Memories at the bottom of the sea...Winter anime "Mundane Occupation de Sekai Saikyou 2nd season" episode 5 synopsis & advance cut!

From the TV anime "Mundane Occupation de Sekai Saikyou 2nd season," the synopsis of episode 5 and advance scene cuts have been released.

The TV anime will be broadcast from July 2019. Directed by Kinji Yoshimoto of "Kikaku Shoujo wa Kakunai ni Hattaranai" and produced by asread.×WHITE FOX.

⇒What is the secret to escape... Winter anime "Mundane Occupation de Sekai Saikyou 2nd season" episode 4 synopsis & advance cut!

⇒Click here for the list of 2022 winter anime!

The synopsis and advance cuts of the 5th episode of the TV anime "2nd season", which will be aired on February 10 (Thu.), have been released.

Synopsis and advance scene cuts】
■Episode 5 "Memories of the Bottom of the Sea

Hajime and his friends have obtained the divine magic of the Great Gruen Volcano and have safely joined up with Kaori and the others. They arrive in Erisen, the town of the sea people, and Miu is finally reunited with her mother, Remia.
Hajime and his friends bid a temporary farewell to Mieu and head for the undersea ruins of Melgine to obtain the next divine magic.

[Film Information
TV animation "Mundane Occupation de Sekai Saikyou 2nd season
<Broadcast Information
TOKOY MX: From January 13, every Thursday at 24:00~.
AT-X: Every (Thursday) 23:30~ starting January 13
(Repeat broadcasts: Every week (Mon.) 11:30~ starting January 17, and every week (Wed.) 17:30~ starting January 19)
BS11: Weekly (Thurs.) 24:00~ starting January 13

<Distribution information
dAnime Store: Simultaneous distribution with terrestrial broadcasting and the fastest independent distribution from January 13 (Thu.)
Other sites will start distributing it sequentially after 12:00 on January 16 (Sun.).

<Staff> Original story: Ryo Shirome (Overwatch)
Original story: Ryo Shirome (Overlap Bunko)
Illustration : Ki Takaya
Director:Kinji Yoshimoto (*Kinji Yoshimoto's "Yoshi" is for "earth" and "mouth")
Series composition/Screenplay : Katsuichi Sato, Kinji Yoshimoto
Character Design / Chief Animation Director: Tomoka Kojima
Music: Ryo Takahashi
Animation Production: asread. x WHITE FOX

Opening Theme: "Daylight" / MindaRyn
Animation Production:asread.×studio MOTHER

Hajime Nagumo: Hisanari Fukamachi
Yue:Yuki Kuwahara
Shea Haulia: Minami Takahashi
Tio Clarus: Yoko Hikasa
Kaori Shirasaki: Saori Onishi
Yaegashi Shizuku: Hanamori Yumiri
Miu: Yui Ogura
Aiko Hatayama: Ai Kakuma
Liliana S.B. Heilich: Noriko Shibasaki
Noint: Rina Sato
Fried Baguer: Katsuyuki Konishi
Mikhail: Makoto Ishii


Hajime Nagumo, a bullied child, is summoned to another world with his classmates. In contrast to his classmates, who are constantly developing cheat abilities for combat, Hajime is a simple alchemist. He is the weakest in the other world, and through the malice of one of his classmates, he is thrust into the abyss of the labyrinth...?
In the depths of despair, with no way to escape, Hajime finds a way to become the strongest as a master alchemist, and has a fateful encounter with the vampire Yue.
I will protect Yue, and Yue will protect me. That is the strongest.
I will reap them all and cross the world."
The "strongest" otherworldly fantasy of the boy from the abyss and the deepest vampire begins!
--And then, the boy exceeds the "strongest".

(C) Ryo Shirome, Overlap / Mundane Production Committee

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