TV animation "Undead Girl Murderfalls" to be broadcast on "+Ultra" from July 2023! Animation production will be done by "Sarazanmai"'s Lapin Truck!
At the "Fuji Television Animation Lineup Presentation 2023" held today, March 22, 2023, it was announced that the TV anime "Undead Girl Murderfalse" will be broadcast on "+Ultra" starting July 2023.
This work is an anime adaptation of the original story of the same title written by Yugo Aosaki, who debuted at the 22nd Tetsuya Ayukawa Award and continues to be active in the field.
The story follows Rando Rakuya, a beautiful immortal detective girl who has no body from the neck down, who, together with the half-human, half-demon Tsugaru, known as the "Demon Killer," and her maid Shizukue Hasei, solves numerous cases as a detective specializing in monsters, the "Torigotsukai" (a "birdcage messenger"). While solving numerous cases, they travel around Europe in search of Raven Night's stolen body...
Directed by Mamoru Hatakeyama! Animation production is by Lapin Truck!
Rapantrac, which also produced "Sarazammai" and "Riruping Drum the Movie," has produced high quality animation for this film. Also, "Kaguya-sama wa narusarasai ka? 〜Mamoru Hatakeyama, who has produced several high-profile works with his solid directing skills, such as "The Love Brain Battle of Geniuses" series and "Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju," will direct, and Noboru Takagi, who has produced many hit works, including "Kingdom" and "Golden Kamuy," will be in charge of the series composition. Up-and-coming illustrator Zerogo Iwamoto will be in charge of character design, and his beautiful and delicate characters will decorate the screen.
A teaser PV and teaser visual depicting a sense that the journey is about to begin have been released!
The teaser PV begins with a shocking cut of a girl with a raw head, Raven Night, appearing from a birdcage, and then depicts Tsugaru fighting monsters as a demon killer in a freak show in the Meiji Era, and a fierce action scene of a taciturn maid, Shizukue. The teaser visual has also been released.
In addition, a teaser visual has been released.
The visual depicts Rakuya Rindo in a birdcage, Shizuku Hasei, the maid holding the cage, and her assistant Tsugaru Shinchi, who is happily talking with Rakuya.
Comments are now available!
<The comments from the original author, Yugo Aosaki, have arrived! > > Comment from Yugo Aozaki
Comment from Yugo Aosaki
Q. How did you feel when the TV anime adaptation was decided?
I asked the editor who called me, "Is it safe to show the main character on TV? I asked him.
Q. Do you have a message for people who are new to your work or fans of your work?
I think it is a work that will surprise people who have already read the original work and those who have not. Whether you have already read the original or not, please look forward to it.
<The cast of the three main characters has been determined! >
Rakuya Wando (CV: Tomoyo Kurosawa)
≪A detective specializing in monsters.
A detective specializing in monsters. She is an "immortal" creature said to be the only one in this world, and has lived for 947 years.
One day, she is attacked and must travel through Europe to recover the body that was taken from her. Since she cannot move by herself, she is usually carried in a bird cage.
[Comments by Tomoyo Kurosawa].
Q. What was your impression of the character and how did you feel when your character was chosen?
I was very happy and at the same time I remember shaking with a warrior's tremble that this work would be the most difficult in 2022.
I entered the audition for this film and was accepted, but the long lines I said at the audition were just too difficult... I was very excited to work with both the director and the sound director.
Both the director and sound director were people I had long hoped to work with, so I was torn between wanting to do it and feeling that I was not good enough to do such difficult lines every time.
I am glad that the recording went ahead without me being fired. No, I only had a head to begin with.
Q. Please give a message to your fans about your enthusiasm for the film.
I was breathtakingly surprised to see how the world came to life when the director and other creators added their own sense of style to the original novel, which I felt the same elation and sense of immorality when I read the original novel.
I did my best to make this film as good as I could, so please enjoy it with a glass of wine with me.
I believe that this is a fairy tale for adult people.
Tsugaru Shinchi (CV: Taku Yatsushiro)
≪A half-human, half-devil "Oni-killer" with an air of aloofness.
He is a half-human, half-devil young man and Raven Night's assistant. He used to work at a freak show as a "demon killer.
He has an aloof personality, calls Raven Night his master, and the two occasionally engage in lighthearted conversation.
He has the characteristics of an "ogre" and is highly skilled in combat. In order to prevent him from completely turning into a demon, he regularly ingests the saliva of Raven Night, who is "immortal," to halt his progress.
[Taku Yashiro commented]
Q. What was your impression of the character and how did you feel when your character was chosen?
The character I will be playing, Shinju Tsugaru, is a half-human, half-demon with a past that is not very funny, including the process of becoming one. However, he has the spirit to laugh at such a life as the best art, and he also has the side of a smooth talker. He is aloof, he seems to be thinking but not thinking, he seems to be thinking but not thinking...he is an inedible man whose very existence is a joke. I have been looking forward to playing him ever since I was chosen for the role.
Q. Please give a message to your fans about your enthusiasm for the film.
From the moment I read this work, I was excited as a fan to see how it would be expressed in an anime, even if I didn't have to play the role. It is not only a mystery, but also an action, human drama, and many other elements are intertwined with each other, but it ends up being a stylish comedy, just as the title says. I really love this work. I hope many people will watch it.
Shizuku Hasei (CV: Makoto Koichi)
≪A faithful maid of Raven Night who uses a special weapon.
She is a maid in the service of Raven Night. She has been serving Raven Night since she was born as a family tradition.
She is usually cool and taciturn, but she treats Tsugaru with disdain.
He carries a special weapon called "Tachikage," which is a combination of a gun and a sword.
[Makoto Koichi's comment]
Q. What was your impression of the character and how did you feel when your character was chosen?
My first impression was a quiet and cool woman.
Her family's motto is to be a puppet, but as I read the original story
She loves Lady Karasuya so much that she gets jealous of Tsugaru and unexpectedly and reflexively reaches out to him,
I felt that she is actually a very human and adorable person.
Even though her facial expression does not move, her heart is always moving. I am so happy to be able to play such a charming girl,
I am really happy to be able to play her!
Q. Please give a message to your fans about your enthusiasm for the production.
The story and the direction are both very interesting!
It is a full-fledged mystery with various elements mixed in, and although it is an animation, it is like watching a stage play...
I can't wait for you all to see this original and bizarre comedy.
As Shizukue, I will play the role of the character with great care, paying close attention to every word that is inserted into the small conversations between the characters,
I would like to play the role of Shizukue with great care.
Film information of the show
Undead Girl Murderfalse
<Broadcast Information
Scheduled to air on Fuji Television Network's "+Ultra" and other programs from July 2023.
A detective specializing in monsters, "The Birdcage Man," travels around Europe in order to regain his body in this hilarious drama called "The Phallus.
The 22nd Tetsuya Ayukawa Award-winning author Yugo Aosaki's "Undead Girl Murder Phallus" (Kodansha Taiga) has been adapted into an animated TV series. Vampires, werewolves, the phantom thief Lupin, Sherlock Holmes, Jack the Ripper, and other two-dimensional legendary characters also appear in this mysterious road movie that travels around Europe to recover a stolen body while engaging in a battle of different abilities.
Animation production was handled by Lapin Truck, which also produced "Sarazanmai" and "Ring Ping Drum the Movie. The film also features high quality visuals. The film is also based on "Kaguya-sama wa narusarasai desu ka? 〜Mamoru Hatakeyama, who has directed several high-profile works with his solid directing skills, including "The Love Brain Battle of Geniuses" and "Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju," will direct, while Noboru Takagi, who has worked on many hit series such as "Kingdom" and "Golden Kamuy," will be in charge of series composition. Up-and-coming illustrator Zerogo Iwamoto will be in charge of character design, and his beautiful and delicate characters will decorate the screen.
It is the end of the 19th century. A world where vampires, artificial humans, werewolves, and other deformed beings still lived. Rando Rakuya, a beautiful immortal detective girl without a head, solves numerous cases as a "Torigago-User," a detective specializing in monsters, together with Shinatsuki Tsugaru, a half-human, half-demon nicknamed the "Oni-Killer," and her maid, Hasei Shizukue. They travel around Europe in search of Raven Night's stolen body while solving numerous cases...
<Staff> Original story by Yugo Aosaki
Original story: "Undead Girl Murderfalse" by Yugo Aosaki (Kodansha Taiga)
Director: Mamoru Hatakeyama
Series Composition : Noboru Takagi
Character Planning:Zerogo Iwamoto
Character Design / Chief Animation Director: Noriko Ito
Sub-character design and chief animation director:Naho Kozono
Music:yuma yamaguchi
Sound Director: Kazuhiro Wakabayashi
Animation Production: Lapin Track
Rindo Raven Night: Tomoyo Kurosawa
Shinchi Tsugaru: Taku Yatsushiro
Hasei Shizuku: Koichi Makoto
Official website: #
Official Twitter: @undeadgirl_PR
Original story information
Undead Girl Murderfalls" (Kodansha Ltd.)
3 volumes already on sale!
Undead Girl Murderfalse 1
Price: 720 yen + tax
Undead Girl Murderfalse 2
Price: ¥750 + tax
Undead Girl Murderfalse 3
Price: 900 yen + tax
(C) Yugo Aosaki, Kodansha / Torigago-User Ikko
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