into the actual Arimakinen Challenge for Haruurara.
Finally, I wanted to finish what I could before starting the factor selection process, so I decided to raise the specs of Harulara, my training target, as much as possible. First, I put all the goddess statues I had on hand to raise Harulara's talent to 3 Stars. Harularra's competitive outfit of gym uniform and jersey was released. Her knees are covered with bandages, which shows her hard work.
Next, we will raise her awakening level to 4 and release her basic skills.
She can now take "Keep Pace," "Will of Steel," and "Fusei○" from the start of her training.
The reason I raised it to LV4 was because I wanted to try out the "Fushusei○" skill. The reason I raised it to level 4 was because I wanted to try out the "Fushibei○" skill, which makes it easier for a horse to show its ability in races where it is ranked fourth or lower, and I thought there was a high probability that Harurara would be ranked fourth or lower when she challenged for the Arimakinen. When we actually tried to use it, we found that it seems to be a skill that provides a slight status correction when the conditions are met, similar to the "Good Baba XX" skill, but the effect was not as dramatic as we had expected.
In addition, "We will raise the awakening LV to 4 and release the basic skills." simply said, but during this one line, Taikishattle just kept circling the dirt track.
Editor A: What was Haruurara doing? (Smilephone is healed.)
Nakazato: I think she was chasing butterflies.
The average increase in ability due to talent flowering is about 10↑ for each ability value, but considering the winning rate in the early stages of training, I think it is surprisingly small. However, when considering the winning rate in the early stages of training, I think it is surprisingly small. The most accident-prone race is the make debut race with insufficient training, where the plugging horse, Haruurara, sinks into a crowd of horses and loses quite often. However, after running a mountain of laps later, I came to the conclusion that for short-distance to mile races, including the Make Debut race in the first race, it is more likely to win by running away, ignoring the aptitude of the horse. When I let Haru Urala run away, she would run away normally until the middle of the race, but when she was caught or almost passed, she would re-accelerate as if she remembered that she is a horse that runs away, and she is surprisingly persistent.
Now, we are ready. Finally, next time, Haruurara, the Arimakinen Challenge is in full swing. The lid of the cauldron of hell will be opened.
To be continued in Part 3!
(Text by Kiri Nakazato)
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