Anime adaptation of "Isekai Nobiribi Farmer" is planned! Comments from the original author, Kishinosuke Naito, have also arrived!
An anime adaptation of the popular slow-life agricultural fantasy "Isekai Nobiri-Nobiri Farmer," which has sold a total of over 2 million copies in its series, has been decided.
Kishinosuke Naito's "Isekai no Nobiribi Farmer" is a very popular slow-life agricultural fantasy that has sold over 2 million copies in total.
The story is about Hiraku, a young man who lost his life after a battle with illness due to overworking his body at a black company.
The decision to adapt "Isekai Nobiribi Farmer" into an anime has been announced, and a comment from the original author, Kishinosuke Naito, has also arrived.
In addition, the latest volume, volume 12, will be released by KADOKAWA on March 31.
The long-awaited anime adaptation of "Isekai no Nobiribi Farmer" has been eagerly awaited by fans. Please look forward to further news.
Hello, my name is Kishinosuke Naito.
I'm Kiinosuke Naito, and I'm here to tell you that "Isekai no Nobiri Farmer" will be adapted into an anime! We did it!
Since it is an anime adaptation, the characters will move and talk!
They move and talk! It's amazing!
Please visit .............
It's a dream. Yeah, it must be.
I won't believe it until the details come out.
So I'm waiting for more news (details)!
Good luck, animation production companies!
Dear readers, please stay tuned!
Please continue to support "Isekai Nombiri Farmer" from now on.
(*Original text is in Japanese only.)
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Kiinosuke Naito Novelist (Activity Report) #
(C)Kinosuke Naito illust:Yasumo
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