Interview with Karin Isobe and Kaori Maeda! AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL's new album "FIRST CHANNEL" is an exciting album that brings to mind the scene of a live performance!
AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL, a unit of voice actors belonging to Amuse, will release their original album "FIRST CHANNEL".
AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL, a unit from the YouTube channel "AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL," held its first attended event at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA in, November 2021. The girls, who continue to be active as voice actors, singers, and performers on stage, will release their original album "FIRST CHANNEL" on December 7, 2022, which will include 8 songs in total.
In March 2023, they will hold a 2-day event "AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL FES 2023".
In this interview, we asked the members, Karin Isobe and Kaori Maeda, about the appeal of the album and their enthusiasm for the live performance.
A unit of different personalities!
ー-Please tell us your memories of "AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL FES 2021" held in November 2021.
Isobe: It was our first event out of our YouTube channel, and it was at a large venue. We were a bit groping for the right place to hold the event. But the staff at Amuse was so loving and thoughtful, and I felt that they had created this event with us in mind.
Maeda: Everyone who came to the event was warmly welcomed, and I felt that they enjoyed both the talk and live parts of the event. It was very fun to sing in various combinations during the live performance.
Karin Isobe
It is nice to have horizontal ties in the same office. Surprisingly, many of them are working individually.
Isobe: That's right! The AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL (AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL) has given us more opportunities to get together, so we have become good friends. We each have our own range of activities, and unless we are working together on content, we usually don't get together very often, so it was good, wasn't it?
Maeda That was great! I was also wondering how the event would turn out, but everyone's character was very strong in a good way, so the talk part was very explosive. They all have their own unique personalities, but when they come together, they come together! Also, the live part was a lot of fun, as we covered old favorites and the classic ani-songs that everyone has heard at one time or another. Then the audience said, "The set was divine! and "I can listen to this song with these members! I was so happy to be able to hear this song with these members. I think it was an event that only Amuse could do, and only Amuse could make it happen.
Kaori Maeda
Q: With such a unique group of people gathered, who was in charge of organizing the event?
Isobe: There is no particular person in charge. But I dare say that Asami Tano-San will lead everyone in a very strong manner (laughs).
Maeda And Yui Makino, too!
Isobe: Yes. (Makino-san) seems to warmly embrace everyone and bring everyone together.
Maeda: Both Makino and Asami are really dependable. Even though they are such great seniors, they are very frank with me. Asami-san is a mood maker and seems to be leading everyone, but in fact, she also pays careful attention to each person. Makino-san pulls us along in a very natural way, but the way he leaves his mark in a moment is amazing! (laughs).
(Laughs). I think he is a professional, and I am impressed by that. It's as if he leaves behind the traces that we work so hard to leave behind, but he does it with a little more time to spare, doesn't he?
Maeda Indeed (laughs). And "Lion" (originally sung by May'n and Ai Nakajima) sung by the two of you was amazing! That was so cool!
Isobe That was great.
Maeda Every song had the quality of being sung by "these members," so it was an event that really helped me grow.
Q: I'm glad to be able to hold another event that holds such fond memories for me. The first song "Fine! Fine!" has a music video made using footage from the "AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL FES 2021" that you just mentioned, so we can feel the atmosphere of the event. You can feel the atmosphere of the event.
Isobe We performed the song for the first time on that stage, and the memories of singing and dancing together remain strong in our hearts.
Maeda: When I saw the music video, it brought back memories of the event for me, too. When I saw the video, I thought, "I had such a good expression on my face! or "I love the way this girl moves her body. It cheers me up to listen to it.
Self-review of a variety of album songs!
Fine!" is the first song on the album, followed by a series of new songs sung in various combinations. How do you feel about the album as a whole?
Maeda: The range of songs was very wide, and there were some that I thought, "I've never heard a song with this kind of taste before! I think it was a very enjoyable album!
Isobe I never get tired of listening to it! Fine! Fine!" is a very bouncy song, and there are ballads, nostalgic songs, powerful songs, and even a cute song that sounds like it could be an idol song. Fine!" is a very bouncy song. There are also ballads, nostalgic songs, strong songs, and cute songs that are almost idol songs. I hope you will listen to it a lot, as it brings to mind the scene at a live performance.
Q: The song you two are singing together is the electro-pop tune "Lucky Me" (Karin Isobe, Kaori Maeda, Yui Makino).
Maeda Nice song! I love it.
Isobe It's really cute, isn't it?
Maeda It has a comfortable tempo that makes you want to go out on the town with a smile on your face!
Isobe There are many phrases that will stay in your ears, so I hope you can hum along.
Maeda Even people who hear "Yeah Yeah Yeah" for the first time can sing along, and I think it will be a lot of fun at a live performance. I'm looking forward to it!
Isobe It will definitely be a lot of fun!
Q: What did you think of each other's songs?
Isobe: I always think that both Kaori-chan and Makino-san have clear and bright voices. I always think that the combination of their voices gives the song a sparkling feel. I knew it was good because what I had originally imagined was good! I knew it would be! It's great! It was like, "That's great!
Maeda: I really like the softness of the words that Karin has, and I thought it would go well with the maiden-like feel of the lyrics. The lyrics are soft and fluffy, but they also have a strong presence that matches the song. I had an image of Karin singing ballad-style songs in her character songs, so I was happy to hear her singing an up-tempo song this time.
Makino-san's way of creating an atmosphere and the way he uses the slow and fast transition from the A- and B-melodies to the chorus is really wonderful! Her voice is so easy to listen to, but leaves a lasting impression on the listener. I thought it was wonderful that the three of us could sing together.
Q: Ms. Maeda also sings "Big Bang Emotion" (Hinata Sato, Yurie Funado, Kaori Maeda).
Isobe This one is also very cute!
Maeda: I really enjoyed this one. It was the last one to be recorded. I was able to record it while listening to the track that included songs by Hinata and Funan (Yurie Funado), so I thought this was a great opportunity for me to play a role (laughs). The song was difficult because it had a lot of words, but I sang it while trying to create a rhythm that would make it fun to listen to. I also love the "kote-kote" feel of the song, such as "(love love tut-tut)" and "(tokimeki bakkun)" (laughs).
Q: How did you plan to sing that part of the song?
Maeda: I wanted to be playful. I also wanted to emphasize the cuteness of the song, but Fu-nyan sings in a rather cute, high-spirited way, saying "ha~y! I was trying to keep it cute, but Foo-nyan was rather excited and cute. ......
Isobe The fact that Hinata is in this video shows a gap from her usual style, doesn't it?
Maeda Yes, yes! Even she said, "Who am I?" (laughs). (laugh). (Laughs.) But Hyuga is in charge of rapping, and that's what makes her so cool. I listened to their songs and tried to find the right balance in my singing.
Isobe I want her to sing in a very cute, frilly outfit! I want you to do something like that!
Maeda I want to have a magical girl's walking stick or something (laughs). (laughs). I hope I can make this song a song that everyone can get really excited about.
Q: "Shiawase no Hakari" (Hanin Isobe and Asami Tano) was a ballad with Ms. Tano.
IsobeI was very nervous when I heard that we were going to sing a ballad together, but I was more than happy to sing this song with Asami-san, whom I respect! I thought the song was wonderful from the moment I heard the demo without lyrics, so I wanted to sing it as soon as possible.
Asami-san was the first to record the song, and when I finished recording, she asked me, "How was the recording, Karin? Did you like it? I was so happy to hear that. Asami-san created the entire worldview for the actual recording, so I just went along with it.
The song is a ballad and the lyrics are full of sadness, but thanks to Asami's strong expressiveness and voice, it was not just a sad song, so I thought it would be nice if our voices were combined like twin vocals. I recorded the song while keeping in mind that I should be able to put my emotions on the part of Asami's singing.
Maeda The power of the two singers' voices comes through directly, and I can't help but listen to it. I really like it!
Isobe The lyrics are mature, so Asami's ability to express herself is amazing! I thought, "That's my senpai!
The 2days live will surely be a fresh stage!
ーーThe last song "Secret Promise" is sung by all the members, and this is the song I want to hear at the end of the live.
Maeda: I love the lyrics. I am in charge of singing the beginning of this song! It's the beginning of the last song, so I was very determined to record it because it's very important. Each part is also very good, as if this girl is going to say this part! I was very enthusiastic about recording the song!
I thought it would be a live performance because it contains the important things I feel in my daily voice acting activities and the message of what I can do because of the people who support Amuse events (......). Well, the live concert is a live performance, but I have a feeling that it will definitely become an unforgettable memory.
Isobe You are here to impress us, aren't you? (laughs).
Maeda That's not fair! (laughs).
Isobe I could also picture the faces of everyone in the ambo channel in this song, and there are lyrics at the end of the first and last chorus that say, "To the shining path of each of us. The members have their own personalities, and some specialize in voice acting, while others do both voice acting and stage work. But when the time comes, we all come together, and I think that's what the lyrics are about.
No matter what happens, we all go our own way, shining brightly! I really like the last part of the song, which shows the hope for each person in the midst of the sadness.
It's very moving, isn't it? In the music video for this song, which is a compilation of the recording session, it seems that only Mr. Isobe is looking at the camera (laughs).
Maeda Everyone said that (laughs).
Isobe That's right! I was so embarrassed to be the only one looking at the camera (laughs). The cameraman asked me to look at the camera, so I did so desperately. Please write that down!
Maeda I didn't realize that (laughs).
Isobe When I looked at the video, I saw that no one was looking at the camera (laughs)! (laughs). (Laughs) I was so embarrassed when I saw the video, and I thought, "What am I going to do? It looks like I am the only one who is not singing seriously, but I hope you will find that funny. I was thinking, "I'm making eye contact with them so much" (laughs).
Q: Please tell us about your enthusiasm for the 2-day live concert to be held at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA on March 4 (Sat.) and 5 (Sun.), 2023.
Maeda: All the songs are energetic and fun, and I know exactly how you feel! I know exactly how you feel!
I am sure that everyone is going through hard times, sad times, and super fun times in their daily lives, and I think that the live concert will be something that will touch all kinds of people. On the first day, I will be singing songs from the contents of this album, and on the second day, I will be performing my own solo songs and cover songs, so I think this will be an event you won't want to miss. I hope you will come to both days!
Isobe: I can't wait to perform live! I can't wait to perform live! I can't wait to do it live! I wonder what will happen when people hear it live! I wonder what would happen if everyone listened to it live! It is filled with so much energy that I wonder what would happen if people heard it live! The first Amuvofest was a lot of fun, and after the fan meeting, I'm sure the next one will be even more advanced.
As Kaorin said, we will not only play songs from our albums, but also songs from the contents we are involved with. It's very refreshing to sing songs from the content I am performing outside of that content. I was wondering if it is okay for me to sing? I thought.
Maeda I am sure it is refreshing for the fans as well.
Isobe It is very rare to sing as an individual and not as a character, so I think it will be a lot of fun. I am looking forward to it, and I hope everyone is looking forward to it. It will definitely be an enjoyable event, so please come and have fun.
(Reporting, writing, and photography by Junichi Tsukagoshi)
CD Information
To be released on December 7, 2022 (Wed.)
Label: AMUSE
<First Limited Edition
[CD+DVD] Price: 5,830 yen (including tax)
Three-way BOX specification / Photo book (40 pages) included
<Normal disc
[CD] price: 3,300 yen (including tax)
Includes trading cards (total 9 kinds/enclosed at random) *Only for the first pressing.
Included benefits for all the formats] *Only for the first pressing.
Serial number for the fastest advance lottery reservation for live tickets
<Included songs
Lucky Me / Karin Isobe, Kaori Maeda, Yui Makino
Master of light speed / Moeka Koizumi, Yui Makino
Big Bang Emotion / Hinata Sato, Yurie Funado, Kaori Maeda
Here We Go Again / Hinata Sato, Miyu Tomita
Shiawase no Hakari / Karin Isobe, Asami Tano
Weekday Dreamers / Moeka Koizumi, Asami Tano, Miu Tomita, Yurie Funado
<Included in the limited first edition DVD> (DVD running time: 114 minutes)
Fine! Fine!" Music Video from AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL FES 2021
Secret Promise" Music Video
Reading Play "Seiyu ha tsuraiyo" from AMUSE VOICE ACTORS CHANNEL FES 2021
Recitation play "Ojousama no Boccia" (Part 1/Part 2) from AMUSE VOICE CH FAN MEETING
Audio + Bonus video only
(Bonus video content)
Opening movie, "Sanjo Seika" CM, "Dogeza-kun the Movie" CM, next preview
FIRST CHANNEL" Visual Shooting & Recording Making Movie
Outline of Present Campaign
<Prize> ■"FIRST CHANNEL" release commemoration! Three winners will receive a cheki autographed by Karin Isobe and Kaori Maeda!
<Entry requirements
In commemoration of the release of "FIRST CHANNEL", we are giving away autographed cheki by Karin Isobe and Kaori Maeda to three lucky winners. Please apply for the prize by selecting one solo and one two-shot of each of Ms. Isobe and Ms. Maeda!
- Entry period: December 7, 2022 (Wed.) - December 14, 2022 (Wed.) 23:59
- Number of winners: 3 winners in total (1 winner for each type)
- Announcement of winners: Prizes will be shipped to winners.
- Prize delivery: Prizes will be sent out sequentially ・Please fill out the following application form to apply.
- <Please note the following
- Registration (free of charge) is required to enter the contest.
- Only one entry per person is allowed.
- We will not be able to respond to any inquiries regarding the results of the drawing or shipping status.
- The winning prize or rights may not be transferred or resold to a third party.
- Group employees and related parties are not eligible to participate.
- Prizes must be shipped within Japan.
- We will take the utmost care in packaging the prizes, but please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges in the event that the prizes are damaged due to an accident during transportation.
- Please note that the prize will be invalidated in the following cases
- Multiple winners at the same address or in the same household
- If you have entered the contest using an unauthorized account (e.g., multiple accounts by the same person)
- If the prize cannot be delivered due to the winner's address, change of address, long-term absence, etc.
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