Interview with Shino Shimoji (Shy, playing the role of Teru Benihayama) for the fall anime "SHY.
SHY" is a fall 2023 anime currently airing on TV Tokyo and other networks. The following is an interview with Ms. Shino Shimoji, who plays the main character, Shy/Kohakuyama Teru in this work.
Based on a hero comic by Bukimi Jitsuki (serialized in "Weekly Shonen Champion"). It depicts a shy girl hero "Shy," who is not very good at going out in public, and how she grows up through bonds with her friends and battles, and has gained popularity not only in Japan but also in Europe and other countries.
Directed by Masashi Ando, who also directed "Kuzu no Honkai" and "Gakkou Gurashi! etc., the series composition and screenplay are by Yasuhiro Nakanishi, and animation production is handled by Eight Bit. In addition to the beauty and power of the images, the emotional portrayal of the characters is also outstanding.
The cast includes Shimoji-san, who plays Shai/Kohakuyama Teru; Nao Higashiyama as Koishikawa Tadako, the only civilian who knows Shai's true identity; and Tomokazu Sugita as Ebita, Shai's sidekick who supports him in his heroic activities. In addition, Mamiko Noto, Shinichiro Miki, and other heroes and hero-opponents are also featured in the work.
We asked Shimoji-san, who got hooked on "SHY" after reading the original story, about the appeal of the work, the recording sessions, and episodes with his co-stars.
What is the appeal of "SHY" as felt by Shino Shimoji?
--I would like to ask you about "SHY," but is Ms. Shimoji shy?
Shimoji: I myself think I am shy, and I was often told that I fit the character perfectly on the set, but when I looked at the "SHY" anime objectively, I realized that maybe I am different from what I thought I was. Of course, there are many things I can relate to.
--I don't feel that you are extremely shy when interviewed like this.
Shimoji: I still don't know under what conditions "shyness" is a skill that is activated (laughs). (Laughs.) But when I am on a site where there are many people I have never spoken to before, I am the type of person who wants to talk to them but can't, so I quietly look at the script.
--I often hear that it is helpful to have someone who takes the initiative to talk to you on such a site.
Shimoji: I really think so. At the "SHY" site, Nao Higashiyama (played by Tadako Koishikawa) took the initiative to talk to everyone. I thought she was good at making the atmosphere warm and soft. I was also convinced that Tadayako was played by Nao-san (as an actor). She can play any role, but I thought she was perfect for the role.
--I will ask you about your co-stars later, but first of all, I heard that you got into "SHY" after reading the original story, so I was wondering if you could tell us how interesting it was.
Shimoji: I read the original work after receiving it as a reference when I auditioned. As I mentioned earlier, I think there are some differences from Shai and Tell now, but when I read it for the first time, I was so emotionally involved that I thought, "This is me! When I first read it, I was so emotionally involved that I thought, "This is me! No matter how cheerful a person is, he or she must have feelings of "embarrassment" or "fear," and she is a girl who has those weak points. I was very encouraged by the fact that she had the courage to face and overcome each and every obstacle. Every episode made me cry a little.
She herself is actually a very strong girl, but because she is aware of her shyness, she is fighting against not being able to live her everyday life the way she wants to. I think I am rooting for her, but I am also rooting for myself. Through her, I felt as if I could gently embrace her even if I could not accept my own weakness.
--When I read the first episode of the original story, I thought it would be a work that would make me cry. I also read the first episode of the original work and thought, "This is a work that will make me cry, isn't it?
Shimoji: That's right! When I read the scene in the first episode where Tadako-chan is in a roller coaster derailment and Tadako is half saved, but not saved ......, I had an "aha" moment and couldn't help but be curious about the rest of the story. But then she got the courage to do her best, even though she was scared, and that gave me courage too. I was captivated by the story from the very first episode.
--The characters have the atmosphere of American comic heroes, so I thought it would be a work that focused on the fun of battles, but it was so much more than that.
Shimoji: The characters' emotional interactions are very carefully depicted. I especially love my mother, so I could not read the story depicted in the anime without crying. It is important to have a work that is simply fun and interesting to perform, but I also appreciate works that allow for this kind of delicate exchange of feelings.
--As you said, the key word in this work is "heart," and it is interesting and thought-provoking in that way.
Shimoji: In the first episode, there was a description of a social networking site, and I think it is important to look at things from a different perspective. I felt that it is important to live your life while being considerate of others and yourself.
--I think Shai's words really stuck with me.
Shimoji: She is not good at giving out, but I think she is able to stay straight because she is surrounded by kind people. But I think that is a beauty that everyone has, so I would be happy if people who see this film think, "Let's be a little braver" or "Let's be a little kinder.
I even had to re-record the A part because of my inexperience in the "fat" scene.
--How did you prepare for the role of Shai?
Shimoji: I didn't really try to create the role. When I read the original story for the first time, I felt sympathy for the character, so I played the role as if I was going to confront him physically. I myself have a tendency to live my life without confidence. I played the role by amplifying that kind of insecurity and lack of confidence. (I think it was a big failure and setback for her when she was injured because I was not able to help her properly (in the first episode). I also get depressed over the most trivial things, so I felt the same way.
--Is it difficult to play a character like her who can't get the words out and stammers? The way she stutters seems so natural.
Shimoji: I wonder how she is feeling now. Why is she stuttering? Did her feelings get ahead of her? I was able to do it without much difficulty. However, it was the first time that I had such a hard time saying something. On the other hand, what I had a hard time doing was the scene where I expressed my passionate feelings. There were scenes where I took a leap of faith and ran into the audience, so it was difficult to know how far I could go without deviating from Shy or Tell.
--By the way, were there any impressive directions from the director or sound director? You also worked with Director Ando on "Hakumei to Mikochi" (broadcast from January to March 2018) and "Ace Attorney Shoujo" (broadcast from October to December 2021), right?
Shimoji: That's right. I have the impression that I did not have much direct communication with Mr. Ando, but he was always smiling and watching over me. It was my first time working with sound director Mr. Hamano (Takatoshi), and he directed me in various ways, but there was something I learned when I started recording Shai. Surprisingly, I had never fought before. I had recorded voices for "when I was hit" and "when I attacked" as general-purpose lines in games, but I had never actually done much in the way of fluid fighting in anime scenes, such as punching here, getting kicked here ...... It's a bit surprising.
--It is a little surprising.
Shimoji: I realized that the reason it was so difficult was because I was inexperienced, and I did the recording while being cornered in a good way by Mr. Hamano. I think Hamano-san probably anticipated the synchronization between me and Shai/Teru and pushed me to the limit. I really struggled with the scene in episode 4 where I fought with someone. After testing and doing the production, I almost re-recorded the A part. The fight scene by myself. I knew I couldn't do it, and my imagination wasn't up to par. ...... I knew I couldn't do it, and my imagination wasn't up to the task. But I think that was the link with Shai, who never gives up even when she is backed into a corner.
--I would like to ask you who you are fighting with on-air.
Shimoji: Yes. We were able to work together. He was really kind and even though we had to re-record only Shai and Teru's lines, he sat behind me and watched over me the whole time. I think we were able to work together with a great sense of urgency. And even though we had never met before, he asked me, "What should I do? He gave me gentle advice, saying, "I think you should do it this way," and I had a great time.
--I had a great time with him. He was a good teacher or role model.
Shimoji: When I read the original story, I couldn't imagine this character except for "that cast," so I was very moved to see the character exactly as I had imagined. I lost my vocabulary and all I could say was, "That was amazing! That's the only word I can use to describe it.
I was impressed by Mamiko Noto's attitude and concentration, and Miyuki Sawashiro's presence.
--The cast of "SHY" is full of experienced actors, not just the ones I just mentioned. The Spirits played by Mamiko Noto who appeared in the first episode also had an impact from the very first scene.
Shimoji: I was really surprised to see Spirits in a very high mood. She appeared suddenly and the temperature difference between her and Teru when she first appeared was also interesting. When Noto-san's clear and beautiful voice came in a good mood, I felt like I might get carried away ...... and suppressed it and played it with restraint.
--I think you learned a lot not only from your acting but also from your behavior since the recording was not completely dispersed.
Shimoji: Not only your acting, but also your posture in front of the microphone and the way you stand is really beautiful. I was very impressed with her posture and the way she stood in front of the microphone, which made me stand up straight. I am the type of person who leans forward, hunched over, and becomes a world of the script and myself, but Ms. Noto is straight and beautiful. I asked her, "What kind of exercise do you do? I asked her (laughs). (Laughs.) I had worked with her on several productions in the past, but I guess I didn't see what was going on around me at the time. This time, I was able to see that, and I learned a lot from the concentration with which he applied his voice.
--I also learned a lot from the way he focused on his voice.
Shimoji: Also, Ms. Sawashiro (Miyuki Sawashiro who played Tzibeta), I think it was because she was playing the role of an enemy, but when she said one word, the place was tightened, or in a good way, the inside of the booth was tightened. The presence of the actor was very convincing. I felt again that I was in the same room with really great people. But they are usually very friendly and talkative. The role I am playing is a very heavy role with a lot of burden, but when we talked before and after the recording, he was very calm and I was impressed by the way he switched between the two roles. I'm not the type of person who can switch between roles so well, so I admire that.
--I admire you because I'm not the type of person who can switch between the two.
Shimoji: I really think so. When I first heard about the other cast members, I was surprised to see that they all had more artistic experience than me. I am still a young actor, but I have been a voice actor for more than 10 years, so I thought, "What a work of art! After 10 years of voice acting, there are a lot of younger people than me, and sometimes I was the only one older than myself on the team. I knew that this time I would have a lot of help from the actors, but I never expected it to be like this.
--I thought there would be a lot of people pulling me in with their plays this time around, but I nevertheless had the feeling that this would not be the case.
Shimoji: I like them all, but I especially like Lady Black (CV: Sayumi Suzushiro). They all carry a lot of things on their shoulders and go through many unimaginable experiences, but Lady Black is very strong and cool, including her attitude now that she has overcome her obstacles. I was surprised to find myself crying when I read an episode in the original story that goes further into her past, even before the anime depicts it. The strength she possesses is truly amazing, and I wanted to be like her.
--I really hope that after watching the anime, you will read the rest of the story in the original. I have a feeling that you will fall in love with everyone.
Shimoji: That's right. The enemies are all lovable, and they all live under various conflicts. They may have chosen different paths, but I want all of them to be happy.
My "hero" is that person who makes me feel safe just by being there.
--As you can see from the PV and the first episode, the visual quality is very high. How do you feel about that as a viewer?
Shimoji: The characters are cute and move well, and the colors are gentle. The original work by Jitsuki is delicate and wonderful, but the anime has a lot of anime qualities, and there are a lot of movements in the battle scenes that you can't see in the manga, so I hope people will pay attention to that.
--The transformation scene is also very cool, isn't it?
Shimoji: That's right. There was a transformation scene in the first episode, and it is one of the highlights of the show!
--Shai/Kohakuyama Teru (CV. Shimoji Shino) and Koishikawa Tadako (CV. Higashiyama Nao) sing the ending theme song "Shiritai Kimochi".
Shimoji: I was surprised when I first heard about it. The relationship between Teru and Tadashiko is an important part of the story, but I never imagined the two of them singing together, so it was unexpected. But it was the first time for me to duet with Nao-san, and I was happy. I wondered what kind of song it would be. I was wondering what kind of song it would be, but it is also a song that makes you cry. It has a cute tune, but the lyrics are very straightforward, warm and gentle. ...... I think it is a perfect song to end the work.
--How was the recording?
Shimoji: The dialogue is important in this song, but I recorded it after Nao, so it was very easy to work on. I was talking with Nao-san, "This song can be completed only when we sing it together. I hope you will sing this song with your friends to deepen your friendship.
--I don't want to go into specifics, but Higashiyama-san's performance in the episode between Teru and Tadako was amazing.
Shimoji: It was amazing. Nao-san had adjusted her schedule for this episode and was very enthusiastic, saying "I'm going to use my voice here today! I think that was exactly the kind of episode she was going to be in. And since this is the ending, I think it doubles the emotion of ....... I felt thankful that they decided to do this ending.
--I think it is a contrast to the opening.
Shimoji: The opening was straight and royal, so I was wondering what the ending would be like. When I first heard the song "Here is the ending," I thought it was a special ending just for this episode. I think it is a song that you can breathe a sigh of relief after any episode.
--If you enjoy the music along with the story, you will be determined to watch the final episode, won't you?
Shimoji: That's right. I hope you will watch and listen to the entire episode.
--Lastly, I would like to ask you a question. What does "hero" mean to you?
Shimoji I have been asked this question in other interviews, but I don't have an answer at all. But I was impressed by the fact that you said that the hero in this work is "someone who makes you feel safe just by being there. When I think about it, I think the hero for me is my mother. My mother is my hero because she gives me all kinds of advice and pushes me to do better.
(Interview and text by Kenichi Chiba)
Film Information
TV animation " SHY
<Broadcast information
TV Tokyo series: Every Monday from 24:00 midnight (TV Tokyo, TV Tokyo, TV Tokyo, TV Tokyo, TV Tokyo, TV Tokyo, TV Tokyo, TV Tokyo)
(TV Tokyo, TV Osaka, TV Aichi, TV Setouchi, TV Hokkaido, TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting)
BS Nichi-Television: Every Monday from 24:30 midnight
NST Niigata General TV: Every Thursday at 26:25 midnight
AT-X: Every Wednesday from 9:30 p.m.
Repeats every Friday at 9:30am and every Tuesday at 3:30pm
Broadcast dates and times are subject to change.
Sequential distribution on various distribution sites
For details on broadcast and distribution, please check # on the official website.
<Staff> Original Story
Original Story:Bukimi Jitsuki (serialized in Akita Shoten's "Weekly Shonen Champion")
Director : Masaomi Ando Assistant Director : Taniguchi Craft Series Composition/Screenplay : Yasuhiro Nakanishi
Main Character Design: Yuichi Tanaka
Character Design / Chief Animation Director: Risa Takai, Akihiro Sueda
Action Director: Tetsuro Moronuki CG Director: Kaema Aizawa
Art Director: Kazuto Shimoyama Color Design: Maki Saito
Director of Photography: Shinji Uoyama (chiptune) Editing: Megumi Uchida (MarvyJack)
Sound Director: Takatoshi Hamano Music: Hinako Tsubakiyama
Animation Production: Eight Bit
Shai/Kohakuyama Tell: Shimoji Shino
Tadako Koishikawa: Nao Higashiyama
Ebio: Tomokazu Sugita
Spirits: Noto Mamiko
Stardust: Shinichiro Miki
Lady Black: Sayumi Suzushiro
Mien Long: Ayumi Murase
Unilord: Kikuko Inoue
Stigma: Mutsushin Tamura
Tsibeta: Sawashiro Miyuki
Kufufu: Rina Hidaka
In the mid-21st century, war has disappeared from the earth.
The world has been drastically changed by "heroes" who suddenly appeared in various countries, possessing superhuman powers and wishing for peace.
In a world where heroes from all over the world are working to maintain the newly gained peace, Japan's peace is led by Shai, a "shy" girl hero who is not very good at going out in public.
(c)Bukimi Jitsuki (Akita Shoten)/SHY Production Committee
(c)Bukimi Jitsuki (Akita Shoten) 2019
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