The third season of the TV anime "Tensei Tareta Slymu Datta Netto" will be produced! The movie version "Kouren no Kizuna Hen" will finally be released on November 25!

Production of the third season of the TV anime "Tensei Tareta Slime Datta Koto" has been announced.

The first season of the TV anime will begin airing in 2018, followed by the second season in January 2021. The first movie version will be released on November 25, 2022.

⇒ " Reincarnate and You're a Slime: Red Lotus Bond Arc" will be released in November 2022! The long-awaited trailer & key visuals and information on the original characters of the theatrical version are now available!

⇒Click here for the screening schedule of the anime film.

The long-awaited third season of the TV anime is now in production! The teaser visual depicts Hinata Sakaguchi (CV. Numakura Aimi), the leader of the Holy Knights of the Western Holy Church.

She appears to be confronting Rimuru (CV. Miho Okazaki). What kind of story will be spun in the new "Tenshûra," which is expected to gain even more momentum with the release of its first movie version on ...... and the third season of its TV anime.

Tensura" will finally be on the road on November 25th!

Raja Little Asia" is located in the west of the "Federation of the Demon Kingdoms" (Tempest). The country was once prosperous through gold mining, but now there is no sign of its prosperity, and the lake is poisoned by mining poison.

Queen "Toi" used the magical power of the tiara, passed down in the royal family from generation to generation, to remove the poison and protect her people, but in return, she received a curse placed on the tiara that affected her entire body and consumed her life.

Then, Hiiro, a survivor of the Great Ogre Tribe, suddenly appeared in Tempest. He had been the brother of Benimaru and the others, and had survived after being saved by Twa. In order to protect Twa, who saved him, and Raja Subpopulation, Hiiro comes to Tempest's Rimuru for help, and is reunited with Benimaru by fate.

In order to save Raja from danger and to solve the mystery of the curse placed on Twa, Rimuru and his team head for Raja.... There, an astonishing conspiracy awaits them!

Rimuru: Miho Okazaki / Benimaru: Shin Furukawa / King Chikunoh: Megumi Toyoguchi / Veldra: Tomoaki Maeno / Shuna: Ayaka Sengi / Zion: M.A.O. / Souei: Takuya Eguchi / Hakuro: Hochu Otsuka / Krobee: Junichi Yanagida / Rigurd: Kenpei Yamamoto / Gobuta: Asuna Tomari / Ranga: Chikahiro Kobayashi / Gerdo: Taro Yamaguchi / Gabir. Jun Fukushima / Diablo: Takahiro Sakurai

Original Story: Yasuki Kawakami, Fuse, Mitsuba "Tensei Tareta Slyumu Datta Koto" (serialized in Kodansha's "Monthly Shonen Sirius")
Original Story Design : Fuseze
Animation Production: Eight Bit
Distributor: Namco Bandai Arts Inc.

© Yasuki Kawakami, Fuse, Kodansha / Tenshura Production Committee

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