The production of the TV anime "Flame Fire Brigade: Fire Brigade Sanno Chapter" and a game adaptation have been announced for "Flame Fire Brigade.
Flame Fire Brigade" is a popular manga that was published in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (written by Atsushi Okubo) and completed in February 2022. The TV anime will air its first season (two-court) from July 2019, followed by a second season (two-court) from July 2020. The TV anime's first season (2-cour) aired from July 2019, and "Chapter 2" aired from July 2020.
Volume 34, the final volume of the original work, goes on sale today. In addition, the production of the TV anime "Flame Firefighters: Chapter Three", a completely new original game adaptation, and an online exhibition commemorating the conclusion of the series were also decided.
The game is the first "Flame Fire Brigade" application game and is titled "Flame Fire Brigade: Flame Dance Chapter"; Mrs. GREEN APPLE, who sang the OP theme song "Inferno" for the TV anime Chapter 1, has newly written the theme song "Ennen". It will be implemented in the game PV to be released at a later date and in the game.
The online exhibition to commemorate the completion of the work will be filled with original drawings from the original manga, allowing visitors to enjoy the world of the work in all its glory. The exhibition will be held from June 17 (Friday) to July 17 (Sunday), 2022.
In addition, to commemorate the release of the three major special reports and the final volume of the original work, the event will be fully supported by advertisements, including a 15-tier ad in the Yomiuri Shimbun on June 17, digital signage in the east-west free passageway at Shinjuku Station, and ads on Shinjuku Wall 456 starting on June 23.
Even after the conclusion of the original story, "Flame Fire Brigade" continues to gain momentum. Don't miss out on future developments.
TV anime "Flame Fire Brigade
HP: #
Twitter: #
Free streaming of the first chapter on YouTube: #
New game "Flame Fire Brigade: Flame Dance Chapter" for smartphones
Teaser site: #
Twitter: #
Online Exhibition
Period: June 17 (Friday) - July 17 (Sunday), 2022
# # The exhibition will be held on June 17, 2022 (Friday) - July 17 (Sunday)
© Atsushi Okubo, Kodansha / Special Fire Department Video and Public Relations Division