TV anime "Kimi to Boku no Sentakujo, or The Last Battlefield of Kimi to Boku, or The Crusade Where the World Begins" Season II, teaser visual released!
Season II of the TV anime "Kimi to Boku no Sentaku, or The Last Battlefield of Kimi to Boku, or The Crusade Where the World Begins," has revealed a teaser visual.
Based on a light novel (written by Kei Hosone, illustrated by Aoi Nekonabe) currently being published by Fantasia Bunko. The story is about Iska (CV: Yusuke Kobayashi) and Lislyse (CV: Ten Amemiya), heroes of the "Empire" with its highly developed science and technology and the "Nebulis Imperial Office", the "Land of Witches", who are sworn enemies of each other but are attracted to each other.
The TV anime Season I, which aired from October 2020, was directed by Shin Onuma and Mirai Minato, with animation production by SILVER LINK.
⇒ TV animation "Kimi to boku no saibanjo to saibanjo, or the holy war where the world begins" Season II will be aired in 2023! Season I special PV is released!
This time, the teaser visual of"Kimi to Boku no Sentakujo, or The Last Battlefield of Kimi to Boku, or The Crusade Where the World Begins" Season II has been revealed. It depicts the three sisters, Ilithyia, the first princess of the Nebulis Imperial Household, Arislyse, the second princess, and Sisbel, the third princess. Don't miss the follow-up news to find out what the three different expressions mean.
Production Information
TV animation " Kimi to boku no saibenjo, or the world begins holy war season II
<Broadcast Information
Scheduled to air in 2024.
<WEB> <Official site
Official website: #
Official Twitter: #
(c)2020 Kei Hosone, Aoi Nekanabe/KADOKAWA/Kimisen Production Committee
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