Sunrise Yatate Bunko, a manga depicting a year in the lives of girls at a boarding school, "Spring Storms Shake the Buds." serialization of "Spring Storm Shakes Buds," which depicts a year in the lives of the girls at a boarding school, begins today!

On December 11 (Tue.), Sunrise's original novel and manga distribution site "Yatate Bunko" started serialization of the manga "Spring Storm Shakes the Buds. The manga is a part of the "Mobile Suit Gundam: The Gundam of the Mobile Suit Gundam" series.

Sunrise, an animation production company known for many hit works such as "Mobile Suit Gundam," has been publishing a variety of projects that have been lying dormant within the company as reading material on its website. The site includes "Armored Trooper Votoms: Gorgeous Funeral Row" by director Ryosuke Takahashi and "The High King of the World: Gaogaigar vs. Better Man" by Yuichiro Takeda.

The serialization of "Spring Storms Shake the Buds," which has just begun is an ensemble drama set at Grace Hall Girls' Boarding School, where girls from prominent families gather, depicting the daily lives of Alicia, the daughter of a renowned scholar, and Miriam, the daughter of a wealthy family with whom she shares a room in the dormitory.

The protagonists of the story are the girls who happily exchange words in their dormitories and classrooms after summer vacation. The story depicts a year in the lives of the girls at the boarding school, where they thought that another year would start as usual, but an incident triggered a change in the classroom.

The manga is illustrated by "Mojari," an illustrator active on Twitter and Pixiv. She is an up-and-coming creator who likes to draw strong women, and whose illustrations are characterized by original character modeling and elaborate costume designs.

What exactly is a certain event? Please check out the story of the girls at the boarding school.

Character Introductions

The only daughter of a renowned physicist.
She is serious and quiet. She likes to study and read, and her grades are excellent. She and her roommate Miriam have opposite personalities, but they get along well. She sometimes takes care of Miriam.

Miriam is the daughter of a wealthy family with close ties to the nobility.
She is a fashionable and tomboyish girl. She seems to have won the hearts of the boys of her generation with her dainty smile. She is good friends with her roommate Alicia. She has trouble getting up in the morning, so her roommate Alicia wakes her up every day.
Evelyn is the Countess's niece.
Since the death of her parents, her uncle and his family have taken her in to live with them. She is a girl who is always on the lookout for others and is unable to assert herself. She is attached to Edith's group. She is good at embroidery.
The daughter of a duke from a prominent family.
She is a beautiful and well-educated class leader who naturally has a large circle of friends around her. She values her pride as an aristocrat and makes every effort to achieve this. She and her roommate Claudia have known each other since childhood and are best friends.
The daughter of a duke with royal connections.
With her neutral appearance and gentlemanly demeanor, she is adored by the girls as "Prince Claude. She and her roommate, Edith, are childhood friends and the closest of friends, but they don't spend much time together during the day. He has two older brothers.

[work summary].
A spring storm shakes the buds.
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Episode 1 #

<Staff> <Staff
Original Story : Hajime Yatate
Manga : Mojari Twitter: #


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