Pokémon Card Game "Starter Set ex Pikachu ex & Parmot" goes on sale on March 24! New TV commercials to begin airing nationwide on March 17, 2023!
The new TV commercials "Cheering", "Cooking", and "Tapping on Shoulders" for the Pokémon Card Game "Starter Set ex Pikachu ex & Parmot", which will go on sale nationwide on Friday, March 24, 2023, will begin airing sequentially from today, Friday, March 17, 2023.
Starter Set ex Pikachu ex & Parmot" of Pokémon Card Game, a trading card game themed on the world of the "Pokémon" video game series, will be released nationwide on March 24, 2023 (Friday).
The "Starter Set ex Pikachu ex & Parmot" includes Pikachu ex, which can use the powerful moves "Pika Punch" and "Dynamic Bolt," and Parmot, which can also attack the bench, as well as a deck of items that allow players to start playing the game. The Pokémon coins are, of course, Pikachu designs. The play mat is an original design based on the image of Pokemon ex and lightning type. In addition, a plush deck case Pikachu will be released at the same time, making for a gorgeous Pikachu-inspired lineup.
The new Pokémon Card Game TV commercials "Cheering," "Cooking," and "Shoulder Tapping," featuring music by Bocchi Boromaru, whose song "Otose Thunder" became a hit on TikTok and made its major debut last October, will go on air sequentially from Friday, March 17, 2012.
In these commercials, three types of images of Pikachu populating the screen to the accompaniment of Bocchi Boromaru's music are shown. The large number of Pikachus and the music that makes you hum along with the music are impressive.
Bocchi Boromaru, who composed the music, said, "I really loved Pikachu. And I played the Pokemon card game so much that I even participated in tournaments. When I heard about this project, I was so happy that I screamed. I was so happy when I got the offer, I screamed," he said.
Captured from the full-length commercial
New Pokémon Card Game TV commercials: "Cheering", "Cooking", and "Tapping on shoulders".
Broadcast start date:
March 17, 2023 (Friday) in some areas
March 21, 2023 (Tuesday) in order throughout Japan
Airing area: Nationwide
Airing format: 15 seconds
Official Pokémon YouTube channel: ##
The commercial video will be available on the official Pokémon YouTube channel from March 24 (Fri.), the day of the release.
Bocchi Boromaru Comment
My name is Bocchi Boromaru, and I am in charge of the music for the Pokémon Card Game commercial!
I really loved Pikachu when I was in Bokuchi Elementary School.
I even wrote my own cartoon about Pikachu's adventures. It's true. Just ask my mother Bokuchi.
Of course, it is still my favorite Pokemon.
And I also played the Pokemon card game so much that I participated in tournaments.
I still remember that I couldn't draw cards as I expected in the first round of the final tournament and lost immediately without being able to do anything.
So when I heard about this time, I was really happy and shouted.
The song is like a mass of addictiveness, so please enjoy it!
[Bocchi Boromaru Profile
A musician extra-terrestrial from the planet Bokuchi who plans to invade the earth with his music.
He is very interested in Earth's music and continues to absorb various kinds of music from all over the world. He devotes himself to making music every day, dreaming of one day captivating all people on Earth with his music.
His music is full of freedom and fun, ranging from rock band sounds with guitar riffs to distinctive songs that incorporate ethnic music from around the world.
His catchy melodies that one cannot get out of one's ears once they are heard, and his lyrics with a big worldview and a storyline that only an alien can tell, have pierced the hearts of people living on earth and continue to create a large fan base.
In the 6 years since he started his music career, he has posted many songs on the Internet, and is based in Japan, providing songs to artists on Earth, while actively performing his own live activities.
In July 2022, "Otose Thunder" became a buzz on TikTok.
The short video of dancing to the song caused a huge boom throughout Japan, and the music video uploaded on YouTube has received more than 10 million views.
The group is now ready to make its major label debut on October 5, 2022, with Sony Music.
Bocchi Boromaru's invasion of the earth has just begun.
Pikachu Profile
Classification:Mouse Pokemon
Pikachu has a pouch on each cheek that stores electricity. When it gets angry, it releases all the electricity it has stored at once. (From "Pokémon Scarlet")
When several of them are gathered together, a fierce electricity builds up there and lightning sometimes strikes. (From "Pokémon Violet")
Product Information
Pokémon Card Game "Starter Set ex Pikachu ex & Parmot
Date of sale: March 24, 2023 (Friday)
Product price: 1,800 yen (tax included)
<Product Description
This is a trading card game themed on the world of the "Pokémon" video game series.
Players can enjoy collecting cards, playing against each other, participating in events held nationwide, and having fun in many other ways.
The "Starter Set ex Pikachu ex & Parmot" includes Pikachu ex, which can use the powerful Waza "Pika Punch" and "Dynamic Bolt," and Parmot, which can also attack the bench. In addition to the deck, the set also includes Damekan, poison and burn markers, Pokémon coins, paper The deck also includes a Damekan, poison and burn marker, Pokémon coins, Pokémon coins, a paper play mat, a promo card pack, an instruction manual, and a play guide, so you can start playing the game as-is. The Pokémon coins are, of course, designed with Pikachu. The play mat is an original design based on the image of Pokémon Ex and Lightning type.
Brand website: #ex/s
Special site: #ex/svc/
©2023 Pokémon. ©1995-2023 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
Pokémon, Pokémon and Pokémon are registered trademarks of Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
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