Starts airing today! Autumn Anime "Migi and Dali," Episode 1 Synopsis & Advance Cuts Released! Migi and Dali, twin boys who have been living in a children's home, are planning to...
The first episode of thefall anime"Migi and Dali, " scheduled to begin on October 2, 2023 , has been released with a synopsis and an advance cut of the first episode.
Migi and Dali" is a mysterious tale of a bad boy, created by Sanaimi , whose "stylish" and comedic works have caused a sensation. which caused a sensation with its "stylish" comedy. A boy, Hitori, is adopted by a family and hides the fact that he is actually a twin, and the "two" switch places as they search for the truth behind his mother's death. ......
Following the 2016 anime adaptation of "Sakamoto Desu Desu? which was adapted into an anime in 2016, the stylish swapping technique is combined with an element of mystery, making this a work that one cannot take one's eyes off.
This work, serialized in the manga magazine "HARUTA" <on sale around the 15th of every month (January and July releases are closed/published by KADOKAWA)>, is now proudly complete. An animation version was announced in conjunction with the release of the final volume of the original work.
⇒The animation adaptation of " Migi to Dali" was decided! The animation is to be directed by SANAIMI of "Sakamoto Desu Desu? A "mysterious bad boy story" presented by SAYASUMI of "Sakamoto Desu ka?
⇒Click here for the list of fall 2023 anime.
The first episode of "Migi and Dali," which will start airing today, has been released with a synopsis and advance cutaways.
Migi and Dali" will start airing on Mondays at 10:00 p.m. starting October 2, and will be distributed on other distribution sites on Fridays starting October 6.
Synopsis & advance cut
#01 "Migi and Dali
Twin boys, Migi and Dali, who had been living in an orphanage, are adopted by a wealthy and peaceful old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Sonoyama. However, they are not adopted as two boys, Migi and Dali, but as one boy, Hitori Sonoyama. The two boys hide their true identities, and while playing the role of the Sonoyama secret birds, they plan to win the Sonoyama's hearts and minds. The result was so successful that in a single day, the two fell in love with Mr. and Mrs. Sonoyama and smiled wryly in their tent.
Film Information
Animation " Migi and Dali
February 1990, Origon Village, Kita-ku, Kobe City.
One day, the twin boys, Migi and Dali, who had been living in an orphanage, are adopted by a wealthy and peaceful old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Sonoyama. However, they are not adopted as "Migi" and "Dali," but as "Hitori Sonoyama," a boy.
The two hide their true identities and blend in with the village of Origon, playing the role of the Sonoyama secret birds. What was the purpose of their acting as one person? There was a big secret and a terrifying purpose.
<Broadcasting and distribution information
Mondays at 22:00 on Amazon PrimeVideo from October 2, 2023
Other distribution sites: Every Friday from October 6
AT-X:Mondays at 22:00 starting October 2, 2023 (with repeat broadcasts)
TOKYO MX:Mondays from 25:35 to 26:05 starting October 2, 2023
BS11:Tuesdays 25:00-25:30 starting October 3, 2023
Sun TV:Tuesdays 25:00-25:30 starting October 3, 2023
Broadcasting dates and times are subject to change.
Migi: Shun Horie
Dari:Ayumu Murase
Yoko Sonoyama:Kotono Mitsuishi
Osamu Sonoyama:Takashi Matsuyama
Shumpei Akiyama:Shintaro Asanuma
Tsutsumi Maruta:Shunsuke Takeuchi
Eiji Ichijo:Kengo Kawanishi
Maitreya:Sumire Moroboshi
Micchan: Kimiko Saito
Reiko Ichijo: Park Norimi
Ei Ichijo: Tokuaie Kawashima
Ichijo Karei: Sekine Akiyoshi
<Staff> (Japanese only)
Original Story: "Migi and Dari" by Sayasumi (published by HARUTA COMICS/KADOKAWA)
Director/Series Composition/Sound Director : Mankyu
Assistant director : Mamoru Enomoto
Character Design/ Chief Animation Director:Ayumi Nishihata
Costume Design: Emi Honda, Takayo Mitsuwaka, Nozomi Fujii
Prop Design:Color&Smile
Cuisine Design:Recommendation
Art Setup:Yoshikiya Hira
Art Director: Risa Wakabayashi
Color Design: Haruko Nobori
3D Director: Kohei Ogawa (CompTown)
Director of Photography: Mika Watanabe
Editing: Masahiro Goto
Music: Yuko Semu
Music Production: Flying Dog
Sound Effects: Naoto Yamatani
Sound Production: Bit Groove Promotion
Animation Production: GEEKTOYS × CompTown
<Music Information
Opening Theme Song
Yuumagadoki" / Song: Soraru Toribu
Ending theme song
Skyline" / Song: Nulbarich
Official Website:#
Official Twitter:#
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