Announces plans for an anime adaptation of "Tsundere Baddass Lieselotte, Jikkyo no Endo-kun to Kommento no Kobayashi-san! Large ads appear in Ikebukuro and Shibuya
The latest fourth volume of the popular manga "Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte, Jikkyo no Endo-kun to Kommentary no Kobayashi-san" went on sale on Monday, December 27. It was also announced that an anime adaptation project is in the works.
Tun Lise" is a popular manga (manga by Rumio Sakaki, original by Suzu Enoshima, character design by Ehi) serialized in B's-LOG COMIC. The series has sold over 500,000 copies (as of October 2021, combined paper and electronic sales).
Zeke, the crown prince, suddenly hears two divine voices.... It was a shocking revelation that Sieg's fiancée, Lieselotte, is a "tsundere" and will meet her "doom" if she does not change her ways!
The two gods are just high school students who are playing a video game. Relying on the "actual situation" and "commentary" from the gods, the super cute villainess Lieselotte, whose true feelings are leaking out, struggles to avoid a bad ending, in this new villainess story.
It has now been announced that an anime adaptation of the work is in the works. In addition, to commemorate the release of the fourth volume of the latest comic adaptation on December 27, 2021 (Monday), large-scale traffic advertisements are running in Ikebukuro and Shibuya.
The ads are all illustrated by Rumio Sakaki, who is in charge of the manga adaptation, so be sure to check them out when you stop by the stations.
The ads will be displayed at the following locations and periods
JR East Long Size Ikebukuro A and B
JR Ikebukuro Station, north aisle outside ticket gates
From Monday, December 27, 2021 to Sunday, January 2, 2022
■Tojo Line Ikebukuro Station Round Wide Board Tokyu
Tobu Tojo Line Ikebukuro Station Concourse outside the ticket gates, in front of the entrance of Tobu Department Store
From Monday, December 27, 2021 to Sunday, January 9, 2022
Shibuya Big 8A, Shibuya, Tokyo
Concourse outside the ticket gates of Shibuya Station on the Tokyu Denentoshi Line, near the Hachiko ticket gate on the B2 floor
From Monday, December 27, 2021 to Sunday, January 9, 2022
Please be careful not to block the passage of other station users when viewing the ads.
Please refrain from contacting the station, station staff, or the railroad company.
Book information
■"Tsundere villainess Lieselotte to Jikkyo no Endo-kun to Kommentary no Kobayashi-san" vol.4
Manga: Rumio Gyakki, original story: Suzu Enoshima, character design: Ehi
Release date: Monday, December 27, 2021
Price: 737 yen (tax included)
Official page:
Feine is upset by Val's ardent confession of love, but she is suddenly awakened and can hear Endo and Kobayashi's "voice of God"! Meanwhile, Lieselotte has been having nightmares day after day about an "ancient witch" and is being driven into a corner. ...... The nightmares finally lead her to avoid Zeke, and she is perplexed by Lieselotte's attitude and confronts her own feelings... What is Lieselotte's dream from her childhood? What is Lieselotte's childhood dream?
Official website of the series "Tsundere Baddass Lieselotte, Endo-kun of the play-by-play commentary, and Kobayashi-san of the commentary".
Tsundere Villainous Daughter Lieselotte, Endo-kun of the Actual Situation, and Kobayashi-san of the Commentary" Comic ComicWalker
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