Netflix Festival Japan 2021 Special】"Love = Understanding! The Jojo fever of the too-understandable cast overheats! Part 1: "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean" Special Stage Report!

Netflix Festival Japan 2021" <Anime Day> was held on November 9, 2021.

Netflix Festival Japan 2021" is an annual event held by Netflix to announce new releases, and this year it was held over two days on November 9 and 10, with an "Anime Day" on the 9th for anime films scheduled for release this fall or later, and a "Live Action Day" on the 10th, On the 10th, live-action movies and dramas scheduled to be released this fall or later were announced.

This time, we report on the first part of "Anime Day," which featured the opening stage "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean" special stage.

After a video message from John Kabira, the Festival's general chairman, a representative speech by Ted Sarandos, co-CEO and Chief Content Officer of Netflix, was shown via video message. Mr. Ted said that Japanese animation is very well accepted and highly acclaimed on a global scale.

Mr. Kazutaka Sakamoto

Mr. Kazutaka Sakamoto, Vice President of Netflix Content Acquisition Division, took the stage next.

He spoke of the "trajectory of the Japanese market to date," and as for the "future outlook," he said, "We will further strengthen the lineup of productions originating from Japan," and "We will also establish a system that provides maximum support to creators. In addition, the company will strengthen its system to provide maximum support to filmmakers. In addition, he also talked about strengthening the feature-length film business.

Naoki Yoshida

From here, Naoki Yoshida took over as MC, and the main part of the Animation Stage finally began.

First up was a special stage for "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean," which will be distributed exclusively worldwide from December 1, 2021.

First, Yugo Kanno, who is in charge of music, gave a music performance.

This was followed by a special talk session featuring main cast members Ai Fayrouz as Xurin Sorajo, Mutatsushin Tamura as Hermes Costello, and Mariya Ise as Foo Fighters.

The three were very excited to see Mr. Kanno's live performance! The three girls were excited to talk with each other in a lively atmosphere. Here, Ai Fayrouz's JoJo "gachi-sei" attitude came out in full force.

She says that she first came into contact with "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" when she was in the second grade of junior high school, but since she suddenly started reading from Part 6, she did not really understand the relationships between the characters. She was unaware that the work continued from Part 1, so she started reading from the first volume and finally finished Part 6 around the time she was a sophomore in high school.

Ms. Ai Fairouz

Ms. Fairouz was asked the question, "If you had to describe the character you play with one kanji character, what would it be? She answered, "Love. Xu Lun's reason for being determined is also love, and the source of his vitality is love! Love = understanding! He often inserted a little joke into his talk that only deep Jojo maniacs would understand ("Love = Understanding!!!"). is an aori text from the Weekly Shonen Jump serialization).

Incidentally, Mr. Tamura described Ermaez as a "compassionate" character, saying that he is in prison because of his compassion. Mr. Ise described Foo Fighters as a "knowledgeable" character. He said, "He is a very smart character, and when he meets Xu Lun and his friends, he grows up and gains intelligence.

Mariya Ise

Stone Ocean" is an episode in which female characters play an active role, which is rare in the "JoJo" series. For this reason, the female cast members are very enthusiastic about this work.

Ms. Tamura told her office, "Let me audition for Part 6 anyway! Ms. Ise also said, "If I am going to be involved in 'JoJo,' Part 6 is the only way to do it! I thought, "If I'm going to be involved in 'JoJo,' it's only Part 6! (I tried to cut down on greed (in preparation for the audition), and tried to live my life thinking only about the role.

Ms. Fairooz said, "I wanted to show how much I love 'JoJo' and how much I love Xu Lun, so I wore my hair in the image of Xu Lun to the audition, and my costume was like hers, and the file containing the materials was also in the image of 'JoJo'". At the audition, he was so moved that he almost cried, so his feelings were genuine.

Mutsuki Tamura

When asked, "Other than the three, who are the other characters you are interested in? He answered, "Xu Lun's first encounter with a bad guy. I'm amazed they cast that guy! Tamura said. In addition, he said, "There are many other characters in the cast who are performing very well," so there is a lot to see from the beginning of the show.

Finally, Mr. Fairooz said, "The cast is also acting so powerfully that you can hear the 'thud' sound effects behind them. And how the stands are expressed. It really won't disappoint, so please look forward to it! The audience is looking forward to the December delivery of the show.