NCSOFT has released a special site for the latest update "Chronicle IV: Revealing Myth" for the next-generation open world RPG "Lineage 2M. In addition, a New Year event and the eve of the 300th anniversary event will also be held.
Lineage 2M" is a mobile remake of the PC online game "Lineage 2" with the best graphics.
New age 3D graphics technology creates one of the largest seamless open worlds in mobile game history.
The game is designed to allow players to enjoy growth with diversity and freedom for many years to come, and to experience large-scale battles where more than 10,000 people gather to fight.
A special site for the latest update, "Chronicle IV: Revealing the Myth," has been released. The new year event and the eve of the 300th anniversary event will be held at the same time, so why not take this opportunity to play?
The special site for the latest update "Chronicle IV: Revealing the Myth" is now open!
<Special site release date and time
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
<Special Site
## Overview
On January 4 (Tue.), a special site for the latest update "Mythic Reveal" will be released.
The Mythic class "Raul" has been introduced as a new existence to challenge the gods beyond the legend.
In addition to the Mythic Class "Raul," Mythic Skills and Mythic Weapons are also available.
For more information about the next update, "Myth Revealed," please visit the special site.
Black Tiger of Good Omens
From Wednesday, January 5, 2022 (after regular maintenance) to Wednesday, January 19, 2022 (before regular maintenance) (tentative)
During the period, "Black Tiger Memorial Coin (Event)" will drop at a certain rate when field monsters on the Aden continent are defeated. The collected "Black Tiger Memorial Coin (Event)" can be used to produce "Pure Elixir (Engraving)", "Tiger Summoning Aura (Event)", "Tiger Strengthening Aura (Event)", and so on. If the production of "Tiger Summoning/Enhancement Aura" is a great success, "Tiger Advanced Summoning Aura (Event)" and "Tiger Advanced Enhancement Aura (Event)" can be obtained.
Collect "Black Tiger Commemorative Coin (Event)" to create various items.
<Details of "The Black Tiger of Good Omens".
Double! Twice! New Year's Party Dungeon" will be held.
<Opening period
From Wednesday, January 5, 2022 (after regular maintenance) to Wednesday, January 19, 2022 (before regular maintenance) (scheduled)
A new difficulty level, "Difficult," was added to the party dungeon in today's update. An event will be held to commemorate this addition.
During this period, "EXP" and "Adena" earned from defeating monsters in "Party Dungeon" will be doubled. In addition, the number of times you can challenge the "Party Dungeon" per day will be increased to two times!
Take this opportunity to challenge party dungeons and grow your character!
<Doubled! Twice! New Year Party Dungeon" Details >>
Dawn of the Year 2022
From Wednesday, January 5, 2022 (after regular maintenance) to Wednesday, January 12, 2022 (before regular maintenance) (scheduled)
During the period, "Dawn of 2022" can be opened by spending 2,022 adena.
In addition to the daily reward of "Black Tiger Commemorative Coin (event)," additional rewards include "Tiger Advanced Summoning/Enhanced Aura (event)" and two "Intermediate Awakening Potion (engraved)" on the seventh day.
<Details of "The Dawn of 2022."
###Date of the event
300th eve of release! Held
<Opening period
From Friday, January 7, 2022 to Sunday, January 9, 2022 (scheduled)
Lineage 2M" will soon celebrate 300 days since its official release. To commemorate this occasion, special items such as 3,000 "Einhasad's Blessing", 30 "Shining Antique Bag (Event)", and "Tiger Summoning/Enhancement Aura (Event)" will be given away at 9pm for a total of three days.
The deadline for receiving the items is 23:59, so don't forget to pick them up.
<Details of the "300th eve of release! Details of the "300th eve of release!
New Year Daily 2022 Attendance Reward" is now available!
<Date of sale
After the regular maintenance on January 5, 2022 (Wed.) - Before the regular maintenance on January 19, 2022 (Wed.) (scheduled)
A special attendance reward will be available for up to 300 "Blessed Sacrament", 11 top level summons of a class or Agassion, 10 "Pure Elixir (Mark)", and more.
<Details of "New Year Daily 2022 Attendance Rewards."
Black Tiger Emblem Summon Package
<Sale period
After the regular maintenance on January 5, 2022 (Wed.) - before the regular maintenance on January 12, 2022 (Wed.) (scheduled)
The "Black Tiger Emblem Summon Package", which includes 44 summons of a class or Agathion, 30 "Emblem of Blessing Boxes (engraved)" and 3 "Top Quality Spirit Gathering Stones of Blessing (11 times) (engraved)", is now available.
Various popular items such as "Destino Ring" and "Great Magician's Necklace" are available as the second week lineup of limited-time productions.
For details on the package and various productions, check the announcement on the official website.
<Details of "Emblem of Blessing".
<Details of the "Black Tiger Emblem Summoning Package" >
The year's plans are made on New Year's Day! Linetsu New Year's Eve Campaign
<Opening period
January 1, 2022 (Sat) - January 10, 2022 (Mon) 23:59
Various prizes will be given away to a total of 11 players selected by drawing among those who post on Twitter with the designated hashtag "#Line2 New Year's Calligraphy" under the theme "Aspirations for Lineage 2M in 2022".
Prize A: One iPhone (Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max 128GB)
Prize B: Apple gift card or Google play gift code worth 3,000 yen for 10 players
<Conditions for participation
1. follow Lineage 2M official Twitter ( # )
2. post a message on Twitter with the hashtag "#Lineage2M Aspirations for 2022" under the theme "Aspirations for Lineage 2M in 2022".
<Campaign details>.
Title Information
■"Lineage 2M (Lineage2M)
Genre: Next generation open world RPG
Price: Free to download (some items are charged)
Supported platforms: Google Play/App Store/PURPLE (NC's own cross-platform platform)
Developer/operator: NCSOFT
Official website: # PURPLE
PURPLE Official WEB: #
Official Twitter: #
Official YouTube: #
Official Facebook: #
Official LINE@: #
This information is current as of January 5, 2022. The schedule is subject to change due to various reasons.
(Certain rights granted to NC Japan K.K. All Rights Reserved.