Anisama 2023 Repo] TM NETWORK made a surprise appearance! We look back on the second half of Animelo Summer Live 2023 -AXEL-DAY2, where the legendary ani-song "Get Wild" echoed through the arena!
The annual summer event "Animelo Summer Live" (Anisama) is here again this year! The world's largest anime song live event "Animelo Summer Live 2023 -AXEL-" (Anisama 2023) was held over three days on August 25 (Fri), 26 (Sat), and 27 (Sun), 2023.
Akiba Research Institute will report on the three days of the event, and following DAY 1, we will report on the second half of DAY 2 on August 26.
⇒ Thesecond half of DAY 2 on August 26th ! Animelo Summer Live 2023 -AXEL-DAY1 1st half
⇒[Anisama 2023 Repo] "Are you ready to put your all into Anisama?" Roselia, performing for the third time, climaxes the event! Animelo Summer Live 2023 -AXEL-DAY1 2nd half
⇒[ Anisama 2023 Repo] From the tension to the mature look, the first half of the second day was filled with excitement by ......TrySail! Animelo Summer Live 2023 -AXEL-DAY2 1st half
The top performer of the second half was a surprise artist, TM NETWORK. I had expected that they might perform since the latest "City Hunter" series "City Hunter the Movie: Tears of an Angel (Angel Dust)" would be released on September 8, but I really didn't expect this to happen! I never expected this to happen.
On the stage, there was Tetsuya Komuro surrounded by synths, but the audience did not yet realize who it was. Even when he began to play from there, the audience did not know who he was for a while. This tame was often done when Komuro performed "Get Wild" live. The voltage of the excitement was even higher at Anisama because the audience did not even know who it was. The throb of "It's Tetsuya Komuro, the man who created an era" spread with the crowd.
From there, the band teased and teased until a piano intro with a chorus melody that everyone knew was played. It was like a DJ. After slowly building up the tension on the floor, the cheers exploded when the intro started to play. Then, Takashi Utsunomiya and Naoto Kine appeared on stage! It was a miracle that TM NETWORK would be on stage at Anisama. The band performed the legendary anime song "Get Wild". It is hard to believe that 36 years after the anime was broadcast, it is still used as the ED theme of the movie. But perhaps the miracle is that it still shines fresh and has not faded away at all. The performance was memorable even for the younger generation present at Anisama.
They also performed their new song "Whatever Comes," which was TM NETWORK's long-cherished wish to sing the OP theme for this movie. They are still challenging themselves with new things. It is no different from the mindset they had when they brought a new wind to the Japanese music world in the '80s. They left the stage looking cool and cool, showing the goodness of TM and their way of life.
Sumire Uesaka started with her debut song "Shichitsu no Umi yori Kimi no Umi" (theme song of "Nami Uchigai no Muromi-san"). Riding on a trolley, she was so excited that she pumped her fist in the air toward the audience. After circling the venue, they went to the main stage. After toasting with water, Uesaka asked the audience, "Is the water good? Uesaka asked, "Does it taste good? The audience responded with a loud "Yummy!
The audience was delighted that the world had come to a place where such an answer was possible, and they performed "Inner Urge" (from "A Boring World in which the Concept of Undertones Does Not Exist") with expressionless dancers, ending with "EASY LOVE" (from "Tejiranai, Nagatoro-san") and fists pumping in the air. She has a deep knowledge of otaku culture and Showa culture, so it must have been difficult for her to mentally prepare for her performance in this position, but it was a wonderful stage performance, just like her.
ClariS started the stage with their new song "Koisekai" (OP of "White Saint and Black Reverend"). The two singers' voices echoed through the venue as the skirts of their elegant dresses billowed. The comfort of their unison was unique, and the song seeped into the audience's hearts. The final phrase, "I love you today, too," left the audience in raptures. ...... was their first Anisama performance in four years, which means it was their first Anisama since taking off their masks.
Once again, I feel the passage of time, but I have an image of ClariS singing theme songs for popular works that shake up the anime world. The audience cheered loudly when the opening theme song "ALIVE" began! In a complete change from the first song, this one was an intense dance performance that shook the Saitama Super Arena as the audience piled their voices on top of each other.
On Aimi's stage, Great-O-Kahn appeared as a surprise wrestler, not a surprise artist! They performed "MAGICAL DESTROYER" as Aimi with MADKID vs. Great-O-Kahn. The song was composed by TAKESHI UEDA (AA=) of THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS, so it is a very cool rock music, but it was a great idea to include a pop element of confrontation for Anisama. Khan's action was also flashy and cool. The "Magical Destroyers" OP animation projected on the screen was fantastic and a must-see.
The next song, "Kuzoku☆Paradise," was sung with a powerful performance by the Anisama Band, which also included horns. This was a fun and uplifting pop number, and the lyrics, which were written by Aimi to accompany the TV anime "Tempuru," had a wonderful worldview. The audience was all in pink and had the biggest smiles on their faces.
Machico, who also participated in Precure's turn, sang "STAY FREE," the OP theme of the TV anime "Kono marvelous world ni Bakkaen wo! sang the OP theme "STAY FREE" in high spirits. This song is a rock song with a scale as large as an explosion magic, and rather than her usual fresh and straightforward style, her voice was down-to-earth and powerful, showing yet another new charm of hers. The chic touch of Anisama, where she burst into flames at the end of the song, not with magic, but with a special effect, in response to Machico's waving hand, was also a brilliant touch.
Sogo Nakamura performed "WINNER," the ED theme for the TV anime "Blue Rock. It is a stylish AOR song written and composed by Nakamura, who has a great sense to present such a rock number for a soccer anime about "building up egoistic forwards. I thought it was a great song that brought the hearts of the audience together, as they all joined their voices together at some points.
Next, they sang "fist of hope," the OP theme of "Ultraman Legros," with fists in the air, followed by "imitation," the last song, in which they played their own Telecas. The last song was "imitation," in which Aina played the Telecas herself, and ended the stage with a giddy rock performance that thrilled the audience.
Aina Suzuki started with "Dash and Go! When she sings, one can't help but focus on her amazing singing ability, but I was still impressed by her fine expressiveness and outstanding stability. She sang this song with a variety of long tones, and I was overwhelmed by the variety of expressions she used.
I would like to sing the song I sang at Anisama in '21 one more time. I couldn't speak out then, so...," she said, to the audience's great joy. She sang "Hikari Iro no Uta" (Song of Hikari Iro), the song that started her off, in high spirits, and the audience, too, enjoyed lighting up the lights with their favorite colors.
Rika Matsumoto appeared on stage and performed, of course, "Mezase Pokemon Master -20th Anniversary-. The audience clapped loudly and shouted "get da! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The band's performance was simply gorgeous.
I am so thankful to have been able to sing anime songs and see such a beautiful scenery. It is thanks to all of you that I am here today! I hope I can continue to make anime songs more exciting together with everyone." They performed the ED theme song "Type: Wild" with Anisama Friends. Even Aina Suzuki, who had been singing earlier, appeared on stage and everyone shouted "Type: Wild! and shared the beauty of ani-songs with the audience. The last part of the song ended with the words, "All right, everyone, let's go to the next adventure! Let's go on to the next adventure!
The buzzer sounded, and the Starlight 99 group began their revue, with all nine members joining together to perform "Star Divine" with intensity and flamboyance. As they sang, the screen showed scenes from each of the revues of "Revue Starlight the Movie", which was also exciting. They sang "Polestar," a song that was performed for the first time at Anisama, with a melody that could have been two or three songs in one song, and sang it while waving their hands from side to side.
The last song was a cover of Anisama's regular Ninety-nine Gumi song. They sang "Moon Revenge," the ED theme of "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R the Movie," with Momoyo Koyama (played by Karen Aishiro) saying, "I'm going to punish you on behalf of the star. The cover was very particular about the song assignment, and it was convincing to see who was in charge of which Sailor Senshi, and most of all, the love for the work was evident in the cover.
The last performer of the second day was angela, who started the live with "AYAKASHI," the OP theme of the anime "AYAKA," which is currently airing. The piano solo that atsuko was particular about was also expressed in a cool way in the live performance.
The next song was a medley of "RECONNECTION" ("Saikyou Onmyoji no Isekai Tensei Ki" OP), "ANGEL" ("COPPELION" OP), and "Boku wa Ita" ("Revolutionary Machine Valvrave" ED). The song selection showed angela's love for the anime works.
Good evening. We are angela, and we are the same age as Pretty Cure ......... on its 20th anniversary. This time, she introduced herself properly (?). He also mentioned that "Soukyu no Fafner," an animation franchise he has been involved in for many years, had been recognized in the Guinness World Records for "Most songs sung by the same artist for an animation franchise" and that he was the first person to win the award. The audience at Anisama was informed that they had been recognized in the Guinness World Records for "Most songs sung by the same artist for an animation franchise". Even in such a situation, the audience is still told, "Guinness, you got it! Atsuko and KATSU were in perfect sync between their quips and their quips, "Don't do that! They are indeed 20-year veterans.
Before the song "Sokyu no Fafner," they performed their debut song "Brilliant Road to Tomorrow" (OP of "Uchu no Stelvia"), which they always sing while dancing with their fans, saying "This song is the reason why we are standing here and singing now. Then they closed the live by singing "Shangri-La", the OP theme of the TV anime "Sokyu no Fafner" with everyone in the venue.
Everyone in the venue said "We got it! and called the performers to the stage to sing the theme song "heartbeat-axelator" at the end of the show. After finishing his own stage, everyone sang this song passionately with the best smiles on their faces. Continuing from yesterday, the venue was enveloped in the dazzling light of the recycled big flash, and the second day's live, in which they blasted their love for ani-songs at full throttle, ended in a grand circle.
(Reporting by Junichi Tsukagoshi)
The setlist for the second half of DAY 2
24 Get Wild TM NETWORK "City Hunter the Movie: Angel Dust" ED theme
25 Whatever Comes TM NETWORK "City Hunter the Movie: Angel Dust" OP theme
26 Kimi no Umi no Umi Yori Nanatsu no Umi Uesaka Sumire TV anime "Namiuchigami no Murokomi-san" OP theme
27 Inner Urge Uesaka Sumire TV anime "The Boring World Where the Concept of a Bottom Line Does Not Exist" ED theme
28 EASY LOVE Uesaka Sumire TV anime "Ijiranai de Nagatoro-san" OP theme
29 KOI SECAI ClariS TV anime "White Saint and Black Reverend" OP theme
30 ALIVE ClariS TV anime "Licorice Recoil" OP theme
31 MAGICAL DESTROYER Aimi with MADKID vs. Great-O-Kern TV anime "Magical Girl Magical Destroyers" OP theme
32 煩悩☆パラダイス Aimi TV anime "Tempuru" OP theme
33 STAY FREE Machico TV anime "Bakkaen wo Kono Wonderful Sekai ni Bakkaen! OP theme
34 WINNER Sogo Nakamura TV anime "Blue Rock" ED theme
35 fist of hope Sogo Nakamura "Ultraman Regulos" OP theme
36 imitation Sogo Nakamura
37 Dash and Go! Aina Suzuki TV anime "Alice Gear Aigis Expansion" OP theme
38 Hikariiro no uta SUZUKI Aina TV anime "Hatena☆Illusion" ED theme
39 Mezase Pokemon Master -20th Anniversary- Matsumoto Rika TV anime "Pokemon" OP theme
40 Type: Wild Rika Matsumoto with Anisama Friends TV anime "Pokemon" ED theme
41 Star Divine Starlight 99
42 Polestar Starlight Kuukyuugumi
43 Moon Revenge Staalite Kuukyuugumi "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R the Movie" ED theme
44 AYAKASHI angela TV anime "AYAKA" OP theme
45 RECONNECTION angela TV anime "Saikyou Onmyoji no Isekai Tensei Ki" OP theme
ANGEL angela TV anime "COPPELION" OP theme
It's not me angela TV anime "Revolutionary Machine Valvrave" 1st season ED theme
46 Brilliant road to tomorrow angela TV anime "Uchu no Stelvia" OP theme
47 Shangri-La angela TV anime 'Soukyu no Fafner' OP theme
48 heartbeat-axelator Anisama 2023 artists DAY2 Anisama 2023 theme song
(c)Animelo Summer Live 2023
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