A new Pokémon animation "Yumenotsubomi" by Seigo Yamashita of "Wings of Twilight" and Studio Colorado was released today on the YouTube channel "Pokémon Kids TV!
Studio Colorado announced the production of a new Pokémon animation, "Yumenotsubomi. The director is Seigo Yamashita, who directed "Wings of Twilight.
Studio Colorido, a Twin Engine group company that handles animation planning and production, announced that it has produced a new Pokémon animation, "Yumenotsubomi," following "Wings of Twilight," a web animation set in the world of "Pokémon: Sword Shield" that was released last year to great acclaim. The director of "Wings of Twilight" is a Pokémon animation director. Seigo Yamashita, who directed "Wings of Twilight," is in charge of directing.
⇒ " Pokémon Sword Shield" will be adapted into an anime by Studio Colorido! The first episode will be released on YouTube on Wednesday, January 15, 2020!
This work was released today as the third work in the "POKETOON" series on Pokémon Kids TV, Pokémon's official YouTube channel. The animation, which makes full use of the "Studio Colorido" style, with its warm and cute characters, carefully depicts the journey of a Pokémon trainer from both the parents' and children's perspectives.
In the future, "Wait for me! Koiking," "Pokapoka Magmag House," "I became a Gengar! and "Gengar ni Natta Natta? Seigo Yamashita, the director of "Yumenotsubomi," will be the general director!
Comment from Seigo Yamashita, General Director
I am honored to be involved in the Pokemon animation series following the "Wings of Twilight" series. I am very pleased to be involved in the Pokémon animation series following the "Wings of Dusk" series. I am working hard together with the director of each episode so that you can enjoy the world view and characters of each work and want to see more! We hope that you will enjoy the series in a casual and casual mood!
▼ "Yumenotsubomi" Full Length
The film is a work of art.
Dreams of a Tsubomi
<Staff> Director: Seigo Yamashita
Director : Seigo Yamashita
Screenplay : Kureha Matsuzawa
Storyboard : Seigo Yamashita, Ip Watanabe
Director:Ip Watanabe
Character design/ Animation director:Akiko Watanabe
Art Design : Hitomi Kariya
Art Director:Yusuke Takeda, Takamasa Mashiro
Color Designer:Daio Kaguchi
Director of Photography:Hiroki Kawashita
Sound Director:Masafumi Mima
Music: Yuri Habuka
Animation Production: Studio Colorido
Tsubomi: Inori Minase
Mom: Numakura Aimi
Papa: Takashi Onozuka
Chorobi: Tsuguo Mogami
Nidoran♂: Rikako Aikawa
Pikachu: Ikue Otani
▼"POKETOON" series playlist
# (C)2021 Pokémon
(C)2021 Pokémon. (C)1995-2021 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
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