Winter Anime "Spy Classroom" Character PV of "Tia of 《Yumeyugo》," played by Uesaka Sumire, is released! 7 consecutive weeks project
The fifth visual and PV of each character from thewinter 2023 anime"Spy Classroom" has been released.
The original story is a thrilling spy fantasy (original story: Takemachi, original illustration: Tomari), which won the "Grand Prize" at the 32nd Fantasia Grand Prize. The story depicts the deception between girls with no practical experience who belong to "Light," an organization that takes on "impossible missions" with a mortality rate of over 90%, and the founder, Klaus, a brilliant spy.
⇒Click here for the list of 2023 winter anime!
TV anime "Spy Classroom" will start airing in January 2023. The visuals and PV of each character introducing the seven girls who belong to the team "Lights" are now on view for seven consecutive weeks.
The fifth week features "Tia," the commanding officer of "Lights," played by Uesaka Sumire! Let's learn about the seven characters with their unique personalities before the anime airs.
Work Information
TV animation "Spy Classroom
Broadcasting in January 2023
<Staff> Original Story: Takemachi (KADOKAWA Fantasia Co., Ltd.)
Original Story: Takemachi (KADOKAWA Fantasia Bunko Co., Ltd.)
Original illustration:Tomari
Director:Keiichiro Kawaguchi
Series Composition : Shinichi Inozume
Character Design : Sumie Kinoshita
Animation Production: feel,
Lily: Amemiya Ten
Grete: Ito Miki
Zivia: Nao Higashiyama
Monica: Yuuki Aoi
Tia: Uesaka Sumire
Sara: Ayane Sakura
Annette: Tomori Kusunoki
Klaus: Yuichiro Umehara
The rules of living together at Kagero Palace.
One, the seven of you must live together.
One: When you go out, you must play hard.
One: To defeat me by any means possible.
--A world where countries are engaged in a "shadow war" among spies.
Klaus, a brilliant spy with a 100% mission success rate and a personality disorder, creates an organization called "Lights," which takes on "impossible missions" with a mortality rate of over 90%.
However, the members selected are seven girls with no practical experience.
Poisoning, traps, and colorful tricks - the only means left for the girls to accomplish their mission is to trick Klaus and beat him at his own game!
The world's greatest deception by the world's greatest spy!
Book Info
▼ Novels
Latest 08, July 20, 2022
Short story 03, released on October 20, 2022
Comic book
Latest 03, released on July 20, 2022
(C) Takemachi, Tomari / KADOKAWA / "Spy Classroom" Production Committee
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