The perfect bride costume for June Bride is here! Minami Shinohara's dressing shots♪

ClearStone, which handles party costumes and other items, has released a new line of bridal costumes.

June means June Bride. ClearStone offers the elegant "Lily Bride" and the bold "Champagne Bride" as bride costumes inspired by wedding dresses.

They are on sale sequentially at Don Quijote, Amazon, Rakuten, and various other mail-order sites nationwide. The model for the line is Minami Shinohara of PP Enterprises.

Lineup】 【Lineup
■Lily Bride
The tiara and braided silver shine elegantly in pure white.
Suggested retail price: ¥6,589 each (¥5,990 without tax)

Champagne Bride
Leotard and transparent material are sexy. The gold coloring adds a touch of glamour to the design.
Suggested retail price: ¥6,589 each (¥5,990 without tax)

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