The Japan Game Awards 2023 (JGA2023), sponsored by the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association (CESA), selected "Family Computer" for the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award of the Japan Game Awards 2023 at the ongoing Tokyo Game Show 2023 on September 21, 2023. (Image from Nintendo's official website)
(Image from Nintendo's official website)
Although the "Japan Game Awards 2023, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Prize" is usually awarded to a "person" or "organization" that has contributed to the development of the game industry, in light of the enduring contributions of the Family Computer in creating game culture, and as a tribute to all those involved with the Family Computer, The award was selected as this year's "Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award".
The reasons for the award are as follows (original in Japanese)
The Family Computer was launched in 1983 as a home-use cassette-type video game console with an 8-bit CPU, and celebrated its 40th anniversary this year. This revolutionary product allowed anyone to enjoy a wide variety of games by simply connecting the console to a TV and replacing the cartridges. More than 1,000 titles have been released to date. The game was not only a hit as a toy, but also laid the foundation of the world's game industry, which has continued to develop over the past 40 years until today. The Family Computer was awarded the METI Minister's Prize in recognition of its significant contribution to the creation and development of a new industry.
The "Japan Game Awards, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award" was established in 2008 to honor individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the growth and development of the computer entertainment software industry in Japan. Selection is made by the Japan Game Awards Selection Committee members.
Check out the archive of the Japan Game Awards 2023 Announcement Ceremony to see the announcement of the "Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award!