New "Gundam" Anime Announced! Three titles will be developed in 2022: the TV series "The Witches of Mercury," the movie "The Island of Cruz Doan," and the "Orphens" special edition!

The "Gundam Project," a cross-sectional project of the Bandai Namco Group, announced new video titles scheduled for development in 2022 at the 2nd Gundam Conference held on September 15, 2021.

The titles announced are as follows.
At the 2nd Gundam Conference, Mr. Takashi Fujiwara, Managing Director and CGO (Chief Gundam Officer) of Namco Bandai Entertainment Inc.

New TV animation "Mobile Suit Gundam Mercury Witch" in 2022

Thelong-awaitedlatest TV animation of theGundam series, "Mobile SuitGundam:Witches of Mercury,"will begin broadcasting in2022.
This willbethe first newTVanimation work of theGundamseriesinsevenyears sincethebroadcastof"Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphens".In addition to theconcerted efforts of the Bandai Namco Group, the company will alsowork with"G-PARTNER" (external companies and personnel involved in the "Gundam Project" as partners)to create new touch points,aiming for even larger-scale developmentthan before.
Targetingyoung people, mainlyteenagersworldwide, thecompany will focus on development to attractfans who will support the next generation of "Gundam".

2022 New Movie "Mobile Suit Gundam: The Island of Cruz Doan"

Anew movie "Mobile SuitGundam: Cruz Doan'sIsland"directed by Yoshikazu Yasuhikowill be produced.
Thefilm will focus on the15thepisode of"Mobile Suit Gundam", "TheIsland ofCruzDoan",andwill be released in theaters in2022.
The target audience is Gundam fans in their 40s or older.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans" in the spring of 2022.

An application for smartphoneswill be launched and a total of nine "special episodes" will be broadcast onTV.
The staff of the"Mobile SuitGundam:Iron-Blooded Orphans"TVserieshave reunited to create the latest"Mobile Suit Gundam:Iron-Blooded Orphans UlfsHunt,"and thesmartphoneapplication"Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-BloodedOrphans G ," in whichthe world of"Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans"can be enjoyed asagame, will be released in 2022. OrphansG" isscheduled to bereleased in thespring of2022.

In conjunction with the distribution, a"Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-BloodedOrphans" special (9episodes)is scheduled to be broadcast in the spring of2022.Part of"Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphens UlfsHunt" will be depicted in theprogram.
The target audience is said to be from 10s to 20s.

It seems that all generations will be able to enjoy "Gundam" in 2022. Stay tuned for more news.

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