Gore Magara, the Gore Magara that Grunts in Chaos" also makes an appearance! Free update Ver. 13 of "Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break" will be released on November 24!
The third free title update (Ver. 13) was released for "Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break" on Thursday, November 24. An introductory video and information on special individual monsters were revealed.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break" is a super-sized expansion content for Nintendo Switch/Steam software "Monster Hunter Rise". Centered on the observation base "Elgad," which investigates monster anomalies, new monsters called the "Three Dukes of the King's Domain," the kingdom's greatest threat, and monsters returning from the series will appear one after another.
⇒The game is a new game that is a must-play for all players, and is a must-play for all players! New elements such as "Master Rank" and "Allied Quests" are all over the place!
The third free title update (Ver. 13) will be released on November 24, 2022 (Thursday). The special individual monster "Gore Magara, moaning in chaos" and the old dragons "Kushaldaora overcoming Kushaldaora" and "Theo Tescatl overcoming Kushaldaora", which have more power than Kushaldaora, will appear.
It is now possible to accompany your allies in master rank quests and puppet xi investigation quests, and to undertake various quests with your friends at your base in single-player mode.
Update Introduction Video
The video is for the Nintendo Switch version.
Additional Monsters
Gore Magara, who groans in chaos
The Black Eclipse Dragon has been prevented from growing into the Heavenly Dragon and has fallen into a deformed form.
While maintaining his body as a black-eroded dragon, he carries within him the mighty power of the Tenkai Ryu, leaving him in an extremely unstable state.
Perhaps because of the power that cannot be controlled by his body, he sometimes appears to be in agony and even violent.
When attacking its prey, the dragon repeatedly deploys and retracts its winged legs, and it is never in a stable form.
Two new ancient dragons that have overcome puppet mutation have emerged!
Kushaldaora overcoming puppet mutation
Theo Tescatl, a dragon that overcomes puppet mutation
The puppet dragon overcoming puppet mutation has a state in which it draws out more power with its anger.
The supernatural abilities of each koryu are amplified into something more powerful, which is then used to stand against them. This state is called the "puppet ki pulsating state.
When confronting this, it is extremely dangerous to continue attacking without letting up, and to disarm it as soon as possible.
The "Gore Magara Grunts in Chaos" quest requires MR 10 or more, the "Kuchar d'Ora Overcomes Puppet Pulsation" quest requires MR 120 or more, and the "Theo Tescatl Overcomes Puppet Pulsation" quest requires MR 140 or more.
Don't miss out on new weapons, armor, and new skills that can be produced from the materials of the additional monsters.
■Addition of the Puppet Different Quest [EX★7].
The EX★7 Puppet Quest has been opened, allowing players to take on Espinas subspecies, the vindictive Magaimagados, and other "puppet-ified monsters".
This is a very difficult quest, so challenge it to test your skills!
The range of quests in which you can bring your allied heroes with you has been expanded.
The "Mengyou Quest" is a quest in which you and your friends from "Elgad" and "Kamura no Sato" can go on a quest together. Now, you can also have your heroes accompany you on quests other than the Mengyou Quests, allowing them to participate in almost all MR (Master Rank) quests, as well as the Puppet Quests and the Puppet Quests for the Quest for the Defeat of Puppet.
When an Alliance hero accompanies a player, the quests become single-player-only quests.
Let's go hunting with your allies who you have strengthened your bond with through the "Alliance Quests!
Only those allies who have strengthened their bonds through the "Quests to Accompany Allies" can accompany you on quests.
Additional Plush Weapon Plushie Series" is now available as paid downloadable content!
The "Additional Plush Weapons Plush Series" is a new lineup of 14 weapons that not only look cute, but also have special sound effects when drawing and returning the weapon to the battlefield. Each weapon type can be purchased individually or as a special 14-weapon set.
Other attractive contents will be released one after another! The fourth free title update is being prepared for around winter and the fifth for around spring, so stay tuned.
▼For more information on other updates, required free space, additional elements, etc.
[Product Information
■Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break
Release date: Now on sale (June 30, 2022)
Platform: Nintendo Switch, Steam
Genre: Hunting action
Players: 1 player (maximum 4 players when playing through communication)
CERO rating: C (for ages 15 and up)
Monster Hunter Rise is required to play.
Game screenshots are from the Nintendo Switch version.
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