2024] Techniques for long survival of game novices in "Fortnite".
Fortnite" is the most played battle royale game in the world today. There are probably many people who have downloaded and played this high-profile game, only to find that they were quickly defeated without being able to do anything about it.
If you want to become stronger, charm your opponents with super plays, or survive as long as possible, here is an easy-to-understand guide on what you need to do to become active in "FORTNITE". Read this and aim for Victory Loyalty!
Taking "Fortnite" for Nintendo Switch, which has been available since June, as an example, we will explain the basic controls. The controls can be found in the game, but let's review the "character controls" and "building controls" again. Here we will introduce the controls in "Combat Pro".
Character Controls
L stick to move the character (push in to dash)
Use the R stick to change the viewpoint.
Use the ZR button to use the weapon in your hand (decision).
Press B to jump.
X button to switch between pickaxe and weapon.
X button to switch between the next weapon and the previous weapon.
Press "-" button to display the map.
Press "+" button to go to the game menu.
Construction Operation
ZL button to change materials
ZR button for decision
LR button to change building piece
Press A to change the building mode.
Rotate, repair, and reset building pieces by pressing the R stick.
In addition to these, "Builder Pro," "Standard," and "Quick Builder" controls are available for you to try.
There is also the question of where to descend on the battlefield, but are you heading to the same place as other players? If you are just aware of such things, your chances of survival will increase dramatically. Please refer to the game flow and think about the image of fighting on the battlefield.
○About solo, duo, and squad modes
Solo mode is the most popular battle royale mode, but there is also "Duo mode," in which two players fight in pairs, and "Squad mode," in which four players fight in pairs.
Duo Mode
The difference between Duo Mode and Solo Mode is that players are not defeated even if their health reaches zero. If you lose health, your HP will reach 100 and you will be able to move only. It is important to note that your HP will then gradually decrease. It will help if your allies come to revive you, so it is important to act with your friends.Squad Mode
The basic rules are the same as in Duo mode. However, since four players will be tag-teaming to fight, it will be easier to fight if each player consults with the other ahead of time on how to act.
Some players may not want to do the building because it is a hassle. But building can make a big difference in the battlefield. It is also up to the player to decide what kind of situation awaits the enemy. Let's make the most of architecture.
○Let's prepare the environment for playing!
In terms of setting up the environment in which the game is played, for the Nintendo Switch version, simply playing the game in TV mode instead of handheld mode will make a big difference to the game results. This is because the screen will be bigger and it will be easier to find enemies. Also, if you use a pro-con, I think it will be easier to defeat enemies because the controls will be easier to use.
Just by reviewing the environment in which you play the game, even a little bit, you can see victory. If you want to win, try to improve your environment.
Now, let's grab Victory Royale!
We have introduced the basics that will enable even beginners to fight in "Fortnite," a game that players around the world are crazy about. By keeping these things in mind, you will be able to fight reasonably well.
Running away or hiding from enemies is also a way to survive, but in the end, you have to defeat your enemies. For this reason, I would like to train with weapons that are easy to handle even for beginners so that I can ensure that I can defeat the enemy. (*All screenshots are from the Nintendo Switch version.)
Now, go for Victory Royale!
(New Samurai)
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