Final Fantasy 16" will be released in summer 2023! Latest video and producer comments!
Square Enix has announced SUMMER 2023 as the release date for the PS5 title FINAL FANTASY XVI (Final Fantasy 16). The latest video and producer comments were released.
FINAL FANTASY XVI", the 16th FF numbered title, was announced for release in 2020. The producer is Naoki Yoshida, who has worked on "FINAL FANTASY XIV" and "DRAGON QUEST X," and the director is Hiroshi Takai, who has worked on "FINAL FANTASY V" and "SAGA FRONTIER.
The latest trailer, new characters, screenshots of scenery, producer and director comments, and development staff have now been released. They can also be seen on the teaser site.
New Characters
Hugo Kupka
Hugo Kupka is an advisor to the council of the Republic of Dalmatia. He was once only a soldier in Dalmatia, but he gained his position and wealth when he awakened as the dominant of the summoned Titan.
Hugo's voice is not limited to the Dalmatian army, but he now has the right to speak to the council and even influence the direction of the country.
Hugo thought he had everything, but when he meets Benedicta, his life is turned upside down.
Benedicta Herman
Benedicta is the commander of the Walled Kingdom's secret spy force, and is also the dominant of Garuda, a summoned beast that follows the wind and storm.
Her harsh life since childhood has created her ruthless and brutal character.
She has a chance encounter with Clive, who is in pursuit of the Black Efreet, and the mysterious Fire Dominant. This forces her to confront her own past. ......
Naoki Yoshida, Producer
Hello everyone, I am Naoki Yoshida, producer of Final Fantasy XVI!
It has been quite some time since the initial announcement of the project, but I am finally able to release the second trailer, "DOMINANCE". I would like to thank the development team for their continued hard work to master up the game!
We have not touched too much on the game system aspect of the game so far, but we hope that this time we have been able to give you a glimpse of the gameplay, albeit only a little. Many action scenes are playable, including the main character Clive's full-fledged battle action, the abundance of its techniques that seem to be the summoner's abilities, and most importantly, the clashes between the super-sized summons.
Using the capabilities of the PlayStation 5, we hope to deliver a roller coaster-like experience that seamlessly links the story, battles, and clashes between giant summoned beasts. The development team, led by director Takai, is in the process of polishing the game for mastery. We hope that you will look forward to the release of the game in the near future!
(Original text)
Director Hiroshi Takai
We apologize for making you wait for so long without being able to release any information. We are finally able to release new information!
As for the current development status, we have reached the point where the game can be played from start to finish.
In this trailer, you can see the appearance of new summons and a glimpse of the highly flexible action gameplay. Of course, there are still many things that need to be optimized and brushed up, so the entire staff is working at full speed.
We will do our best to release more information without making you wait too long, so please look forward to it!
(Original text in Japanese)
For more information on the development staff and other details, please check the teaser site.
Title Information
Release date: SUMMER 2023
Compatibility: PlayStation 5
Genre: Action RPG
Player: 1 player
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