Pokémon GO", a TV commercial for the newly implemented battle function "Trainer Battle" is previewed on the web!

Pokémon Inc. has released a TV commercial for "Trainer Battle," a battle feature of the smartphone app "Pokémon GO," on the Web in advance.

The TV commercial, which will air nationwide from December 28 (Fri.), is now available on the Web! In addition, details of the "Trainer Battle" battle function, which was implemented in "Pokémon GO" in December, have also arrived, so let's take a look at them as well.

The TV commercial for "Trainer Battle," a feature for battles against other players, is now available for viewing on the Web!
The TV commercial, which will be aired nationwide from December 28 (Fri.), is now available on the web! The theme of the "Trainer Battle," a battle feature implemented in "Pokemon GO" in December, is a one-on-one battle between trainers superimposed on a sporting event. The video also features powerful Pokémon such as "Dodites" and "Empert".

What is the "Trainer Battle" feature?

The new "Trainer Battle" feature allows you to easily enjoy one-on-one battles with other Trainers.

Trainers in the vicinity can scan the "Battle Code" (2D barcode) to start a battle. If trainers are friends with "Best Friends" or higher, they can enjoy trainer battles even when they are far away from each other.

In addition, three battle leagues (Super League with a maximum CP of 1,500, Hyper League with a maximum CP of 2,500, and Master League with unlimited CP) are available so that all trainers, regardless of their level, can enjoy battles fairly. When a trainer battle is completed, both trainers receive a reward, which may include a "Sing-Oh's Stone," which is necessary for the evolution of certain Pokémon!

Anyone can easily play "Trainer Battles. Why don't you enjoy battles with your favorite Pokémon?

App Information
Pokémon GO
Compatible OS: Android/iOS *Some devices and OS versions may not be able to play the game.
Price: Free for basic play *Some items are charged.
Publisher: Niantic, Inc.
Developer: Niantic, Inc.

©2018 Niantic, Inc.
©2018 Pokémon. ©1995-2018 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
Pokémon and Pokémon are registered trademarks of Nintendo/Creatures Inc./Game Freak Inc.
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