Pokémon GO: "Trainer Battles" Make You Want to Become Stronger and Take on a New Style of Play [Diary of a Strategy].
The "Trainer Battle" was finally implemented last week! I'm sure everyone is in the middle of enjoying it.
I, too, have been enjoying the "Trainer Battle" since then. I will review it right away.
Battle long-distance with friends who are "best friends" or above!
If you have friends who are "Best Friends" or higher, the "Battle" button on the Friends screen should be colored.
It is very convenient to battle from a distance!
The only difference between the leagues is the CP limit.
There is no difference in rewards or fighting style.
I tried it all and found that in the Master League, it is easy to see the difference in trainer level, and it was very difficult to beat someone with a higher rank....
What are the rewards for trainer battles?
What do I get in the Trainer Battles?
At the moment, you can get "The Stone of Shin-Ou". The "Stone of Shin-Ou" is an item that is given as a reward for the "Great Discovery" that occurs when seven stamps are collected in a field mission. which occurs when seven stamps are collected in a field mission.
In the past, the "Great Discovery! has been a rare item, so it is nice to be able to get it here as well.
Other than that, "Hoshi no Suna" tends to be in short supply when you want to strengthen your Pokémon.
To be honest, I felt it was only 500... Is it extravagant? As the saying goes, "A little dust makes a big pile," so let's collect them frequently.
You can receive these two rewards up to three times a day, whether you win or lose a battle.
You can either battle the same opponent three times or battle multiple people a total of three times.
How do I battle?
Select a Pokémon to participate.
Select three Pokémon that you want to participate in the battle.
It is not too much to say that the winner depends on this selection. Choose carefully.
Tap to attack
Tap the screen to attack to start preparation for the gauge technique. The gauge accumulates with each tap.
The speed at which the gauge fills up varies depending on the technique.
It is recommended that you choose a Pokémon that can quickly fill its gauge and perform the technique repeatedly!
Aim for big damage with the gauge technique!
When the gauge fills up, tap continuously to increase the power of the move!
Shield timing is important!
During battle, you can use the shield twice to block your opponent's Gauge Moves.
The key is to know when to use it!
Training battles with team leaders!
You can practice battles with the red, blue, and yellow team leaders.
You can not only practice, but also receive rewards only once a day. Make sure to battle every day without fail!
You can get a third technique!
Until now, you could only learn up to two techniques, but after the implementation of "Trainer Battle," you can now acquire just one more technique. However, you will need a large number of "Hoshi no Suna" to do so....
If you find a Pokémon you like as you repeat battles, and if you have enough "Hoshi no Suna", you may let it release its third technique!
Note that the number of "Hoshi no suna" or candy needed varies from Pokémon to Pokémon!
Now that "Trainer Battles" have been implemented, those who used to play only to collect Pokémon books will be able to play the game from a new perspective, being conscious of "getting stronger".
Let's go out on the town in search of stronger Pokémon! (Sasahime)
©2018 Niantic, Inc. ©2018 Pokémon. ©1995-2018 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
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