Three previous Spider-Men from "Spider-Man: No Way Home" are now available as 1/10th scale statues!

Three successive Spider-Men from "Spider-Man: No Way Home" will appear in the 1/10 scale statues "Battle Diorama Series" presented by Iron Studio of Brazil, which has attracted attention for its high modeling techniques and unique concepts.

Spider-Man (integrated suit), Spider-Man (Peter 2) from the "Spider-Man" movie series, and Spider-Man (Peter 3) from the "Amazing Spider-Man" movie series, appearing in the movie "Spider-Man: No Way Home" will be sculpted as 1/10th scale All are hand painted and sculpted.

All of them are painted by hand, and every detail is elaborately sculpted with great attention to detail, so be sure to check them out!

Product Information
Spider-Man (Integrated suit)
Product size: Approximately 19 cm in height
Details: ##

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Product size: approx. 20 cm high
Detail: #

The Amazing Spider-Man
Product size: approx. 24 cm (8.5 in.) tall
Detail: #

Common to all products*.
Release: Scheduled to go on sale in January 2023
List price: 28,000 yen (tax included) / Toys "Sapiens" pre-order price: 23,800 yen (tax included)
Retailers: Hot Toys Flagship Store "Toys "R" Us, etc.
# (C) 2022 MARV

(C) 2022 MARVEL (C) 2022 CPII