Good old RPG "Blood Bond: Into the Shroud" on sale today at DMM Games! On sale until July 2!

British game developer and publisher W.R.K.S Games has released "Blood Bond: Into the Shroud," an old-school RPG that explores a world based on Norse mythology, on DMM Games.

Blood Bond: Into the Shroud" explores new RPG possibilities. Explore a path less traveled by hand and experience the epic Jordenheim storyline, heavily influenced by Norse mythology and lore.

The main character, Astrid, a young Viking witch, the daughter of two heroes, has been abandoned by her father and raised by her mother to live as a nuisance in the village. The story begins when Astrid returns to her village after a hunt and learns that her village has been destroyed and her mother is missing.

Unaware of his potential, the hero sets out on a journey to find his father, Birger. Explore the hidden Viking powers and the truth behind them.


15% OFF campaign until July 2, 23:59! Three sets of patterns including a fantastic soundtrack are available for the release on DMM GAMES.

Product type / DMM GAMES sales page
Blood Bond - Into the Shroud
3,500 yen (tax included)
#: $3,500 (tax included)
Blood Bond - Into the Shroud Official Soundtrack
620 yen (tax included)
# #Blood Bond - Into the Shroud
Blood Bond - Into the Shroud Bundle Game + Official Soundtrack
620 yen (incl. tax)
# How to play: In addition to combat, you can explore, explore, explore, explore, explore.

How to play: In addition to combat, explore and craft

Explore and discover:
Collect medicinal plants or explore mysterious areas. Every action will lead to gaining XP.

Pray to the gods and receive their blessings. However, what you receive is up to the gods. You can receive benefits by exploring to discover the gods and completing various quests.

Choose wisely whom to fight. Finding other means through stealth is also up to you. There are no lock-on features or options to make combat easier for those who use axes, bows and arrows, or magic.

Status effects:
Prepare for your journey by creating buffs, debuffs, and special status conditions. Status conditions can be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on the case, so it is important to use them well.

Not all talents, traits and abilities are available. Gathering and building up items is the key to a successful journey.

Game Information.

Blood Bond: Into the Shroud
Store page: ##
Release date: June 22, 2021
Price: 3,500 yen (tax included)
Platform: PC (DMM Games)
Genre: RPG
Developer: W.R.K.S. Games
Distributor: DMM Games
Languages: English, Russian, Japanese

About W.R.K.S. Games
W.R.K.S. Games is an indie game developer/publisher that places the creation of unique and interesting worlds and stories at the heart of its game production. For more information, please visit the official website.