PC KOBO Akihabara Iiyama Store and Akihabara Outlet Kan are scheduled to relocate and reopen on May 29 (Sat) from 11:00 a.m. to the 1st and 2nd floors of Unitcom Akihabara Building. The location is along Akihabara Junk Street.
PC KOBO Akihabara Iiyama Store, which will be relocated to the 1st floor of Unitcom Akihabara Building, will offer a wide variety of original PCs, including the "iiyama PC" gaming model LEVEL Infinity and the standard model STYLE Infinity that is ready for business and telework. The store will also offer a wide selection of reasonably priced gaming monitors, mice, and other peripherals. On the 2nd floor of the same building, "PC KOBO Akihabara Outlet Kan" will be merged with "Akihabara Store No. 2" to offer a wide range of discounted items including good quality outlet PCs, used gaming PCs, used PCs, used peripherals such as used LCD monitors, and supplies. In addition, the PC-related junk corner will offer bargain PC-related junk items at special prices.
In addition, a relocation and reopening commemorative sale will be held at both stores from May 29 (Sat.) at 11:00 to June 4 (Fri.). At the "PC KOBO Akihabara Iiyama Store," iiyama PC notebooks and desktop PCs, including the "LEVEL Infinity" gaming PCs, will be available at special prices, and there will also be daily specials on a limited quantity of peripheral devices. PC KOBO Akihabara Outlet Kan will offer used PCs, used parts, and popular used gaming PCs at special prices to commemorate the reopening.
In addition, the nearby "PC KOBO Akihabara BUYMORE Store" will also hold a sponsored sale centered on PC parts and peripherals.
*Please click here for sale information.
<Store Information
PC KOBO Akihabara Iiyama Store
Unitcom Akihabara Bldg. 1F, 3-4-15 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business hours: 11:00-20:00
Closed: Open all year round
PC KOBO Akihabara Outlet Kan
Unitcom Akihabara Bldg. 2F, 3-4-15 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Business hours: 11:00-20:00
Closed: Open all year round