On Friday, October 27, 2023, the "Pokémon Card Game Scarlett & Violet" series expansion packs "Ancient Roar" and "Future Flash" will be released.
Pokémon Card Game is a trading card game themed on the world of the "Pokémon" video game series.
There are many ways to enjoy the game, such as collecting cards, playing against other players, and participating in events held throughout Japan.
From the Pokémon Card Game, the "Pokémon Card Game Scarlett & Violet" series expansion packs "Ancient Roar" and "Future Flash" will be released on October 27, 2023 (Friday).
In addition, as a follow-up to the enhanced expansion pack "Raging Surf," which will be released on Friday, September 22, we will introduce some of the new cards that will be included in the pack.
1. Features of the expansion packs "Roar of the Ancients" and "A Flash of the Future
The expansion pack "Roar of the Ancient" features Pokémon from the "Ancient" world, which are frenetic and full of life, while the expansion pack "Flash of the Future" features Pokémon from the "Future" world, which are inorganic, mysterious, and intimidating.
You can enjoy opening the pack as if you were exploring Area Zero, which exists in a large pit in the Pardea region.
1-1. New elements "Ancient" and "Future
Expansion packs "Roar of the Ancient" and "Flash of the Future" will contain cards with the new elements "Ancient" and "Future".
The "Ancient" cards have a stratum-like pattern on the right side of the card, giving them an "Ancient" feel. It features a super-aggressive move that inflicts heavy damage on the opponent with a powerful move.
The "Future" card has a geometric pattern on the right side of the card. The "Future" cards are characterized by their strategic moves, which allow players to hunt down their opponents while dealing damage in a technical and speedy manner.
Using the "Ancient" and "Future" cards together creates a synergistic effect that makes for a powerful deck.
Ancient Pokémon features Boost Energy Ancient, a Pokémon's equipment, which gives the Ancient Pokémon a maximum HP of +60 and makes it stronger against attacks.
In addition, powerful support to help "Ancient" Pokémon is also available. It is possible to quickly attach energy to the Ancient Pokémon and develop a wild battle style that aims to inflict heavy damage.
A feature of Mirai is that you can attach the Pokémon's "Boost Energy Mirai" to a "Future" Pokémon to eliminate energy to escape, making it easy for the Pokémon to make technical moves.
You can strategically use goods that allow you to collect "Future" Pokémon in your hand.
2. Cards included in the expansion packs "Ancient Roar" and "Future Flash.
2-1. Introduction of "Ancient" cards
<Todorokutsuki and Sunanokegawa appear in the Pokémon Card Game for the first time! >
Todorokutsuki ex
Waza "Kurui Eguru" can make the opponent's Battle Pokémon KIZE instead of this Pokémon taking 200 damage.
The Waza "Calamity Storm" can deal 220 damage if it trashes the Stadium on the field.
This Pokémon has the advantage of being able to use its two powerful Wads in different ways, depending on its opponent.
Sunanokegawa ex.
The characteristic "Jiryoku Kyushyu" can be attached to this Pokémon by selecting a Basic Fighting Energy from your Trash when your opponent has 4 or fewer cards left on its side.
The Waza "Ground Spike" cannot be used on its next turn, but it can deal 200 damage to the opponent.
A powerful attacker that can attach energy with its own characteristics to inflict heavy damage.
<A Pokémon's equipment that increases its maximum HP by "+60" is now available! > Boost Energy
Boost Energy Ancient
Ancient Pokémon with this card have +60 HP. In addition, it does not become Special and can recover all Special Conditions it has received.
Vessel of the Earth
Instead of trashing one card in your hand, you can choose up to two Basic Energy cards from your deck and add them to your hand.
■Dr. Olimp's Spirit
You can choose up to two of your "Ancient" Pokémon, add one Basic Energy from your Trash, and then draw three cards from your deck, Support.
<"Ancient" Pokémon are appearing in droves! >
Chi-Wo-How Hane
Waza "Fumi-Narasu" can trash one card from the top of your opponent's deck.
Waza "Neshotodotou" can deal 120 damage to an opponent's Battle Pokémon and burn it, instead of 90 damage to this Pokémon.
The Waza "Hoe Sakebu" can deal 20 damage to an opponent's Pokémon, multiplied by the number of Dame-kan this Pokémon has on it.
If this Pokémon has Boost Energy Ancient, it can turn both of its Battle Pokémon to poison.
[2-2. Introduction of "Future" cards
<Tetsunobujin and Tetsunokaina appear in the Pokémon Card Game for the first time! > Tetsunobujin
Tetsunobujin ex.
The characteristic "Tachyon Bit" can put two Dame Can on an opponent's Pokémon when it enters the battlefield from the Bench.
The Waza "Laser Blade" makes it impossible to use Waza on your next turn, but it can deal 200 damage to your opponent.
It is a technical Pokémon that can slowly reduce its opponent's HP while making full use of its characteristics and Waza.
Tetsunokaina ex
Gottsuan Prefy" can take one more side if the damage from this Waza causes the opponent's Pokémon to KIZETSU.
This Pokémon can be especially useful against Pokémon with a weakness to Lightning-type Pokémon or against decks that focus on Pokémon that are not "Pokémon with Rules.
<Pokémon's equipment that can eliminate the energy needed to escape is now available! > Boost Energy
Boost Energy Future
A Pokémon with this card attached to it has all of its energy to escape removed, and its Waza damage is increased by +20.
Techno Radar
Instead of trashing one card in your hand, you can choose up to two "Future" Pokémon from your deck and add them to your hand.
■Dr. Futoo's Scenario
Supports choosing one Pokémon from your field and returning it to your hand.
<Future Pokémon are appearing one after another.
When it enters the battlefield from the Bench, its "Thermal Reactor" trait allows you to replace any amount of Flame Energy on your Pokémon with this Pokémon.
The "Hyper Blower" trait can be used when on the Bench to make your opponent swap a Battle Pokémon with a Bench Pokémon, and then trash this Pokémon and all the cards attached to it.
Waza "Homing Head" can deal 50 damage to each of three opponent's Pokémon with Dame-kan on it.
2-3. Other Cards
<Ee-Yui and Din-Loo, which have Waza that can attach Energy, are now available! > Dinru and Eeyore
The Waza "Flare Bling" lets you choose up to two Basic Flame Energy from your Trash and attach them to one of your Pokémon.
Waza "Netsumi-no Goka" can deal 140 damage if your Pokémon was Kizzed by the damage of a Waza on your opponent's previous turn.
■Din Roux
Waza "Sandbring" can choose up to 2 Basic Fighting Energy from your Trash and attach them to a Pokémon of yours.
If this Pokémon has 3 or less Dame-Kan on it, the Waza "Gozan Impact" can deal 220 damage.
<Tiongjen and Paozian are now available with Waza that can attach Energy! > >
Waza "Leaf Bling" lets you choose up to two Basic Grass Energy from your Trash and attach them to one of your Pokémon.
The Waza "Don't Bind" allows the Pokémon that receives this Waza to gain 2 Colorless Energy to use the Waza on its next opponent's turn.
Waza "Snow Bling" lets you choose up to 2 Basic Water Energy from your Trash and attach them to a Pokémon of yours.
The Waza "Lars Blade" can deal 130 damage to your opponent instead of trashing 2 Energy.
<Meloco first appeared in the Pokémon Card Game! >
Meloko can be used when your Pokémon was KIZETSU on your opponent's previous turn, and can attach a Basic Flame Energy from your TRASH to your Pokémon, then draw a card to bring your hand to 6 cards.
■ Waza Machine Devolution
The Pokémon wearing this card can use the Waza Devolution, which allows them to each rip off one Evolution Card from the top of all of their opponent's evolving Pokémon and cause them to degenerate.
<Rip appears for the first time in the Pokémon Card Game! >
Rip can select up to four Super Pokémon and up to four Basic Super Energy cards from its Trash and add them to its hand.
■ Waza Machine Evolution
The Pokémon wearing this card can use Evolution, a Waza that lets you select up to two of your Bench Pokémon, choose cards that evolve from them from your deck, and put them on each to evolve them.
[2-4. Cards of Rarity AR
<Arab Rutake and Tetsunodokuga are now "AR! >
Arachis hypoleuca and Tetsunodokuga are now available as cards of the "AR (Art Rare)" rarity.
The Arablotake and the Tetsunodokuga are depicted surrounded by colorful flowers and grasses, respectively, and floating in the starry sky, each with their own unique touch.
3. Cards included in the "Raging Surf" expansion pack
[3-1. Introduction of Pokémon and Energy
<Jirachi, with its powerful characteristics, makes its debut! > Jirachi
Jirachi has the Stellar Veil trait, which prevents all of your Bench Pokémon from being affected by the effects of moves used by your opponent's Seed Pokémon.
Medical Energy
When you attach this card from your hand to a Pokémon, it can recover "30" HP.
3-2. Cards of Rarity SR, AR and SAR
<Chili becomes "SR! >
Chili is now available as a Rarity "SR" card.
The card depicts Chili looking cool as she turns around.
<Surf Go is now "SAR" and Korekurei is now "AR! > Surf Go is now "SAR" and Korekurei is now "AR"!
Korekurei is now in the "AR" rarity category, and Surfgo is in the "SAR" rarity category.
They are depicted standing with a fearless look on their faces, surrounded by a large number of coins.
Product Information.
Pokémon Card Game Scarlet & Violet Expansion Pack "Ancient Roar
Suggested Retail Price : 180 yen (including tax)
Contents: 5 cards
*Cards are enclosed at random.
Release Date :October 27, 2023 (Friday)
Pokémon Card Game Scarlet & Violet Expansion Pack "Future Flash
Suggested Retail Price : 180 yen (including tax)
Contents :5 cards included.
*Cards are enclosed at random.
Release Date :October 27, 2023 (Friday)
For the latest information, please visit the official Pokémon Card Game website "Trainers Website!
Pokemon and Pokemon are registered trademarks of Nintendo, Creatures and Game Freak.
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