Armored Core 6: A Review of the First New Game in 10 Years! The first new release in the series in 10 years is finally available!
ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON ("AC6"), a title for PS5/PS4/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One/Steam, will be released on August 25, 2023. This is the latest title in FromSoftware's robot action "ARMORED CORE" series after a 10-year absence.
In this article, we will present a two-part review of the PS5 version of this title after playing it for the first time. In the first part, we will focus on the world view, the story, and the combination of aircraft.
The story, which is told only through the voices and the appearance of the aircraft, is intriguing to contemplate.
The story takes place on a remote planet called Rubicon. The discovery of a new substance called "coral" attracted attention in the past, but the coral caused a catastrophe, contaminating the planet and burning it to the ground. Half a century after the unprecedented situation, coral, which was supposed to have been lost, was discovered again, and the company set out for Rubicon in secret. Conflicts between the local people and the planetary blockade mechanism that prevents intruders from entering Rubicon have intensified.
Under such circumstances, the main character (player), C4-621, illegally entered Rubicon under the direction of a person named Handler Walter. Working together with the common goal of finding Coral, they fulfill the requests of various forces, including corporations and local organizations. This is the synopsis of the film.
Many forces appear in "AC6," including corporations such as Archibus and Bayram, who are seeking the coral that lies dormant in the Rubicon; the Planetary Blockade Authority, which is hostile to the corporations; and the Rubicon Liberation Front, which seeks the freedom of the local Rubiconians. However, they do not appear at all. Only their voices appear as character information, such as operational briefings and messages that are replayed.
The characters are always unique, from Walter, the handler who takes care of the main character, to Snail, who clearly looks down on the player, to Rusty, who is frank with the player, to Michigan, who is like an evil instructor and hurls invectives at the player. Thanks to their distinctive speech, it is easy to associate their personalities and positions with their voices alone.
Furthermore, the companies in this film are divided into two major groups, one led by Archibus and the other by Bayram, who have conflicting interests over the Rubicon coral. What kind of group companies do they consist of and what kind of activities do they engage in at Rubicon? The personalities of the characters and the words and deeds of the companies make it easy to examine the situation in this work.
As with From Software's previous works, such as "SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE" ("SEKIRO"), which is based on the Japanese Warring States period, and "Eldenring," which is set in a world known as the "land between the gaps," there is no small amount of room for consideration in this work, and from the outset There is only a limited amount of information that can be clearly understood. In order to grasp the full scope of the worldview and story, it will be important to analyze the background through information such as flavor texts and dialogues.
However, it is important to emphasize that this kind of discussion is only for the purpose of deepening understanding and is not essential for playing "AC6". The objectives of the protagonist and the company are clear in terms of corals, and each mission has a briefing that tells you the significance of the request and the client's aims.

For those who like to ponder, I recommend the "archive". The archive is the information available from the wreckage of the aircraft scattered throughout the mission, and provides a glimpse of various contents, including personal communication records.
Bipods and quadrupeds, lightweight and heavyweight, and a variety of fun combinations for assembly.
The main attraction of this title is the vast number of parts available, which can be freely combined to create an original "Armored Core" (hereinafter referred to as "AC"). In addition to the basic parts such as the head, core, arms, and legs, there is the FCS, which is responsible for weapon lock-on speed, boosters for boosted movement, and generators that supply energy to the boosters.
Each part of the aircraft has many parameters, including AP, which indicates physical strength, defensive performance, which is the ability to defend against live ammunition, and boost speed, which is a measure of speed when boost is used, all of which directly affect the feel of the aircraft. All of these parameters are directly related to the feel of the aircraft's operation. The details are so detailed and quantified that it would take up an entire day just to examine them all, which is a must for those who love robots.
In particular, the way the AC itself moves varies greatly depending on the type of leg parts. The "bipod" is a balanced type that can handle everything from ground movement to aerial combat. On the other hand, it has no characteristics, so it is easily influenced by the player's skill. The reverse joints are superior in three-dimensional mobility, with up-and-down movement in addition to left-right movement, and they are most effective when attacking an opponent from above.
The "quadruped" has the ability to stay in the air for a long period of time, allowing it to attack enemies on the ground while floating. Unlike bipods and reverse-jointed arms, some weapons can be used without being held up. The "tank" is not as maneuverable as the other legs, but it boasts overwhelming defensive capabilities, and can counterattack with a few attacks. As with the four legs, some weapons do not require the legs to be held in a ready stance, allowing for the continuous use of powerful weapons.
In addition to these leg parts, mobility also changes depending on whether the AC's overall load capacity is light or heavy. Furthermore, the weapons that can be mounted include machine guns for close range, assault rifles for medium range, blades for close combat, and missiles that track the enemy. The number of possible combinations is so wide that it is difficult to know the exact number.
There are so many things to consider in this work, such as the parameters provided by each part and the leg parts whose characteristics vary greatly depending on the type. However, once the leg parts and weight of the aircraft have been determined, the direction of later customization becomes clear.
For example, in the case of a lightweight, inverted-joint type with reduced weight. To take advantage of its lightweight mobility and the ability to leap into the air, a lightweight or melee-oriented weapon such as a machine gun or shotgun would be a good candidate. It is also not a bad idea to use grenade launchers and other explosive weapons, which can be fired from the sky toward the ground to entangle opponents in the explosion.
On the other hand, if the concept is to build a tank-type aircraft with a heavy defensive weight, it is not compatible with the melee-oriented weapons mentioned above. If they get too close, they can be one-sidedly slashed by blades, so heavy tanks with limited mobility are not suited for close-range combat. In order to crush the enemy from as far away as possible, it is easier to use a gatling that puts pressure on the opponent with a barrage of bullets, a laser cannon that increases in power when charged, or a missile that forces the opponent to evade.
Contrary to this idea, if heavy weapons such as laser cannons and bazookas are loaded too much on a lightweight machine, the lightness of the machine will be spoiled. If blades are loaded on a heavily armored fuselage that has abandoned mobility, the potential of the weapons will not be fully utilized because the fuselage is not light enough to approach the opponent and slash at him.
In other words, the combination of other parts will naturally be narrowed down according to the characteristics of the selected leg parts and the weight of the aircraft. If you are new to the "ARMORED CORE" series or unfamiliar with robot games, we recommend that you start by considering the weight of the legs and the entire machine.
As you get used to combining parts, you will be able to go on missions with a variety of aircraft. You may pursue performance, or you may take on a challenge with a configuration that focuses on appearance. It is a great feeling when you complete a goal with your original AC and you see it in a cut scene. It is an addictive feeling to feel that your aircraft is part of the world and that you are a part of it.
In the second part of this article, we will discuss the missions that include a variety of situations, as well as the "stagger" system and combat.
- Title Information
- Compatibility: PS5/PS4/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One/Steam
- Genre: Action
- Players: 1 player (up to 9 players online)
- Release date: August 25, 2023
- Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
- Developer: From Software

Freelance writer with about 10 years of experience. After graduating from a technical college, he experienced writing articles for major game magazines and creating strategy books for an editorial production company. After working for a weekly magazine for a long time and rewriting press releases, he recently started writing for Akiba Research Institute and other web-based magazines. He is basically an omnivore, playing everything from RPGs to action games, simulations, and FPS.
©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. / ©1997-2023 FromSoftware, Inc.
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